It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2952 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chinapomo

    Extremely important days in Norway for exjw... And not a word from the fat lard

  • DerekMoors

    His numbers went up and down overnight but he's at 381 right now. All I can say is, ha ha.

  • Ron.W.
    And not a word from the fat lard..

    Ah, yes, the one also known as The Shitake Grifter..

  • WingCommander

    Me watching his Patreon numbers drop leading to financial ruin and the inability to hire women who've been forced into the sex trafficing industry...............

  • DerekMoors

    I feel the same way about how flabbergasted he must be to find out that he couldn't come out and say "yeah I was running around on my wife with prostitutes" and people aren't buying his pity party with their usual "oh lloyd you can do whatever you want, it's all good in our eyes." He probably thought he could just tell his story, cry a little about the futility of life, blame Watchtower, and everyone would be good with it. Nope, even ass hats like Redwood finally cut him loose. Ha ha.

  • madisoncembre

    Okay I'll weigh in on this shroom biz. That video is so irresponsible! He says on a video last year these two things : I am a good man and a father !

    Then act like one! After saying that he said he was afraid his daughters would see all this information about him that would impact their opinions of him in a negative fashion. What does he expect to happen when they see their father advocating for all mental health sufferers to take shrooms? What if one of them felt they suffered from depression being in a broken family? What if they hiked in the Croatian forest and picked poisonous mushrooms and hoped to be like daddy? Kids are like this! I am a mother of two and you don't want your kids to hear anything like this! Think! Parenting is more than seeing them on the weekend and buying toys. Girl, keep a close eye on your girls, they have a moron as a father.

    I was forced on anti-depressants and anti-psychotics when I was in my early teens. I had a meltdown due to the pressures placed upon me in the org. The issue wasn't looked at holistically. Very well I know the effects of depression meds, and yes the one he was talking about too. Never take this lightly and you need to taper off under medical advice, not gloat about getting excited that you are going overseas to trip on illegal substances. He could have had a seizure or something worse. He wants to do that fine but don't tell the world about it. Some things keep to yourself but not him.

    I don't see any use to have this man around anymore. Two videos a month and paid for it. He tells over half the world population who have mental health issues if would be a shame if they did not try shrooms! He has incredibly poor judgment in making this video and saying the things he did.

  • Toblerone5

    Breaking news ! Ok I always wanted to do this 😜 So Fungus man , just release a new video taking about the Norway courtcase...Just kidding nope it's about 10 things he thinks Watchtower will change . Well he would know cause he did talk to god so. 🫤 Anyway didn't have time to listen to his vision for the future , but there is a timestamps below the video ,And this is his 10 guess

    1:Assemblies 2Conventions 3: Meetings 4: Women and pants ( seriously that's his big revelation ? ) 5: Tattoos ( good gravy it's even worst than the pants thing...and by the way doesn't this is allowed now , conscience matter thing ?) 6: Birthdays 🤣 Oh wait he's serious 🙄 7 : Higher education 8; Shunning (Ok he took some mushrooms again and it's a bad batch, come on ! ) 9: Blood transfusion 😲 Is he Insane ? and number 10 : 1914 and the last days ... WOW ! 🤯

  • Toblerone5
  • Ron.W.



    This pic with apologies to Toblerone5 for appropriating and 'tampering with' (TM Lloyd Evans)..

  • DerekMoors
    1:Assemblies 2Conventions 3: Meetings 4: Women and pants ( seriously that's his big revelation ? ) 5: Tattoos ( good gravy it's even worst than the pants thing...and by the way doesn't this is allowed now , conscience matter thing ?) 6: Birthdays 🤣 Oh wait he's serious 🙄 7 : Higher education 8; Shunning (Ok he took some mushrooms again and it's a bad batch, come on ! ) 9: Blood transfusion 😲 Is he Insane ? and number 10 : 1914 and the last days ...

    We need a new long-term betting pool for which of these we agree with and which ones Watchtower actually abandons. Like the Patreoff but for the next several years. See how Lloyd does in predicting the future.

    I'm thinking maybe the women and pants thing but come on... paring down assemblines and conventions I could see but they need in-person meetings to justify their slave labor building tax-free properties to flip, and to ensure people are afraid of the elders breathing down their neck for every little thing. Higher education risks cracking open a book or hearing from a classmate how BS their beliefs are. People might also find a job they're semi-happy with and if you're not miserable in this world, why slave away for someone promising you paradise? If they take away shunning, 90% of their members would be out the door tomorrow. They've also already all but abandoned 1914.

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