It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3010 Replies latest jw friends

  • ForeverAlone

    The reason Kim, IMHO, has not talked about this is two-fold. Kim is a trained lawyer and like all lawyers is concerned about this little thing called EVIDENCE! I think I heard in the Jaracz video of Lloyd's that she was not interviewing or in on the interview with Pender. I may be wrong, but I can't be arsed to go back to the video and watch it again. So, the information she received is second-hand at worst and first-hand at best. However, through the FOIA request they say they do not have any mention of Jaracz in the files. This alone would get thrown out of any court in a heartbeat let alone first or second-hand information.

    Lloyd, Kim DOES HAVE EVIDENCE of what she is saying, and it comes from your own goddamn mouth!!! So don't act like she is untrustworthy in what she says. I trust her 1,000,000,000,000 times more than I trust you!! I'm not even sure your real name is James Lloyd Evans that's how much I do not trust you!!!!

    Shove that up your pipe hole and smoke it!!!

  • Simon
    Did we accidentally figure out the max post count for a thread?

    No, but fun fact: when I designed / built this version of the forum software I never imagined a topic would ever have so many posts and didn't really know what the limit was myself, so I was kind-of a little worried that it was going to get to a point where it would implode. But it turns out that (when I checked) that it was only up-to about 30% of what it could go up to (before I'd have to build in a way for it to be extended in the background).

    The issue seems to have resolved itself (it wasn't letting me get to the last page of the topic) so it may just have been something being cached somewhere, I don't know (difficult to diagnose when it's started acting normally). I'll double check and work on merging the posts in this topic back into the main one and re-activate that one when I get chance.

    And for vNext, I'll make it truly unlimited :)

  • Simon

    Sad that he can't sell anymore "Tibor is gracious" T-Shirts isn't it?

    But who ever bought those anyway? Can you imagine wearing one and trying to explain what it means when someone asks with a puzzled look on their face?

    "Well, there's this online scrounger who REGULARLY cheats on his wife with hookers ... and, erm, his 'friend' (that he pays) is, erm ... I dunno, wait, was I scammed?".

  • Toblerone5

    Fun fact 😁

    So I just did a video, with a clip of him in is video Sept 15, (the scandal aftermath) whining about being call a narcissist🙄 the I put the April 22 2022 video of Andrew Gold with DR Sohom Das a Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist who said L.E was one . anyway . Did you know in that video Andrew Gold said he was done talking about L.E. then Dr Das laugh and say that it was Him that wanted to do a video on Lloyd and that's why he had A.Gold on . I also made a tweet about that, where I put the video clip of him sayin this...

    that was the full video below...

  • slimboyfat

    Yeah he never mentions Andrew Gold or Dr Sohom Das, funny that. 🤔

    Maybe it’s just as well he takes numerous holidays this year because they way he’s crashing his channel he might not be in a position to take as many holidays next year.

  • Thisismein1972


    If it helps, I did notice a significant slowdown in liking posts and posting new replies.

    Since you started this new thread, things have speeded up significantly.

  • ForeverAlone
    If it helps, I did notice a significant slowdown in liking posts and posting new replies.

    I noticed that as well. When I would like a post, it would take at least 15 seconds for it to show up. Same thing with replies. The more pages it got the more time it took for those 2 things. These issues started 100's of pages ago for me I don't know when they started for others though. On this new thread it is instantly. Don't know if that helps you, Simon.

  • TonusOH

    Maybe he can pivot into doing videos about the best places to date sex workers. He may not be able to monetize them on YouTube, though. Pornhub? OnlyFans? Come on, Lloyd, think of the money you'd make! Fame, fortune, and all of the french maids you can lay your hands on!

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Lloyd Evans is now the Jussie Smollett of the exJWs. He’s the Croatian Tupac.

  • Diamondfrog

    His Twitter feed is now protected. I’m blocked by him on my main account.

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