It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    Slim, I don't mind at all, I think it sheds some light on his success or lack thereof. The best selling of my books is an alternate history, "1910: War in the Pacific." I've sold 740 physical copies (paperback and electronic) and 461,438 page reads. This is functionally equivalent to 1503 books, for a total of 2243 sold. The book has 170 reviews, so 13 reviews for each sale. Applied to Lloyd's 600ish reviews that translates to 7800 total sales.

    Translating Amazon's sales rank number into units sold is notoriously difficult, calculating profits is even worse. In Lloyd's case the printing costs are probably taking a big bite out of his profits.

    Speaking of costs, what the hell did he need fundraiser for? The printing and publishing costs at Amazon are charged when a book sells. If he hired some one to edit it doesn't show in the final product.

  • Thisismein1972
    Speaking of costs, what the hell did he need fundraiser for? The printing and publishing costs at Amazon are charged when a book sells. If he hired some one to edit it doesn't show in the final product.

    Another grift to fleece his adoring flock, because that is what he does best. I still have his sneering smirk imprinted in my brain when he announced the bootleg copies of CoC on his channel. You could see his disdain right there.

  • DerekMoors

    Whatever he earned, we know it's probably mostly gone by now. He has a (now ex) wife, two growing kids, and expensive habits to support. Book sales from something that is old news fast is nothing to rely on long-term, and especially for JWs... look at his second book, about "escaping" the JWs. That's now outdated with their changed rules on DFing and shunning. Even if he earned $100,000 from the book, that's a decent but not amazing annual salary for a family head here in the U.S. But even an amazing salary, you need to earn it every year, not just once and then you're set for life.

    But like it's been brought out, he never thought the gravy train would stop rolling. He's like these actors or rappers or whoever, they hit it big with their debut or first role and assume they're gonna be millionaires for life, and then find out their follow up material is outdated or they get too big for their britches and on one wants to hire them, etc. Pretty soon they're declaring bankruptcy and having to sell off their ugly houses and gold teeth just to buy food.

  • Toblerone5

    Talking about is book sale , he did wrote this 3 weeks ago :

    I've also resumed work on the Second Edition of The Reluctant Apostate, which will be made available simultaneously in English and German! So far we on schedule to release both versions (and hopefully, an audiobook!) in early 2025.

    It will be interesting to see how many copy of those books he will sale this time...And in German ? really? If you Google the most spoken language in 2023 look where the German language stand...Why not in spanish? šŸ˜Oh right...Been there ,(tried to )done that , so I guess his over it ? šŸ˜‰That was a big Failure if I remember...Huge... Total Flop...

  • DerekMoors

    Doing a second edition is stupid; everyone has already read it. It's not a health handbook or map of fun stuff to do in L.A. or other guide that people might need to buy every few years. Seriously, who updates their story AFTER they become irrelevant?

    I'm sure the updates will include some whiny story about the "defamation" against him. Yes Lloyd, do put it in writing so Kim and the rest can have this very real attorney they've hired sue the living shit out of you. God he's so stupid...

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Speaking of costs, what the hell did he need fundraiser for?

    That was for an initial print run that he wanted funded. They arrived in the UK and thereā€™s a video somewhere of him in his ill-fitting jeans where you can almost see his ass helping the driver unload the pallet. He shipped some from the UK and others from Croatia after signing them, personal message or whatever the pre-order customer wanted. Interestingly he left a good chunk of these books in Jill Adamsā€™ garage and she held onto them for years. After coming out against him she demanded he either claim the books himself or have someone pick them up on his behalf. She wasnā€™t being mean either, he had like 6 months to do it, never returned her msgs and she ended up binning them. She had to clear them out as she was moving.

    As it doesnā€™t take $20K to print a palletā€™s worth of books, Lloyd did what he always does and pocketed the money. The very fact that he was evidently OK with Jill disposing his books would indicate he didnā€™t put that much of the $20K into them. Still - itā€™s yet another example of him not giving a fuck about donation money and how it is spent being that some of it now occupies a British landfill.

