I am so angry I am sick to my stomach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Ravyn 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    The next time they show up at your door, just don't open it. If you happen to open the door because you don't recognize who they are, just close the door when you do realize who they are.

    No need to engage them. No need to even say a word to them. Just shut the door.

    Now, go treat yourself to some Marble Slab ice cream because you were good and didn't shoot anybody.

  • Vivamus

    Ofcourse you can do that. Just don't let her ruin your day/health etc. If you tell her to take a hike, try and have some fun with it, sweets. She is not worth it getting your stomach in knots, she isn't.



    And the world shall tremble in the wake of the Blue Bubblegum
    Dutch District Overbeer

  • ashitaka

    Better than guns, just buy those air-horn you have at football games, and if they don't leave, just press and hold until they do...LOL


  • acsot

    Can't you call the police and have charges of trespassing laid against the woman? She didn't leave when you told her to do so, that's trespassing, and possibly harrassment?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    just buy those air-horn you have at football games

    Now THAT's a brilliant idea!! Do you know how loud those things are? Hokey smokes, if you use that on her next time, she'll wet her pants right there on your doorstep.

    Is there any way you can set up a camcorder to video that? I'd pay a lot of money to see the look on her face when that thing shoots off.

  • bikerchic
    she was alone. obviously a pioneer---alone on a thursday afternoon. and I had my front door open, I refuse to hide in my own house. and as far as threatening her, she was on my property-I can do that.

    Well please don't get a gun! I mean what was she threatening you with? Hitting you with her bookbag? Seriously I still think unless you could prove she was a physical threat to you, you don't have a legal leg to stand on.

    I am going to start putting the manuscript on CD.

    Great! Sounds like a better (safer) way to get revenge, I hope we get to read it!

    Now, go treat yourself to some Marble Slab ice cream because you were good and didn't shoot anybody.

    Oh nooooooooooo this requires CHOCOLATE! LOTS OF CHOCOLATE!! You know what to do Ravyn! LOL


  • Reborn2002

    Please calm down!!!!

    I can entirely understand and sympathize with your position. I do not have any relationship with my brother and nephews because of the Jehovah's Witnesses cult and it's beliefs. I was born into the religion and when I exited they began spreading rumors about me calling me an "apostate" and then alleged that I was dealing in illegal activities to have nice things.

    As Vivamus said, they are not worth getting that upset over. Your blood pressure, health, sanity, and freedom (you did threaten her life) are just not worth it.

    Calmly request to be placed on the Do-Not-Call list. Post a "No Trespassing" sign or "No Jehovah's Witnesses are permitted to trespass on private property" sign on your door. That should keep them off. If they knock anyway, then they are breaking the law and you are justified in filing a lawsuit and possibly winning some money.

    I know it is hard to think rationally when it is something so personal. Do not let them get to you. That is what they want to do.

  • cat1759

    My gosh next time go to the door with the mace and spray it!

    Put up signs for no trespassing. No soliciting of any kind, and above all no jehovahs witnesses.

    Property protected by smith and Wesson, all those trespassing will be shot on site.

    Then get a huge, mean dog...let it loose.

    NO GUNS!

    They are not worth the effort of owning a gun.

    Above all take a warm bubble bath with some lit candles and pick up your favorite book.

    Enjoy that you are not out knocking on doors.


  • Ravyn

    Incidentally, I refuse to talk to individual JWs. I found my way out by myself, so can they. I am a big believer in personal responsibility. I believe the way to topple the 'Tower is thru the media and political means and hit it high. One reason I am so angry is because this woman put me in the position of looking like an emotional basket case. The questions she asked had nothing to do with faulty doctrine, she was trying to find out what emotion crisis I 'thought' I had that would 'stumble' me away from Jehovah. This is exactly what I was afraid of would happen with the whole child abuse stuff. yes child abuse and molestation is bad, very very bad. But after the shock of such emotional proportions it is the doctrinal stuff that keeps you out. This is why I refuse to address an individual. I remember very well what my opinion of 'apostates' was when I was a pioneer.

