It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat
    It doesn't work that way. Unless Croatia has some medieval divorce laws

    Just because it doesn’t work like that doesn’t mean to say LE realises it doesn’t work like that. He is an expert in all things in his own imagination, including the law as his weird pronouncements on supposed libel have shown.

    The idea of him paying for his wife and kids is as remote as the cat surprising me with breakfast in bed. He’ll weasel out somehow even if it lands him in a whole lot of trouble.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    The fact of the matter is that if/when they divorce, eventually some other man will be sleeping with his wife (young attractive women usually don't last long in the singles sphere); and his girls will be calling another man daddy...... and he gets to pay for it. Most men are simply not willing to turn their wife and kids over to another man and mail them a pile of cash every month. But, I guess he is not most men. Very generous of him.

    It will hit him like a ton of bricks one day.

  • JeffT
    It doesn't work that way. Unless Croatia has some medieval divorce laws
    Just because it doesn’t work like that doesn’t mean to say LE realises it doesn’t work like that.

    Could he have made her sign a prenuptial agreement entirely in his favor? From his point of view, that would make sense, I just don't know if he is capable of thinking that far ahead, or what the Croatian courts would make of it.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Could he have made her sign a prenuptial agreement entirely in his favor?

    The sheer thought of 2007 era Lloyd Evans, fresh out of MTS School and by his own account struggling to work a steady and decent paying job, asking this Croatian pioneer sister to sign a pre-nup is hilarious. Was he afraid Dijana would try to claim his beat down car and lawn mower? The savings account that had £100?

    But as slim said, this is Lloyd we're speaking about. You know, the same guy who thinks the Sisak court has jurisdiction over foreign nationals for things said or done outside their borders.

  • DerekMoors

    Gee, I wonder why Lloyd went to Thailand. It wasn't for the fucking scuba diving! According to men in this documentary, it's those poor old men who deserve the pity for being lonely, that is so terrible in this world! And prostitution is great for the women since they have work and they sometimes get to ride on a motorbike.

    Sorry but i have no pity for anyone who supports him today. This is what they're supporting.

  • Jana


    I've never felt the need to come on here and defend myself although of course I've seen my name pop up occasionally.

    All I would like to say is, please disregard the statement a previous commenter made about being "a lost cause" and that you shouldn't bother reaching out to me. Anyone who ever actually has reached out to me could tell you that I'm reasonable, I listen, and I'm approachable.

    In regards the document, as soon as the video was over, Ron Pomo reached out to me, and I sent him the PDF to make public. I am in touch with and friendly with many ex-jws and ex-jw YouTubers. Not just your most hated one. I have blind loyalty to no one.

    I would like to clarify, that I very much do not schedule interviews or in any way work for Lloyd. I actually had no idea the elder was going to be in the video until his camera popped up which is why if you watch the video, you'd notice I avoid saying his name because I had no idea what it was. If it was my video, I would have advised the elder to wear a mask or appear off screen probably. It was not my video and nothing except the document was shared with me beforehand.

    As a writer, I'm not delusional enough to think he could do anything for my writing career. I just enjoy writing. The two things are wildly unrelated. 😂

    Lastly, I am "for the people". If any other ex-jw invited me on their YouTube I probably would. There's only one channel I would say no to and it's more on US political grounds than anything else. Although many of them are friendly with me privately, I cannot appear on their channels because of the amount of second degree hate attached to me because of things I had nothing to do with.

    I understand how much people hate and distrust Lloyd. I've seen the mega thread. I have nothing to say on him. You all have said plenty already. All I will say is, if he's going to continue to cover documents and topics about CSA, wouldn't you rather there be someone there to bring a sensitivity to the topic? To bring a lived experience to the topic?

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • Chinapomo

    As far as I know pre-nup are common in the UK. Am I wrong? I wouldn't be surprised if Lloyd signed one.

    As for the legalities of weddings abroad, well you are supposed to register in both countries.

  • notsurewheretogo
    You all have said plenty already. All I will say is, if he's going to continue to cover documents and topics about CSA, wouldn't you rather there be someone there to bring a sensitivity to the topic? To bring a lived experience to the topic?

    In absolutely now way that should be Lloyd given his stance on using sex workers. The two topics are polar opposite and THAT is the issue. If he continues to cover CSA then it weakens that message when a guy who uses hookers says it.

  • DerekMoors

    That's the whole point Jana; he shouldn't be covering that topic or even walking around free in society for that matter. He's an admitted criminal, taking advantage of an industry that is a huge reason why CSA exists.

    A man of any moral fiber would be rolling those topics into one another, pointing out that JWs are no different than corrupt governments who turn a blind eye to human trafficking and forced prostitution right under their noses. He would be decrying men who take advantage of corrupt governments to indulge themselves, like those in that documentary I posted, who make excuse after excuse for victimizing children, and who act like they're the real victims of society. Even the one man who was arrested in Thailand for victimizing an obvious child (he showed the documentary makers a picture of her and she looks 10 years old) said the GOVERNMENT was corrupt and HE wasn't being treated fairly.

    Instead of standing up against that behavior, Lloyd is doing the same thing they're doing, taking advantage of this horrific industry while making excuses for his bad behavior and pretending to care about victims just because they're victimized by someone else. Like the guy who blames the government for picking on him, he blames the M7 for daring to call out his behavior.

    His behavior is disgusting enough but the hypocrisy of calling himself a CSA advocate just makes it beyond obscene.

  • Jana

    I cannot and will not defend or debate his actions, admissions and accusations. Because none of that is me. That's ALL him. He's a grown man and that's not my battle or burden.

    I only wanted to come in here and be clear about my level of involvement in his channel.

    You can hate/judge me if you like...but it really would be a waste of energy. I haven't done anything. I'm my own person, that you know nothing about. Maybe you feel like you "know enough" to make a judgement. You're entitled to your feelings.

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