Masks Are Coming Off

by minimus 137 Replies latest jw friends

  • Steel

    i lived in japan for a few years . When a person was sick , masking was just the norm. I just thought it was the polite thing to do. Providing a barrier so i wasn’t breathing germs directly in people’s faces. Just like covering your mouth when you cough.

    Man i didn’t realize i was being controlled by the government and losing my freedom . Wow good thing all these virus experts and civil liberties lawyers posting here have informed me. One day they are asking you to wipe your ass after taking a shit, next you are in a soviet style gulag pealing potato’s .

  • Steel

    Isn’t it weird how the country in the world that seems to have the biggest mistrust of public health officials and such seems to have the biggest belief in angels and the power of prayer?

    Any real surprise that ex JWs are falling for this crap ?

  • Justmemorph

    The more you talk the more you seem confused, steel. Trust in angels and prayer is the direct equivalent to trust in “public health officials”.

    One is as good as the other.

  • Steel

    Just pointing out the connection between stupidity and church attendance.

    The more religious you are , the more likely you are to believe in anti vaccine, anti mask , anti science nonsense.

    Just pointing out the fact just because don’t attend the kingdom hall or believe in the bible anymore doesn’t mean you haven’t lost your narcissist need to think your better or smarter than everyone else.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Morph said:

    "I dont care one bit if a mask is 99% effective or 2% effective, if you want to wear one (or two or three) masks, knock yourself out, but f off with telling me what to do. Educate, inform, plead if you want, but mandates dont fly here."

    Its health experts advising your government, and other governments around the world to take these precautions- its not the government making it up so they can take your rights away. I understand your feelings about being told what to do, I doubt anyone, anywhere in the world trusts their political leaders 100%, but this is a health issue.

    Even if the death rate was 80%, there would still be some people that wouldn't believe there was a health crisis.

  • minimus

    The bottom line is that some health experts are pushing mask wearing even after vaccination and social distancing. Some politicians want you to be safe and wear a mask or two for as long as possible. Some are saying ENOUGH!

  • jhine

    Steel l am going to have to disagree with your joining up of church attendance and being anti-vax , anti mask etc .

    I don't know about America but here in UK all churches are behaving responsibly and have complied with all the lockdown restrictions . Many churches are being used for vaccinations with church members volunteering as car park attendants etc . If anything the only people l know who are anti-vax are 2 ex JWs . One is anti any vaccine .


  • Justmemorph

    Steel, id say something about the pot and the kettle but at some point i need to remind myself about the inherent danger of arguing with fools

  • Rivergang


    You also get those who (for reasons known only to themselves) feel obligated to say "Black" just because they hears another person say "white".

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    The CDC has been shown not to be a trustworthy source, they developed their policy with “stakeholders” input such as teachers unions, that’s why you get confused messaging like: yes, the vaccine stops you from spreading and getting sick, but you still need to double mask and kids can’t go to school even if teachers are vaccinated.

    Even CNNs medical correspondent declared the new guidance very contradictory and confusing and that’s probably the most sycophantic news organization out there.

    The pandemic is over yet Biden and co are talking about another 1-2 years of lockdowns and mask wearing. Their own CDC had to walk back scientific guidance after teachers unions complained. Now people are saying that unless every child is vaccinated (Healthy children are not affected or spread the virus like adults, and the vaccine is not tested or necessary on children), vaccinations are racist and the schools should remain closed.

    Now there are proponents that are pushing UBI of thousands per month on top of existing welfare because poor are affected by COVID.

    They have turned the disease in a vector of control over the population, the economy and a way to push excessive spending and policy. Biden spent more in a month than Trump or Obama did in their first year on a COVID bill were 91% of spending has nothing to do with COVID.

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