I'm Done With This Site

by LB 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    I hope you reconsider too

    We may have crossed swords on a couple of threads recently and have different viewpoints about a couple of things but that is the nature of debating such emotive and important topics.

    At least come back and post some more diving picks from your upcoming hols.

  • Gollum

    Don't Go!!!

    I've been waiting for you to mention when you were going to be up at Edmonds diving again!! I go there all the time to dive and wanted to see if you wanted to hook up next time you were up! I think a couple of the Ling Cod down there are thinking about studying and we need to talk them out of it!


  • Englishman
    We may have crossed swords on a couple of threads recently and have different viewpoints about a couple of things but that is the nature of debating such emotive and important topics.

    I hope that this isn't the reason that LB is leaving. Surely we have to stand our ground for our beliefs?

    I mean, Simon and I are totally and absolutely in opposition in our opinions as far as the Iraq war is concerned. I disagree with pretty much everything that he says about it. But that doesn't devalue my respect for him as a person, and I'm pretty sure that feeling is reciprocated by him for me.

    Bloody better be, that all I can say....

    Englishman. Not easily offended class. 'Cept for certain words, that is..

  • Simon

    (muttering under breath about Englishman ...) "oops ... did I lean on the delete button?" (nah, they wouldn't buy it)

    I expect people to express their opinions and beliefs and likewise expect to be able to do the same with mine. Just because I may vehemently disagree with someone's opinion doesn't mean I do not respect them or it or them for having it.

    Unless, of course, it's a negative opinion about Britney in which case all bet's are off ...

  • ThiChi


    Stay. A good pointed debate is very healthy for everyone’s thinking ability.....when you post, you always manage to present a good viewpoint that has made more than one of us pause for consideration. Hey, how would you feel if all you got here was just a** kissing all day long? The point is, Stay!

  • LuckyLucy


    I would leave also but I think I would make certain people happy about that , so I think I'll stay (unitl I get disfellowshipped)

    Alot of people here will miss you, come back when your ready.


    LB: I am so sorry to read this post.

    My heavens, look at the numerous posts in response, and I can assure you, this is only a beginning.

    Heck, I don't agree with tons of things on here, and I've been given a few stern rebuttals, but I still remember the countless posts that were in support of me/my thread.

    These are sensitive times, we know that.

    But LB, your contribution on here: invaluable.

    You're worth a bundle on this forum.

    But a break from things, is a good idea too.

    Come back soon, there'll be trolls to slay.

    BEST WISHES, ALWAYS! Missing LB already .

  • blondie

    I will miss your posts greatly, LB. I have been avoiding all the posts on the war. Nothing anybody says here will change one thing that is happening in Iraq or anywhere else conflicts are in progress. Saying something to the people who do have some effect such as the media or let your political representative know how you feel, may have some effect.

    I thought this DB was for JW or ex-JW issues, to get support dealing with beng DF'd by family, hunted down by elders, sorting through doubts and examining the flipfloping doctrines of the WTS, help abused children and wives, healing from spiritual abuse.

    I grew up in a military family but I came here because I grew up in a JW family and needed help.

    I'm sad to see that some might stop coming here because of a non-JW issue.

    Don't leave LB. Come back after the war if necessary, but come back.


  • Joyzabel

    ((((((((((((((((LB)))))))))))))))) <throwing DA letter in the trash>

    take a break.........gawd we all need one......but please don't lose touch with us.......how will we contact you when we are in the NW this summer?.........and next year when you said you would be traveling to Florida, will you still stop by and visit with hubby and I?



  • Matty

    (((LB))) I agree with just about everyone here... You've given so much and shared so much with us on this forum, it would be just awful to lose you.

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