Xmas xchange present(s) arrived safely........

by scootergirl 459 Replies latest jw friends

  • not interested
    not interested

    um it should have arrived today actualy it should have arrived on saturday so i hope my giftee has a box at her house ..........or maybe santa is gonna deliver it himself

  • caligirl

    My present arrived! As soon as I got in, I went straight to the front door, opened it and there on my doorstep was the box I have been waiting for. Thank you Not Interested! I love both of them! It is a Joy of Cooking desk calendar and a Feng Shui for the Kitchen book! So obviously, you have the answer as to whether I had enough patience to wait for Christmas to open it!Not a chance! (Also there was no "Don't open until Christmas" note, so I figured I was safe!) Thank you Thank you Thank you!

  • not interested
    not interested


    Your welcome, im glad you like it, buy ya know, the reason it took so long is after buying them i wanted to keep them for myself, and had a hard time parting with them, so i had to go get another copy

    merry christmas

  • Celia




    Celia......................... the forgotten ones........

    Edited by - Celia on 24 December 2002 11:33:40

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Hey Scooter....I understand that my secret santa had put the wrong address on the package...I'm not complaining at all...I'm excited ...but I am reporting that as of 9:30am CT I have not recieved my gift...but the day is not over yet!!!!....Hey girls...pass the Chocolate!!!!.......Please!!


  • scootergirl

    LOL CCrider....YES, your "secret santa" did address the package wrong. I am still giggling over that! But I understand that the package was delivered back to them and they inturn corrected their mistake.

    As for those that haven't gotten their gifts......patience. You more than likely won't be receiving them until after Christmas now. No one will be forgotten......I promise. If your "secret santa" doesn't come thru, I have a bunch of generous "elves" that have emailed me volunteering their services to make sure no one is forgotten.

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder


    Tink and I just read your post....We both simulaneously said.."She is just the sweetest person!" and you are! Have a Great Christmas Girl, you and your family!

    CC and Tink

  • scootergirl

    Thanks Tink and CC........and I wish you both the best too.

    This has been a lot of fun and I am hoping to do it again next year. I think that it was great to get to know people better and felt like one big extended family! The only thing better would have been to be able to celebrate in person together......but I would have to figure out how to pull that one off....hmmm.....

  • Goshawk

    Well, I am back from my recent travels and came home to a very pleasant surprise. A box from another state was waiting for me to be picked up at the post office.

    The mystery contained in this inoffensive box begged to be opened and solved. The box had kept safe during its travels a gift from a person who obviously put much thought and effort into its selection. The back of this figure has the texture and whorls of tree bark and old wood. Upon turning the shape around the image of two eagles becomes visible surrounding the bust, (no searcher and farkle not THAT kind of bust), of a wizened and contemplative American Indian.

    Thank you, Vickie! Each time I look at this item on my desk I smile and think how perfectly it blends with its surroundings.

    Vickie I apologize for not being able to write this sooner. Your gift was sent out in a timely manner but I was out of town, (some would argue out to lunch would be more accurate).



  • plmkrzy

    Jumpin' up and down... I GOT IT!!! On XMAS EVE NO LESS!

    mmmmmmmm........I love peach it's my fav. Peach Potion massage soap. O can't stop smelling it.

    And the insense! WoW it smells so good.

    And the insense holder.

    I LOVE IT! It's adorable! Where ever did you find it?

    Its so cute. A box (green) with a purple plum carved on it and "plum" carved on the plum!.

    You went a bit over board?on The postage alone.

    I'm smiling from ear to ear. Thank You Mac!

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