It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    Jana the only reason the LE channel still exists is because LE has no other source of income. It is on a permanent downward trajectory and will fold at the point where the amount of money it generates no longer motivates LE to even pay lip service to the idea he is running a channel for xJWs. By supporting him along the way you are only prolonging his grift and, many would say, the damage that he is able to do.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    please disregard the statement a previous commenter made about being "a lost cause" and that you shouldn't bother reaching out to me.

    What I said before "lost cause" was this:

    And don't bother trying to give her links or telling her who Lloyd really is. She knows and doesn't care.

    That doesn't say what you think it says. I warned people about sending you links about Lloyd or trying to educate you about him. You know all this and chose to go on his channel anyways.

    There's only one channel I would say no to and it's more on US political grounds than anything else.

    But you'll go live with a man who has bullied, doxxed, threatened, and still threatens many with a litigious and frivolous lawsuit. Did you read what he's suing for? He's snapped back publicly at Marc and Cora and told them they are criminals and would be served soon. You'll go live with a man who has stated to the world he had no mastery of his penis and stand by him as he seriously discusses the issue of CSA. You'll go live with a man who wrote two heartless and abusive letters (one 10 or so pages long) to his wife and the mother of his children, just trashing and abusing her. Did you read the passage in his book about how he fantasised about "girls" serving him at MTS School? Here's the passage from TRA, verbatim:

    It was because of such nonsense that my balls were now aching and I could not get sex out of my mind, to the point where I would fantasize about the girls who were assigned to serve our lunches

    But you won't go on another channel because of political disagreements? How does having a political disagreement with someone trump this? You seriously think this man is the guy to talk about CSA?

  • Toblerone5
    if he's going to continue to cover documents and topics about CSA, wouldn't you rather there be someone there to bring a sensitivity to the topic? To bring a lived experience to the topic?

    if I may Jana, Mister Evans was on a Documentary Project about CSA victims that was call The Truth About The Truth , he was a producer & writer and both M.Juan Escobedo and Xavier Ortiz ( that Mister Evans called is best friend) asked him to resign ,(which M.Evans refuse to do voluntarily ) and the reason was to quote the letter M.Ortiz wrote on Feb 24 2022 on Facebook : I arrived at that decision based solely on the admissions M.Evans made in is January livestream. At this time ,I fell they cause a conflict of interest given the sensitive subjects we adress in the film.

    If I may again , this is how most of the peole on this forum page feel too. Mister Evans is not the only EX-JW Youtuber , and if he had an ounce of decency , he would let other ex-JW Youtuber bring sensitivity to that topics. like you said , which a lot of them do by the way , without a huge conflict of interest.

  • Toblerone5

    Are you Kidding me ? Do you know who is not to concerned about protecting children...The Thailand goverment.

  • nicolaou
    Jana: wouldn't you rather there be someone there to bring a sensitivity to the topic? To bring a lived experience to the topic?

    Jana, you must have expected some pushback when you decided to post here but I hope you stick around and engage with us for a while longer.

    Could you explain how you perceive Lloyds 'sensitivity' as regards CSA victims and just what do you mean about his 'lived experience'?

    I just cannot fathom how a man who regularly supported the abuse of young women and girls by paying for their bodies can be endorsed as an advocate for abuse victims by anyone with a conscience.

    It's never too late to reassess your position, I hope you do.

  • Thisismein1972
    You all have said plenty already. All I will say is, if he's going to continue to cover documents and topics about CSA, wouldn't you rather there be someone there to bring a sensitivity to the topic? To bring a lived experience to the topic?

    So he sabotages two other people who could have had a media interview to further the CSA case.

    He then uses prostitutes in a country that is well known for child trafficking and prostitution.

    YES YES. He is the right person. I got it all wrong. Long live our master and savior.

  • Thisismein1972
    There's only one channel I would say no to and it's more on US political grounds than anything else.

    I have news for you Lloyd has used identity politics and woke agenda politics to try and shoot other people down. He called people racist (just a racist trope I think he said) to justify his use of sex workers in Thailand. He has called other men misogynists when he is the biggest misogynist you'll ever meet. He even blamed Brexit for something something the UK. Just because someone has a different political stance (usually from the brainwashing of the MSM) does not mean it is true. I thought one would understand what effects propaganda has on one's emotions.

  • Toblerone5

    When I went on the Facebook page of TTATT project and read that letter that M.Ortiz wrote on Feb 24 2022, this caught my attention. After mentionong that Mr Evans has declined to resign voluntarily he then say : " and i'm anticipating there willl be some legal actions against me and the producing team ".

    The only logic reason why he would say this it's because that's what Lloyd told him he would do, cause otherwise why would he even say that to begin with. Well we all know by now he sued at first 12 people ,then 7 for all kind of stupid reason. But now I wonder , would it had been more logic, for him , to have sued the TTATT ?

    On a legal point of you , do you think he could have had some ground to sue them ? ( sorry french brain here, hope i got the right legal term to express my thought) .. Kim? šŸ˜ what do you think ?

    Kim? šŸ˜ what do you think ?

    Given that the project has regrettably not proceeded, sue them for what? No money has been made šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

    secondly, it would depend whether there was a contract in place, what the terms were and whether there was a ā€œbad behaviourā€ clause.

    I havenā€™t heard anything about a court case so I can only assume not.


    Sorry I didnā€™t answer that properly.

    It would depend whether there was a contract and if yes, whether either party had breached terms of that contract.

    I doubt Lloyd could prove personal (reputation or financial) loss due to being removed from the project.

    In short, I cannot think of any grounds that Lloyd would have to sue.

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