It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yooters

    Toblerone5 You need to, if you’re so inclined, photoshop Noses with two mushrooms instead of the two tablets, that would be epic!

  • WingCommander

    He still hasn't addressed Norway, AT ALL!! What a simp!

    As for his 10 "Predictions." All of those have been talked about in-depth for over a year now over on the Ex-JW Reddit forum. None of those are even his original ideas. Again, just more "gleaning" (Bethel boyz will know!) off other people to make it appear like he's doing something. lol.....what a lazy ass poseur this clown is!

    Speaking of the Ex-JW Reddit group..........

    I bet lady-boyz Lloyd is kicking himself in the ass for getting on the wrong side of that group. It's growing in great leaps and bounds, and he is completely absent! He foolishly thought he could create his own sub on reddit and that his followers and flying monkeys would get everyone over onto his side and his group. LOL!!! That's totally backfired. (like everything he does) If he would have just kept his big dumb mouth shut, he would benefited from the incredible influx and exposure on the group, and actually expanded his membership and income. But oh hell no!! Foot in mouth, then double-down and piss off the Mods.

    In fact, every once in a great while someone will bring up Lloyd, link an old video, or attempt to start a thread (that's probably actually him) and you should see the responses. In quick succession it quickly deteriorates to how Lloyd cheated on his wife by going to Thailand to pay for sex workers and also being a total slime. It's allowed for a while, then it gets so bad the Mods have to lock the thread so it's doesn't keep going like it does on here.

    His brand is so tarnished, that he's not even spoken of. He's a total embarrassment. I'm sure WatchTower is thrilled!!! I used to think Rick FEARon was the biggest embarrassment out there. I was WRONG. Hell, Rick's actually raised his bar and become more respectable and has some decent guests now. He's not only consistent, but improving. What the fuck is Lloyd doing? Going off his meds, taking 'shrooms, and then actually being dumb enough to brag about it and claim he saw God. embarrassment to the Ex-JW community and an example for the WatchTower to point at and go, "See? This is what the world turns you into." Ugh! In fact, ol' Tony Morris is probably having the last laugh about this loser over a glass of fine Scotch right now! After all, he may not be at the top, but he floated down from the Ivory WatchTower on a Golden Parachute. He's set! What's Lloyd got? Nothing!

  • Toblerone5
    photoshop Noses with two mushrooms

    😉 Is this what you had in mind ?

  • TonusOH

    The problem with him trying to build (or rebuild) his brand is that he used to rely on others to do a lot of the thankless work in the background, for free. Instead of paying for the additional labor, he profited from it. Who wants to work for him now? Who would work for him even if he offered to pay?

    He doesn't want to run a business or manage a website. He wants to post videos, police the comment section of those videos, and get into petty dust-ups on social media, while someone else takes care of the boring stuff. Those people are gone.

  • Toblerone5
    He doesn't want to run a business or manage a website.

    someone had to told dumb dumb this DUH! (and so far the link for Twitter is still there )

    by the way that fake account was made in October 2023 !

    This coming from someone that made a big hissy fit about his Legacy! What about his kids seeing that account eventually ? Unless he thinks his daughters would never go on Twitter ...

  • WingCommander


    Actual photo from Lloyd's Canadian "trip." Shows generous Canadian Homeopathic patreon sponsor preparing magic mushroom soup as Lloyd hungrily looks on.

  • Ron.W.
    someone had to told dumb dumb this DUH! (and so far the link for Twitter is still there )

    Can Lloyd do anything about that now, or is it too late?

  • Toblerone5

    Can Lloyd do anything about that now, or is it too late?

    🥸Well let's see. he could have ...

    😜 sue the fake account owner , sue twitter , sue Elon Musk , Sue everybody that either like ,reposted , or made a comment on that fake account , make an Hissy fit video saying he will send god after the person who did this ,or put a Warning banner on one of his videos telling people this is NOT my Twitter account and don't worry I ask god to take care of it and he promise me he would .But all that would take money he doesn't have , time he doesn't want to waste , he's so busy, yes your probably right oops to late now...

  • jehovaxx

    Can someone post the pic here? I don’t have twitter

  • Yooters

    Toblerone5, that’s perfect, thank you for the photoshop. Classic!

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