Very Important Question

by Imbue 154 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    Moe you defend the people you love when they are wrongly accused of something......when they are in the wrong you encourage them to fess up....apologize...and accept the consequences for their actions.

    I am sure there is an apology from SYN somewhere in this comes the consequences for the's the circle of life...

  • Reborn2002


    How is it none of my business?

    Very simple.

    SYN committed the actions, and LIED, NOT you.

    Just because you love him, does not make you liable for his actions.

    This was between he and I. Is that a clear enough explanation for you?

    I have feelings you know, and you just hurt them.

    Perhaps. Maybe you should just take the same perspective your buddy SYN does. Since your not going to meet most of the people you talk to anyway.. who cares if you fabricate your entire story or not?

    After all, the person your LYING to doesnt have feelings. They cant be hurt for being deceived.

    Oh I suppose that doesn't matter right?

    If your feelings are hurt you can cry foul and expect sympathy from the majority of the board.

    If someone else is wrong and vents over it you can call them mean and say YOUR hurt.

    Cry me a river kid.

  • Reborn2002

    I will no longer post on this thread until it is positive or in jest

    Another statement to support my point.

    If it is criticism of someone you like.. even though justified.. you dont want to talk about it.

    In life you must take the good with the bad, and responsibility for your actions.

    All you wish to deal with is something you want to hear.

    This is just a message board after all

    I beg to disagree.

    This is a message board where people come together to share experiences concerning the JW's and other issues. This is a website where individual's eyes are opened to the harsh realities of the deception of the WTBTS and where people who have been molested, or have had their family taken from them due to the application of an unscriptural shunning doctrine, or people who have suffered wasted years and opportunities in their lives slaving for a cult.. get a chance to heal.

    If your going to lie, find somewhere else to do it.

  • Prisca


    Your graciousness in this situation is to be commended.

  • BeautifulGarbage
    BeautifulGarbage Syns a guy. I kinda suspected it but I remember the thread where Syn stated he/she was a girl. I never had any meaningful exchange with Syn, so I don't feel betrayed. It's just gettin hard to keep it straight

    However, I would like to respond to this statement:

    This is just a message board after all.

    On the surface, and to some, this may be true. Yet, there have been many friendships formed via this board and emotions have been invested. Love and concern is felt, and expressed. People share their experiences and support is offered. Yes, it's a message board. I certainly cannot deny that. It also so much more. The feelings here are real. No doubt flame wars would confirm that. Just be careful about what you take seriously.


  • ashitaka


    I see your point. I'm very against people doing stuff like this. I guess I'm kind of indifferent in this case because I've never had any personal contact with Syn.

    I remember being duped on a couple of threads with the whole MavMan, Sexyteen thing, and how pissed I was when I realized I had been a grand fool. I felt like a total ass.

    I don't know....forgive and forget? Whaddaya think, guys?


  • StinkyPantz

    I'd be mad if someone lied to me for months. Why should he forgive? But then again, what business is it of mine?

  • Reborn2002



    Your graciousness in this situation is to be commended.

    Sarcasm aside, and we all know you are one to interject plenty of sarcasm in places it does not belong... . honestly some people need to be addressed forcefully to understand because they refuse to see the whole spectrum of a matter if it does not paint them in a pretty picture.

    Moe is defending a liar. She had nothing to do with the circumstance at hand. I can understand her being passionate about it because she "loves" him, but this took place long before they began talking, and nonetheless involved SYN and I, not her. Hence, none of her business.


    I agree with your entire statement completely.


    I completely agree with your post too. When people are lied to on threads about policemen allegedly confronting JC's and taping conversations, people get angry. When people are deceived for years at the hands of a publishing organization and have their lives destroyed or forever altered in a bad way, they get mad. When people are personally affected, they get mad.

    I am not angry with SYN, in fact I completely accept any apology. I just did not appreciate being deceived, and was vocally expressing that frustration.

  • Prisca

    I wasn't being sarcastic - I think you replied with respect and honor. I can imagine you are very hurt by this deceit, and I would have imagined more anger from you. So I think you have handled this situation very well.

    Peace to you.

  • Reborn2002

    Thank you for your kind words Prisca.

    I meant no ill will towards you.


    But as has been stated previously in this thread.. emotions, trust, time, effort are all spent in conversation and relay of information back and forth between posters here.

    Lying is lying, whether it was joking around or not. Furthermore, willful, blatant lying is something worse yet.

    Syn knew full well he was male, but perpetuated the lie for months. THAT is wrong, and makes his actions no better than grand stunts pulled by MavMan/Sexyteen and the like.

    Deception is deception, no matter how you try to sugarcoat it.

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