It is great to have you here to answer questions yourself.
I think many of us have been 'victims' of Lloydy Boy's one way or another.
by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals
It is great to have you here to answer questions yourself.
I think many of us have been 'victims' of Lloydy Boy's one way or another.
Hi Kim, welcome to the forum!
And thanks for answering our questions and engaging with us - we're a fairly diverse, inquisitive lot here.
Some of us have been treated fairly badly by Lloyd Evans when he used to post here (as John Cedars).
Hi @KIMSILVIO! I have a ? for you if you don't mind. when he did is video, JLE, said is wife was at college?
I immediately thought ,don't tell me that *** is sending her there so she can go back to work, have a better job, make more money ,for Him to spend , and after watching is video ,I knew on what he would spend the $$$ on .So i hope you can tell me it was her who wanted to take some course in ?(maybe she was planing to divorce him and knew she would need to find a job?) What i'm affraid is that He make her work, while he stay home and sit on is ASS all day doing some ''JW rebuttal'' video , and worse... is with those 2 girls alone, when they turn 14 ! And yes ,he can have all the Issy fit he wants on twitter . when he read this ,but I don't trust him to be with Any 14 Y.O. Girls even is ! I would not let my 14 years old cat alone with him neither ...Cause is a selfish Narcissist ,he only care about himself...
I asked dijana whether she had anyone to talk to and she said no. I asked why she didn’t have any friends and her response to me was “I had a friend once but lloyd didn’t like her”.
This comment right here tells me a lot about their relationship. It's insane that while she lived there for most of her life and speaks the language, she has no friends. Sure, JWs play a part in that but there has to be someone she knows. Looks like Lloyd took care of that. Manipulative and abusive men will always fight tooth and nail against a woman developing friendships primarily because they are going to be the first to notice this. The best way to control someone is to isolate them and I think Lloyd has her right where he wants her. Alone, no friends, stuck with two kids and her elderly parents are her only outlet. Being single with two young children is exactly the ball and chain threat Lloyd needs.
You also stated that Dijana was neutral about you coming out with the info. I doubt she's stupid and well knew what this would mean for Lloyd. I take that to be an ambivalence on her part - She felt Lloyd was out of control and this would neuter him, yet she also didn't want to throw everything into disarray whilst doing it. I think she has carefully stayed away from this due to fear of her husband, his temper and the stupid things he might do in retaliation had she been the one. She also doesn't mind seeing his power trip end.
So Dijana told you she was divorcing him? When did you hear that? Any other details about hiring an attorney, etc?
All in all this is a very sad story. The only thing that cracks me up is the fake lawyer trick. I live in China and this is actually something that happens in big cities when people can't afford one. They usually hire foreigners to act (pretend) as lawyers. Seeing Lloyd playing this card is funny and pathetic at the same time.
Being isolated without friends or a support network is a huge red flag for someone suffering from controlling behavior. It's what the WTS does to people, but way worse because it's total and complete and on an individual level. Even as a JW you'd at least have some friendly folk you could talk to in the local congregation. Without that you have nothing.
You don't have to be a super-outgoing party person but everyone should have at least one very good friend that they can confide in, discuss things with, get a 3rd party viewpoint from and rely on for emergency support if needed.
"I had a friend once but he didn't like her" is such a sad indictment of a relationship. I hope she starts to spread her wings and learns to expand her own social network so he isn't in such complete control of her life. It's not like she is the one in a foreign country so she has that advantage after all.
I live in China and this is actually something that happens in big cities when people can't afford one. They usually hire foreigners to act (pretend) as lawyers.
Hmmn, being a grey-haired old white dude is something I excel at and I can even throw in a Downton Abbey accent ... good to know I have options!
In his book, he briefly described his courtship with her. It immediately got off to an awkward start when she pronounced her name for him and he lamely quipped "oh just like Princess Diana". She then excused herself and he claimed that a rivalry for her affections began between himself and two other pioneer brothers. They would make friendly wagers on whom she would choose, though there seemed to be a consensus that Lloyd was in last place. Lloyd upped his game and started following her round with a video camera recording her every move. When their stay in Croatia ended, she ended up giving her contact details which he utilised frequently when back in the UK. It seemed like it was a game to hm, like he "won" her over two better looking suitors. Minor point but even by his own admission it seemed she was a prize to be attained to show the other two pioneers who were after her who won.
"I had a friend once but he didn't like her" is such a sad indictment of a relationship. I hope she starts to spread her wings and learns to expand her own social network so he isn't in such complete control of her life. It's not like she is the one in a foreign country so she has that advantage after all.
Now this is vintage Lloyd. What made Lloyd not like her friend? Did she not praise him at very opportunity? My guess is she was polite but distant and they started speaking Croatian round him which he did not understand and he thought she was telling her friend about his controlling nature and infidelities. He then probably staged a meltdown which ended up with him in tears, saying how he did not want anyone to get in between them.
Her loss of that friend has paid off dividends for him now as I am quite certain that friend of hers would have talked some sense into her to either boot him from the house or take the girls with her and stay at the friend's home.
This is how manipulators and abusers operate.
There was also this strange comment made by him that her mum was crying with Dijana when she found out Lloyd was leaving for Thailand. This makes no sense as what JW or non-JW mum would cry about her apostate son-in-law leaving for Thailand after just getting busted for hooking up in Texas? Good riddance, and three weeks is more than enough time to move all his possessions into the barn for pickup when he returns.
So JLE is lurkiing here?
How narcissistic do you have to be? LOL.
Hey JLE!!! How about an apology to all the people you have harmed over the years since your "awakening" ttatt? Mmm?
And this thread did not fixate over you using a green screen. If you actually took the time to read this whole thread, you would know it started with the letter from Kim and escalated from there with loads of people with a grievance with you!
I am one of those people. JLE - you are not an activist. You're a scoundrel and a philanderer!
Here JLE, this is just for you!
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