Where is Tony?

by Athanasius 206 Replies latest jw friends

  • NotFormer

    It is somewhat strange that there have been no sightings of him, now that everyone knows where to look. Anyone vaguely local to him would be keeping their eyes peeled.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    perhaps hes not there

    perhaps he never was

  • Vidiot
    GrreatTeacher - “… a legal Non-Disclosure Agreement might be the only thing that can shut down the JW gossip mill…”

    Oh, abso-friggin-lutely.

    They epically fumbled that ball with Ray Franz, and couldn’t sue him into oblivion ‘cause every word he said was true.

  • NotFormer

    There are some very well drafted NDAs out there, that's for sure. And I suggest that those who are in the know, and could leak, are known, and therefore any leaks could be traced. And they've all signed NDAs anyway.

    So we may never find out. Of course, there's always the chance of a deathbed tell-all confession. It's unlikely. There are plenty of now deceased higher ups who could have published their memoirs posthumously, but didn't. It all comes down to that discussion we keep having, do they really believe the stuff they say they believe?

  • Vidiot

    And I keep saying…

    …they know it’s wrong… but believe it’s true…

    …at the same time.

  • NotFormer

    And we get back to that two sided coin thing again:

    Knowing it's wrong and believing it's true 😞

  • joe134cd

    I’ve said this before. I’m surprised they placed him in the house they did. You virtually can get access to his front door. That guy needs better security, and a gated community would have been far more appropriate. It not only guarantees his safety, but makes it more difficult for someone to take a photo of him in an unfavourable situation. I don’t think the guy has kicked the booze.

  • NotFormer

    "It not only guarantees his safety, but makes it more difficult for someone to take a photo of him in an unfavourable situation. I don’t think the guy has kicked the booze."

    Especially not now! I doubt it's pleasant being a "former" GB member, after what may have been a very heated robust series of discussions that got to this point.

    I imagine that he doesn't do his own shopping for liquor. I still wonder if it was the visuals of Bottlegate that led to this.

  • Teddnzo

    Why has nobody done a stakeout outside either house?

    These days stakeouts can be done by placing hidden cameras facing the area you want to cover.

    You can buy cameras designed just for this they can be as small as and in the shape of dice from a board game. Just drive past in the early hours and set them facing the houses. They are motion capture so only start recording when someone comes in or out of the door. Battery lasts for days.

    if any of the xjw YouTubers wanted to do a fundraiser for a project like this then my wife and I would pay good money towards it

  • DesirousOfChange
    You can buy cameras designed just for this they can be as small as and in the shape of dice from a board game. Just drive past in the early hours and set them facing the houses. They are motion capture so only start recording when someone comes in or out of the door. Battery lasts for days.

    Likely they and/or the neighbors have a Ring doorbell that will catch you in the act.

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