It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Diogenesister

    Wall.E. As far as I can see everyone on this thread with the exception of Kim & Simon has used pseudonyms, so it really couldn't be proven who said what. Even 'Newly Enlightenment' could be anyone within their family. I also wouldn't worry because nothing you have posted is offensive or untrue. It's not even unkind. Please don't worry.

    All the evidence they need, aside from victim statements, is right there in print. Watchtower is damned by it's own publications.

    Interesting that you raise this point. If one was to read back into the submissions that he contributed, one might find out exactly why his evidence made such little impact.

    He may have wanted the data however IICSA said no. To continue pressing and criticizing iicsa for not insisting WT provide the data, isn’t a great way to endear iicsa to your cause.

    When I think back to the ARC, which he referenced in his evidence, the statistics of the ARC were good however they were only a small amount of the evidence provided to the commission. They were by no means the golden ticket that generated all of the recommendations made by the ARC.

    In his evidence summary 7 of the 15 points directly related to Lloyd’s desire for data. Was the data so important? Or should Lloyd have accepted no and focused on other points?

    He complains about the lacking of IICSA relentlessly, and the more he complains the more I wonder who in fact, was lacking 🤷‍♀️

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    He complains about the lacking of IICSA relentlessly, and the more he complains the more I wonder who in fact, was lacking

    You have to wonder about his true motivations here. Though he could have easily found other parties to join with him, he chose to go alone and sued to do just that. He wanted the prominence and glory of going at WT at such a high level under his own name and and not as part of a group.

    As he has shown with his current lawsuit, he’s quick to outline decisions he strongly feels should be arrived at and hold them accountable when they fall short of his expectations. He did the same thing to DV charities when he asked them loaded questions on Twitter and then started his daily tweets of countdowns of days gone by without a response.

    Like an earlier post elaborated upon, he seems to view all his actions as “currency” that he attaches a monetary value upon. Failing getting paid as a CP, the very least IICSA could have done for him was deliver on all of his demands so he could have done a huge victory lap of videos and livestreams which would have increased his patronage.

    It’s worth noting that he has worked with many CSA victims and instead of being motivated by bringing them justice, he monetises the entire thing and wants to be compensated in some way. It’s all about his time and not the actual victims themselves who showed up to give testimony they’d rather not repeat in public, and take time away from their jobs and lives just to do what they felt was the right thing.

    It’s all about his time and not the actual victims themselves

    Possibly never a truer statement made.

  • KatKat

    Lloyd Evans made somebody write his Wikipedia page in Croatian.

    This forum also slipped almost out of the first page when searching Lloyd Evans. Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans, Lloyd Evans. I'm not sure how many are needed.

  • Vintage
    KatKat, you have a certain je ne sais quoi. (ツ)_
  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Definitely a friendly Wiki entry. It’s actually in Polish. Here’s what it says about the current scandal:

    On January 31, 2022, Kim Silvio, a former lawyer and Jehovah's Witness who volunteered for Lloyd, began revealing information about Lloyd's private life on Reddit. Lloyd sought legal protection in response to the situation and, according to him, unsubstantiated insinuations about violations of the law and participation in the use of child prostitution due to a trip to Thailand . On March 1, 2022, Lloyd returned to YouTube after a two-month hiatus. In the recording announcing his return, however, he admitted to infidelity and marital infidelity towards his wife
    This is why he unlisted the livestream and refuses to discuss what exactly people are lying about. This entry does not mention the livestream and the admissions contained within.

    I have made my feelings about this known on Twitter - and yes, I did edit the swear words

  • Toblerone5
    I did edit the swear words

    kim .you could have used polish one...

    you could have used polish one

    Damb It, didn’t think of that

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