Governing Body Summoned For Jud Hearing

by silentlambs 213 Replies latest jw friends

  • BeelzeDub

    Who is M.V. and M.W.

    Why can't their names be told? What is the issue with keeping the names a secret?

    Edited by - beelzeDub on 4 October 2002 16:10:23

  • hillary_step


    Your post cannot be taken seriously, do you actually think that a court of law is going to be impressed with an invitation sent to the GB to attend a 'counsel meeting' with Bill in Bill has made serious accustations, that five members of the GB have molested children. These are allegations of a criminal nature and can only be dealt with through the Law, not by a meeting in a motel room in Kentucky. This letter, if serious should have been sent by a lawyer, after the lawyer drew lines through most of it.

    Can you stop using the 'bold' feature on your posts, it does not serve to give weight to your arguments, in fact it is distracting.

    Best regards - HS

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Hillary, Bill is moving as permitted to do so by law in regard to usage of religious procedure.

    The law does protect this even as it protects the WT by granting it ecclesiastical privelege to disfellowship people.

    After he has done what he has done and gotten response he can speak up louder and more clearly with the same shield of ECCLESIASTICAL PRIVELEGE.

    This is legal. All the moves will have been gone through.

    Now if you want to doubt it, fine, but keep your eyes open.

    Bill has stated as fact that five GB members are alleged to be molestors. He knows who the women are who have said so. I do have absolute confidence in this. Pat Garza is not the only one.

    I also have confidence that Bill's attorney consultants have said this is the way to do it. Using the "ecclesiastical privelege" that the WTS has used back on them.

    Fire with fire. Fire to fire. Hang evildoers with their own rope.

    Bill is a true Free Christian fighter!

    So if I were Ted Jarasc's attorneys I would not be too quick to laugh at all.

    My guess, Hillery, is you do not understand why Bill is doing what he is doing because you must be outside the U.S. where church-government separation by constitution is not quite the same. Believe it, he "does" have a plan. It's clear from here if not from there.

    Edited by - nancee park on 4 October 2002 16:30:31

  • hawkaw


    Holding events like this gets the press out. You can deliever the message you want too, to the press and then go from there.

    Why do you think Bill made a big fuss at his dfing???? Cause it brought the press ....

    Some events work .... such as say Dateline (with a lot of patience) and the NY Times

    and some events don't - like Bill's major news release on everyone who was df'd for speaking out back in early August. Of course Laurie brought it all back for us on August 11, 2002.

    Did the march work - kinda .... still more could have been done in coverage but its tough. Money is spent on news releases, people phone the press from Canada (cough) and spend tons of their own money doing it and on and on. Sometimes it pays off in spades ... other times ....

    Did the lambs stuff work a few weeks ago?? Kinda in some cities. I thought that was good optics but the press didn't.

    You take what you get and just keep on going and believe me - the public is concerned when it is framed with "child sexual assault".

    I know why you are upset H_S and I urge you and Bill to sit down and work it out. Go over what both of you are accomplishing and see if there is some sort of middle you guys can come too.

    Anyway I have to go. I am very sick and I somehow have to curl tonight. See you next week.


  • Trauma_Hound

    To keep non-profit statsu, you have to have a charter, and rules, who knows what those rules say, I'd like someone to post them, it maybe possible to actually do something like this.

  • Zechariah
    With the current the allegation that Theodore Jaracz is a child molester, this now brings to five the number of Governing Body members who are alleged child molesters.

    Could anyone enumerate for me the five governing body members Bill is talking about. Ted Jaracz and who else? Has not this information been publicly revealed.


  • hawkaw

    ummm... np....about your comment regarding H_S ...

    My guess, Hillery, is you do not understand why Bill is doing what he is doing because you must be outside the U.S. where church-government separation by constitution is not quite the same. Believe it, he "does" have a plan. It's clear from here if not from there.

    I hate to tell you but you are dead wrong. And one other thing H_S has my utmost respect too.


  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Silentlambs can talk to you about "formal" chartering. is a legal duly chartered non-profit corporation.

  • IslandWoman


    Bill does not wage a legal war .....

    He wages an "Optics" war ....

    Optics war? Then this letter is a shot in the foot. The only "optics" cause it furthers is the Watchtower's! If I were still a JW this one letter alone would convince me that this cause is run by egomanic whackos. It would put to rest the allegation of child abuse made against Jaracz.

    And if I were still a JW and were in a position of authority at Bethel, I'd ask the Bethel lawyers about the legality of printing a part of this letter in the Watchtower in order to show the publishers what the real cause of apostates is: wanting power and authority over the Governing Body!


  • kelsey007

    Hawk- in the USA we are at the mercy of public opion. We are also at themercy of what the media will view as credible or not. As we sit at the brink of war little attention is being given to the WT. Such letters written to the GB only will steer the media away from this issue- at least in the light of silent lambs. The intent may be good, but such reports and accusations are left to such rags as the golbe and national enquier. Few media sources in this country would touch such a thing with a 10 foot pole. The sorty line thaey would have to print to go along with this letter would be negative toward Mr Bowen.

    Also, for decades the GB has recieved many such letters from disgruntled ex-jws. These attacks are nothing new to them.

    A reasonable joint effort in washington could do much in support of the issue. Such unreasonable attacks against the GB only take away from the good already done and prevent positive result in the future. Remember, anyone, how such things were viewed as a JW? When you were a loyal JW how would you have responded about such a letter? Do you henestly see that there is any plan in effect that would make such a letter good for the cause?

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