It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3021 Replies latest jw friends

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Just wondering if there's a possibility of getting Andrew Gold to do another interview.

    I contacted Andrew Gold before and he is very responsive on Twitter. The impression I received from him is he has little interest in revisiting the Lloyd Evans drama again at the moment. However, should there be a final cap to all this (such as his lawsuit being definitively thrown out and sanctions imposed upon Lloyd) he'd be up for it.

  • Simon

    Yeah, right now nothing has really happened - Lloyd just continues to be Lloyd: stringing his patreons along that he'll produce more content any day now (but never does, he's always busy with "things"), claiming he's been defamed but always uses the Clinton technique of focusing on specific words as though it invalidates things, while missing the entire point of what has actually been claimed and so on.

    He'll ride his three-legged "litigation" horse as long as the punters will keep betting on it.

    My prediction is that he'll repeatedly let the clock run down in the court system before belatedly submitting some other document, the minimum amount necessary, to keep things alive so he can keep referring to it for as long as possible.

    Anything but admit he's behaved badly and apologize for any of it - the one thing he's never ever done, still!

  • Diogenesister
    T5Thank Pruner I had no clue of this. Well Lloyd should feel right at home then in Croatia ... As a former catholic I want to say this is not been a very good " christian" , they made jesus cried by not turning the other cheek 😁 Don't they know bad catholics don't go to heavens...🀣

    Hey and what's really interesting per the link that Pr0ner sent me, is that 99.8% of these time wasting "insult & defamation of reputation" cases that are that are thrown out of court are actioned against journalists and activists in an effort to suppress their free speech !!!

    Many are whistleblowers like Kim that powerful politicians and organisations seek to shut down. The article says it's the misuse of the law that's the problem and the richer plaintiffs seek to keep the cases going in order to bleed the dΓ©fendent dry! There are free speech organisations that raise money to help defendants deal with these frivolous cases.

    Lloyd Evans the big activist who claims he speaks "for the Silent majority" seeks to silence his own volunteers!😑😑😑

  • usualusername1

    Lloyd is never mentally unwell when asking for Patreon, YouTube membership or donations.

  • WingCommander

    I still want someone to find Tibor and get him over here to give us the rundown. Would be insightful.

    Come 'on in Tibor, come on over to the Dark Side. We've got cookies!

  • Thisismein1972
    We've got cookies!

    Are you actually telling him to come and nibble at the table of demons?

  • Ron.W.

    Great idea!

    Tibor Makes The Hate Mob Great Again!"

  • Diogenesister
    We've got cookies!

    Just made some. Condensed milk, chocolate chip & vanilla. C'mon Tibor..... I'll send some in the post! πŸ‘ΉπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆ

  • Ron.W.


  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    I wish Tibor the best as he carves out a real career away from Lloyd and his dumbfuckery.

    Only issue I have with him was when he came here on this forum and on the interview video with prepared remarks about the JW Mindset β„’. As it just so happens, according to Tibor, all people critical of Lloyd are also inflicted with this terrible disorder!

    I know Lloyd put him up to it, but Tibor... you need see Lloyd for who he is and not be so easily manipulated.

    I can make a similarly reasoned argument about a "Croatian Mindset" based on both his line of thinking and those of Dijana and her family. They seem to be all too eager to dismiss infidelities and abusive behaviour from male partners, complete with ready excuses and deflections. Is this the Croatian Mindset β„’ ?

    Or how about people not generalise and pontificate about a large and diverse group of people and how they all think?

    Maybe Tibor should read the non-JW subReddit threads about Lloyd where the same conclusions are reached as the exJWs he counseled as having the JW Mindset β„’ ?

    I can think of active JWs who are so genuine and well intentioned people whom I would not hesitate to pick up a phone call from. I can also think of JWs I'd avoid like the plague. It's based on who they are as individuals, not their religion.

    Likewise with Croatians. It was an deliberately contrived assessment coined by Lloyd to excuse his behaviour, and Tibor for whatever reasons parroted it. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was under Lloyd's influence as he certainly was as his employee. I hope that now he can see how manipulative and selfish that man is and stop taking the low route and using people's past cult experiences against them as a way to defend his employer and friend.

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