It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3021 Replies latest jw friends

  • ForeverAlone
    This is an extremely relevant point. The whole story of cara brings his bs story to its knees.

    No wonder the man is losing his shit. He cannot keep his damn story straight.

    "Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." ~ Sir Walter Scott

  • slimboyfat

    You can see the effect of him losing his video editor: the rambling video about Jaracz is pretty unwatchable. Combined with his apparent new eagerness to dig a bigger hole for himself by defending his actions probably means an even quicker decline of his channel and patrons.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    I think it proves were moving on from the Lloyd/John Cedars era.

    Today's live feed was just proof of what a self-serving goon he is.


    To provide clarification on the hatchet job that lloyd attempted in his video, here is the information he must have forgotten that I sent to him.

  • Thisismein1972

    His attempt to throw everyone under the bus is utterly hilarious, we should all laugh in his general direction.

    What's wrong Lloyd, are you panicking now because you no longer have your flying monkeys to bully anyone who questions your "activism", can't wait to see the ensuing shit show that is going to happen as he flips around like a fish out of water.

    Lloyd, you are a sad sad person, and we are laughing at you right now. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    He pretty much wrote off the ones who helped him over the years.

    After the work they did for him.

    He indicated that his channel will see a decrease in content.

    I remember before all this animosity up until abut 2018 great channels like Marc & Cora,,JWPrimetime,,,SonofThunder,JWStruggle,,,Susan Gaskin,,JWVictims...maybe we'll see these channels again,,maybe???

    Full marks to Mike & Kimmy and channels alike for holding up through this!! God bless em!!!

  • Diamondfrog


  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Watched the Jaracz video. Hereā€™s my notes so you donā€™t feel compelled to watch it. This is really just a continuation of the last video. He says he is not naming and shaming people but goes ahead and does so anyway. He takes forever getting to the point and prefers to focus on Mark Oā€™Donnell, Javier Ortiz and Kim Silvio. Keeps repeating that he is not deflecting at all and he is done with this exJW business.

    The ā€œdefamation campaignā€ has a new moniker - the ā€œhate campaignā€.

    The team of people he worked with in Australia - Javier Ortiz, Kim Silvio, Mark Oā€™Donnell, Sherrie Dā€™Souza- heā€™s not on friendly terms nor is affiliated with anymore.

    Regarding TTATT: Continues to doubt TTATT will ever be made. Is really sore about being booted, blames it on the hate campaign. Repeatedly says that Javier booting him was extremely hurtful. He was the only one on the TTATT team who had experience with documentaries, not even Juan Escobedo. So it was odd for him to be the one dismissed, even though the reasons for it were stated and they were the ones actually making and producing the film.

    He can still work with Javier and Mark, but never Kim. They can be forgiven for the things they have said and done, which he stresses was hurtful and upset him. Says they are great people and is not criticising them. Kim though is a bad person who lies about him.

    The Jaracz info: ā€œWhat I have to share with you is not conclusiveā€

    ā€œYou might call it hearsayā€

    ā€œI am basing it on what I was toldā€

    In Australia 2019, he conducted a series of interviews with Kim, Paul Grundy, Angus Stewart, and others. Says he couldnā€™t do the final interview with ARC lawyer James Pender because he wanted to take his family to the Sydney Zoo. Left it to Javier, Juan and Mark to do.

    Side note: THIS IS WHY YOU DO NOT TAKE YOUR FAMILY WITH YOU ON ACTIVISM TRIPS!! It is his fault that he wasnā€™t there. He felt the Sydney Zoo was more important than doing the interview. This is on him.

    James Pender was interviewed. After the cameras stopped rolling, Pender tells Mark (who was the interviewer and asked about Jaracz) that Jaracz was on the ARC list of alleged JW pedophiles. Javier Ortiz also heard this comment and told Lloyd about it. Says Mark told him he has audio, but not video.

    Lloyd fed this info to Liz Lane of Sky News because he was becoming disillusioned with the progress of TTATT and felt it would never be completed.

    Liz Lane responds that she asked Pender if there were senior members of JWS on the pedo list. He said no. Lloyd says he was trying to distance himself from what he told Mark.

    After the return from Australia, a WhatsApp group was formed with Kim, Javier, Mark and Lloyd. Kim was tasked with filing FOI request for Jaracz records. No luck and Lloyd now believes Kim never sent the request due to her ā€œliesā€ about him and him now questioning her character.

    Heā€™s not interested in pursuing this info anymore, just wants the info to be out. Reiterates he wants to move on from exJW content.

    Makes it clear that Javier Ortiz and Mark Oā€™Donnell have this info about Jaracz and are sitting on it. Finishes off by saying Kim is especially guilty of this cover-up by focusing on Lloyd instead of this. Announced it in the end for emphasis.

  • Diamondfrog

    Hold on. So he needs a break after having a break because that break was stressful so he needs another break to recover from the last 6 breaks in a row heā€™s just had.

    Did I get that right?

  • Thisismein1972

    I'm going to try this with my employer. I am going to tell him that I know I have just had a break, I would like another one please, then after that break, I would like another one. I am going to tell him why I need these breaks because people are saying mean words to me on the internet. If I do not get these breaks I will throw a massive tantrum and storm out of his office throwing everything I can find and telling everyone how mean my boss is. I will then try to close his business down and blame it on my boss because he did not let me have a break.


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