    My sister told me I should have gotten her name and reported her to her elders for talking to me after I made it clear right off that I was someone she 'could not' talk to. She won't last long with that kind of 'jezebel attitude'.

    here is the conversation we had:

    JWbitch: hello yada yada yada blah blah blah(takes a breath)

    Me: I am not interested in talking to you, thanks. And you can't talk to me since I am considered 'apostate' to you. bye....(turning away from open door)

    JWbitch: by what definition do you call yourself apostate?

    Me; how about the fact that my grandmother went out in service with rutherford and my schizophrenic father still partakes and I was a regular pioneer for 15 years before I left?

    JWbitch: oh, may I ask why you ...err.....left....? you know we all have emotional crisis from time to time but that shold not turn us away from Jehovah...the righteous cannot be stumbled....

    (at which point I would have had to give her a GOOD on gestures.)

    Me: well lets see you mean besides the pedophile scandal and the UN scandal and the blood issue and the new light on the generation and the fact that in the last year I was pioneering I was asked by Carolyn Wah(sp?) of the Legal Dept to perjure myself in court to protect Dan Sidlik over a suicide of a Bethelite that I knew, over his gay affair with him? Or my best friend who was murdered by her husband while the elders told her to stay with him and be a better wife? Or maybe the suicide of my friend who borrowed the money for the rope from the brother who came over to encourage him and left in digust telling him he might as well 'get it over with'? Or maybe my schizophrenic pedophile father who was an elder and annointed and left my mother for a worldly woman and claimed he was free to remarry because he spread the rumor that my mother was a lesbian--the one who is still in good standing? I mean of course besides the facts that I just outgrew the childish doctrines and dogma?

    JWbitch: does the local congregation know you live here?

    Me: why should they it is no ones business.

    JWbitch: do the elders know you are here?

    Me: where I am is no one's business, including theirs and yours.

    JWbitch: how long have you lived here?

    Me: none of your business, I would rather not anyone know my personal business.

    JWbitch: would you mind if someone calls back on you?

    Me: mind? (snort) you can make a note on your territory card that I am a DO NOT CALL please.

    JWbitch: Would you like some elders to call on you?

    Me: look lady I have tried to be nice to you. You should not even be talking to me. You can tell your PO, CO and DO that I am a DO NOT CALL and if anyone comes to my house they better be wearing a bullet proof vest.

    JWbitch: well it does not have to come to that......(fumble in bookbag) what a cute dog...(baby talk to dog)

    Me: would you please leave now?

    JWbitch: well I certainly hope you come to your senses soon.....

    Me: will you get off my property?

    JWbitch: (takes one step back on the porch but makes no move to leave and looks like she has more to say...)

    Me: if you do not get off my property NOW I will kill you. GO!

    JWbitch: well I hope you have a nice day since it may be one of your last.....

    Me: GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(dog starts looking like she needs to do her job as an Akita)

    JWbitch leaves step but sits in driveway writing for about 2 minutes before she leaves.

    I don't have to tell you that my never-been-a-JW husband would have shot out her tires if he had been here.

    what the heck are they teaching them at Pioneer Service School nowadays?


  • expatbrit


    Threats are counter-productive, and put you at risk of legal action.

    Here's what you do: write a letter to both the local congregation and to the HQ demanding that the JW's do not call you either in person or by telephone, or write letters to you, or contact you in any way whasoever. Send it by registered mail, and copy it to your lawyer (if you don't have one, get one). Tell them that if they violate your expressed demands, you may take all possible legal remedies available to you, including having them charged with trespassing and harassement, and suing the individual publishers, the congregation, and the Watchtower Society itself.

    Write another letter detailing your outrage at the harassement you have received from the JW's, and why you do not want to have contact with them (detail the child abuse scandal, for instance. You damn well don't want pedophiles knocking on your door!). Send this letter to every local newspaper in the area.

    If they call, sue the britches off them.


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