Does Anyone else think it's odd he has Djiana down as a witness at his fake court case but doesn't have Tibor? I wonder why
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon 3021 Replies latest jw friends
still hasn't addressed Norway, AT ALL!! What a simp!
Not to mention several other stories....the Association of Spanish Victims of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Belgium shunning verdict. I mean there's so many he's missed by now it's ridiculous.
As to some of his predictions (just fluff...what the hell are they paying him for?) If it isn't clear by now that he's incapable of producing in depth journalism/reporting on serious issues without
taking advantage ofvolunteer "helpers", I don't know what to say.Pants a definite possibility & I can see birthday's becoming a conscience matter - since they really don't have any scriptural reasons forbidding it. I doubt tatoos since the old testament does forbid them (principals and all🙄).
He's clearly been getting his ideas from Mike & Kim about moving to online meetings and stealing other ideas from You tubers, Reddit and this site!
Does Anyone else think it's odd he has Djiana down as a witness at his fake court case but doesn't have Tibor?
I hadn’t thought about that, but it’s an excellent question 👍
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
Any rational person would want his ex-wife as far away from this court case as possible since the disclosure of his infidelities comprise a central tenet of his claims of defamation. To compound the matter further, she voluntarily disclosed this information in addition to a lot of the context behind it to parties outside the marriage.
He may think she could testify to the amount he earned or the veracity of the Marko emails, but at what cost? He’s exposing her to a blistering cross examination which would invalidate most of his other claims (I.e. patrons quitting because he cheated on his wife, his reasons for going to Thailand). The letters she released could also be entered into evidence and she could be deposed on the contents of those and why she sent it to other parties.
Does he not realise that her testimony is only going to make him look worse and that his claims of defamation were actually based of factual information?
The letters she released could also be entered into evidence and she could be deposed on the contents of those and why she sent it to other parties
Which would 100% confirm to even his most deluded patron he authored me they make him look worse than even his livestream, I can't get over how abusive they are😞
Yes it is clear by now he's incapable of producing in depth journalism/reporting on serious issues to do with JWs. He is always late never one of the first. Then he just copied what others have said.
Lloyd if your reading this you need to realise you have been out for too long now and XJW activist community needs people who understand the organisation.
Those who have been out for decades still think like the old organisation but they need to realise it’s a completely different organisation these days.
I would guess than it won’t be all that long until it’s completely changed yet again.
What the XJW activists need are members still physically in, or just about still in. They can speak in the correct manner about what’s going on.
He may think she could testify to the amount he earned
Her testimony (or his) will be irrelevant. His bank records will be subpoenaed and become part of the court record. He made loss of income part of his complaint, if he doesn't want his finances made public his only option is dropping the lawsuit. I doubt he thought of that.
Ron.W.: Can Lloyd do anything about that now, or is it too late?
It was always too late. He deleted the account himself. He wasn't tricked into it or anything like that. He could have simply stopped using it, and then it would be his as long as he wanted. He didn't realize that deleting it made the user name available again, to whoever decided to take it.
He tweeted that they wouldn't remove an offensive tweet and he was leaving. If he has returned with a new user name, I have to wonder if it's because they removed that offensive tweet or because his penis decided it wanted to post on Twitter, and since he has no mastery over it...
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
Which would 100% confirm to even his most deluded patron he authored me they make him look worse than even his livestream, I can't get over how abusive they are
This is why he has never acknowledged the letters either directly or through a proxy. Lloyd’s not shy about singing to the world that information is false or forged - but he went nowhere near these letters. For good reason too - He knows they are real and denying it publicly only draws attention to them. Nor did his wife break her silence to say they were forged or weren’t forwarded by her as has been claimed.
What was in those letters was pure and unadulterated Lloyd. It’s how he thinks and how he treats everyone who dares to contradict him.
They are a true work of art and should be in a textbook about domestic abuse. When his girls read them they’ll understand fully why their mum needed to get away.