It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    It’s cute how the hapless LE reckoned his Livestream was sabotaged by a hacker, and now that his efforts to expose Jaracz were thwarted by Kim when in reality he is more than capable of ruining everything he touches all by himself - a striking and amusing display of ego, paranoia, and incompetence.

    Does it never occur to his 400 or so remaining patrons that the fact that practically all his collaborators and colleagues have abandoned him tells them something about his character and what really has been going on behind the scenes? He is unwise to alert his remaining patrons to this fact because any reflection on why nobody wants an anything to do with him at all will surely cause them to wonder.

  • usualusername1

    So Mr James Lloyd Evans has now protected his Twitter posts.

    Today he culled 100s of his YouTube comments.

    His viewing figures are plummeting.

    His Patreons are fleeing.

    Gracious Tibor has now left.

    He cannot resurrect his revenue unless he gets new people constantly.

    I thought he was trying to insulate the loyal followers he has but he won't stop talking about this hate campaign.

    Can someone tell me. What is his strategy?

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Tibor is "gracious" has left the building.


    Reality has just caught up with LE.

    Just like the Borg,,, the internet has caught up with the Borg

  • Toblerone5
    Sherrie D’Souza- he’s not on friendly terms nor is affiliated with anymore.

    Wait a minute ! This is the Patreon list on is Aug 24 2023 Youtube video Reviewing JW broadcasting-july 2023. Both D'Souza name are there. So either They no longer are Patron of him after the month of July , or he ''forgot" to update is list ,that's why there name are still in there. But now the question is how many Names on those list did you OOPS forgot to delete ?

    😬 sorry if I went a little bit overboard with the arrows...I'm french 😁

  • TonusOH

    slimboyfat: Does it never occur to his 400 or so remaining patrons that the fact that practically all his collaborators and colleagues have abandoned him tells them something about his character and what really has been going on behind the scenes?

    I was thinking that exact same thing. He has a very long list of names of people who are part of the "defamation/hate campaign." How many names are on the list of people who still support him? Where are they? Why aren't they doing videos defending him, or showing up on his channel to support him?

    Maybe they're not there.

    It reminds me of a saying: if everyone thinks you're an asshole, it might be because you're an asshole.

  •  Debra

    He must be real worried right now, I'm sure after the last video (which I won't / cant watch) he was expecting a big spike of patrons and support but this time it didn't happen, and to take the step to lock his Twitter posts has lost him a platform, am I sorry? NO!!! he bought it all on his greedy lying self

  • Toblerone5

    I did not watch is video yet , I will after this. So he's not finish with is Vitriol Hissy fit Youtube rant Tour ? 🧐

    And since he likes to quote proverb ,let me quote this Dutch one to you Mister Evans . the more you stir a turd the more it stinks .

    But ,hey, if you like the smell of your own Mental drama💩 notice I didn't write the health part here ,cause come on,who are you kidding here with that💩.

    By the way ,by doing those videos, on your break ,attaking everybody that ever help you financially ,playing the victim 🥹


    Who's next ? this forum? Our PatreOff pool?🤣

    To bad he won't do a video about Cara who charge him extra for the ''Girlfriend Packages ". Does that include a meal ? lunch ? A drink or 🤔well severals in your case in a nice Hotel ...or Room service in your hotel. ?

  • Toblerone5

    By the way if he would do a video about our PatreOff pool😜 And he show one of my photoshop pictures ...🤪

    Can I shut down is video with a copyright infringement 😁


  • slimboyfat

    The wheels are coming off the LE channel faster than ever and he’s lashing out as a result. The only thing he can come up with is a rambling video about old rumours that everyone’s already heard about. Next all he can think to do is take another holiday, bury his head in the sand and hope enough people keep sending him their money that he doesn’t need to find another income. He knows that the pivot away from JW topics won’t attract much interest, but he can’t stand the topic any more so he’s at a loss what else to do. So it’s back to blaming other people and kicking the can down the road with yet another holiday. If I was Dijana I’d be worried that she’s not going to receive anything at all from him to support her kids. If she’s wise she’s already factored that in and is working on living independently. The idea that such a lousy partner will turn into a responsible ex-partner who attends to his financial responsibilities is farfetched to put it mildly, and presumably she has adjusted her expectations accordingly.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    He knows that the pivot away from JW topics won’t attract much interest, but he can’t stand the topic any more so he’s at a loss what else to do.

    He just torpedoed a story from a lawyer involved in the ARC for clicks and superchats.

    As with Jim Jones and David Koresh, Lloyd has no intention of letting the movement they led survive him. In one video he accuses Mark, Javier and Kim for all sitting on info that needed to be exposed.

    Even he admits it is hearsay. He compromised James Pender as a source and given up all pretences of being an activist focused on the cause. He’s become an exJW tabloid.

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