    Why not in spanish?

    Spanish or French would do. Spanish because of the huge JW population in Latin America, and French is the lingua franca for large swaths of western and central Africa - a region where JWs have experienced growth.

    But he fucked up the Spanish translation effort by distrusting the volunteer translators and doxxing the unfortunate gentleman in Hermosillo, Mexico who went ahead of the organisation Lloyd.

    The Occamā€™s Razor answer is that of his remaining followers, the only one willing to do a translation for free was capable only in German.

    A good rule of thumb when trying to determine the whys with Jabba the Hutt - follow the money. Unless someone pops up and volunteers to do it for free in Spanish, Portuguese or French - someone he absolutely trusts - heā€™s not doing any language that would require him to pay the translator.

  • DerekMoors
    heā€™s not doing any language that would require him to pay the translator.

    Didn't he also get pissed when he found out they were all sharing one copy of the book rather than paying for their own individual copies, or something like that? If I'm not mistaken, he not only didn't pay them but expected them to buy a book that they would translate for free.

    Reddit seriously needs their own Choosing Beggars subreddit just for his greedy ass alone.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Didn't he also get pissed when he found out they were all sharing one copy of the book rather than paying for their own individual copies, or something like that? If I'm not mistaken, he not only didn't pay them but expected them to buy a book that they would translate for free.

    He had several Spanish translators from various countries and backgrounds devoted to particular chapters. He sent them only the chapters they were assigned, not the whole book. The fellow from Hermosillo recognised this was an unprofessional arrangement, especially considering the various dialects involved and sought out the full PDF and worked on some more chapters with the intention of submitting them to Lloyd for publication. (Regarding dialects, a person from Hermosillo would speak the NorteƱo dialect - also known as ā€œTex-Mexā€, which due to geographical considerations has a lot of English loanwords that would be uncommon, indeed incomprehensible for many other Spanish readers). Lloyd found out through one of the other translators and demanded to know where he had obtained the full PDF. He threatened to sue him if he did not divulge the source. When this person hedged, Lloyd pasted the IP details associated with this man and made the point that he knew who he was based on his location in Hermosillo.

    Anyway, it was a long back and forth on a Spanish language forum that I wish I had screengrabbed but now is unavailable. In addition to threatening a lawsuit against both the translator and the source of the PDF, Lloyd in dramatic fashion sacked the man from Hermosillo and demanded all materials back, including the chapter, the unauthorised PDF and all work he had done. He also demanded financial recompense for the alleged violation of copyright.

    All this right after he went so publicly after Deborah Dykstra for enforcing her copyright against him. So count me as unimpressed when he started his own lawsuit against the M7. Using threats of lawsuits is his standard operating procedure. Heā€™s probably threatened his wife in their divorce case with making the case that she defamed him and contributed to financial loss by releasing all those pics and emails to other parties.

  • DerekMoors

    So he was pissed that the guy got a copy for free and to punish him, Lloyd [checks notes] stopped him from providing more free translating services.

    Did his mother work around a lot of chemicals while she was pregnant or something?

  • Diogenesister
    LmsAreduce the doctrinal rebuttals and attempt to cleverly weave them into his personal narrative instead of devoting chapters to it,

    Good grief! I've never felt the urge to read Cedars book and I'm glad I didn't. Sounds like a jumbled up mess. I assumed he'd woven doctrinal issues into the narrative as it came upšŸ¤” Sounds like it couldn't make up it's mind whether it was a memoir or a text book!!

    The main reason I didn't read it was because I assumed the book would be rather sparse when it comes to his personal history.

    A sheltered young Jehovah's witness from a stable British home, isn't going to have much of interest to least not a life full of what my kids call "mad lore" to relate!! Hence I suppose the inclusion of other people's stories?!

    Also anyone not a Jehovah's witness, probably wouldn't find a young man whose memoir essentially consists 7of "I masturbated" a particularly revelatory read for, what, fifteen quid??!

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