Dateline discussed openly in our congregation

by TheMatrix 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • troucul

    boy, talk about farting and running!!!!->matrix

    anyways, this thread epitomized a thread I started a few weeks back. I've begun to realize that ex-jw's can be just as demeaning, overbearing, ignorant, arrogant, self-assuming, self-righteous and close-minded as those still in the borg. when ex's talk like that, (crawdad, i'm sorry to say you were one of them, and before you start, I'm not specifically applying those adjectives to you) it takes away from their message. I must applaud bonovox, (while there were a couple points i had a problem with-can't remember them now, sorry), you did bring something constructive to this board, and you did make a convincing argument regarding the borg and the potential for change, as well as statements about hating an organization that ostracized us.

    what i'm trying to say is that all to often i see statements in defense of the borg and all the ex's simply shouting out 'fuck you you fucking liar'and that's it.(pardon my french)

    don't get me wrong, change is long overdue for the borg. but when others make a valid attempt at helping the situation by airing a logical, and reasonable point of view, I think it's deconstructive to blast him for it.

    that's my story and i'm stickin' to it--

    i'm lookin high, i'm lookin low
    i wanna know, therefore i go
    your number is one your number is one

    henry rollins

  • LizardSnot

    Its good to see that some people...even if they are Dubs...are taking a stand. I doubt if what he said came down from the WBTS.
    I wonder what will happen if the WBTS finds out what he said?

    *still wants the Dubs disbanded

  • NeverJoinedTheBorg


    Assuming that the words of this elder H. character were accurately quoted, and he honestly meant what he said, then it seems to me that he won't be an elder for much longer, nor will he last as a JW. He will either get disfellowshipped for standing up against the tiranical rule of the WT, or he will get so disgusted by what he will begin to see that he will leave.

    In reality, the WT is doing little more than lip service resulting from the Datline segment. We are all too aware of the double-life that the WT adherants live. I liked the comment that was made earlier about being open minded: the JW door-knockers ask that the person in the home be open-minded enough to visit a kingdom hall, and to read the JW propaganda, but when it comes to serious questions, the JW mind closes down and stoops to character assasination. OPEN DIALOGUE IS NOT ALLOWED...PERIOD!!

    Also, when it comes to pedophiles, if elders think that by simply "overseeing" the pedophile, brining him into a judicial hearing if a child so much as sits on his lap, will solve the problem, they are seriously nieve. It seems to me that most elders have NO education on how to deal with psychological disorders, such as pedophilia (nor brainwashing for that matter), nor do they have the ability to provide any kind of therapy (if they did have this education, they certainly would not be a JW). The court system that these uneducated men put together does nothing more than to give the criminal a small jolt, if even that. The judicial meetings are only a waste of time.

    Now, what did elder H. not say?

    - He didn't say what would happen to the R&F JW if they turned in a pedophile to the authorities.

    - He said that the elders would report the pedophile, but he did not say when or how they would do it.

    - He said that "one on one" dialogue would be supported and encouraged, but he did not say what would happen should substantive questions arise, nor what would happen if the R&F JW disagreed with the WT policy. This "one on one" dialogue will only be one sided.

    As usual, the real message is in what the org. DOES NOT say, rather than in what it does say.


  • LB

    Note farkels last message. This entire thread started by Matrix was fake. He's an old troll. Don't take anything serious on this thread.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • abbagail

    BONOVOX Jun 06, 2002 14:06, wrote:
    - if the true aim is to expose pedophiles, why isn't the [SL] site being used to that end, as suggested in my previous post and for which there are plenty of other precedents?

    Hi Bono:

    Just a few thought here, but per your prior suggestions of how to improve the SL website, how likely is it that a person abused by a JW years earlier actually has a photo of that abuser, in order to post it on the SL website?

    Also, Bowen does have a "Pinpoint a Pedophile" link where you can submit the specific names, etc. of the abusers, so I am sure he is already make a list. If one has a photo, that'd be great.

    And, question: Can you post pics of your abuser on a public website, even if there was no trial, conviction, etc.? I mean, is that legal?

    For instance, I know a family relative (non-JW) who abused many persons in the family tree. However, that occurred 40+ years ago. When it finally came to light in the family, I called the police dept. of the town where the pervert still lives. They said nothing could be done since it was so many years ago, which is what I expected; my main purpose in calling was merely to inform the PD about this person so they could be aware of him, since he supposedly lives near a school, and even tho an old man, is likely still up to his old tricks. So, my question is: Could I legally, say, make a website of my own, and post a big photo of this relative, with his name/address/phone and label the page: THIS MAN IS A PEDOPHILE? - Please do let me know, 'cuz I may just do that if I will not get "sued." ;)

    Thanks gang for any input.

  • dungbeetle

    hey bonoidiot:

    Bill's true aim is to change Watchtower policy.

  • Rihannsu


    Edited by - Rihannsu on 11 June 2002 15:51:24

  • TR

    The thought of escorting a pedophile out in "service" kills me! Especially since I'd rather kill the pedophile!

    Could any of you people actually befriend a known pedophile? How about going out in "service" with a pedophile. Sitting next to him in the car, chit-chatting about the TROOF or some other 'hovah bullshit.

    How about the pedophile that is "reinstated" in the cong. Are you going to be a good 'hovah and welcome this pedophile back, warmly greeting him and associating with him? This is some sick shit, people! The pedophile needs to be:

    1. in jail, or,

    2. dead



    Hey TR,I like your second choice.(LOL)...OUTLAW

  • bonovox

    Grits, I think you can get sued for slander for just about anything these days, but Im no laywer. The question is a. whether they will be successful, and b. do you want to risk the time and expense of having to go to court? If I was in a similar situation as yours, where the law had refused to help me, I would probably do the site, and take my chances...there would likely be a fair amount of media surrounding any civil action launched by my abuser, and in turn pressure could be brought to bear against the DA or whatever to look into the case maybe that would make it all worthwhile?? But again, Im the last person to offer an legal opinion on what you should do in this case.

    I was thinking of another precedent right now, I think the site owner is based out of western NY, and basically what they do is take pictures of women entering abortion clinics and the doctor's who perform the abortions and post them up on a website, saying something to the effect 'these are killers and murderers in your community'. I believe that some have tried to sue them but have not been successful.

    Incidentally Bill answered my questions as to this suggestion in another thread and I now understand his position as to why is isn't doing this at this time.

    Guess I wouldn't have been made to understand if I never asked the question though, would I?

    The village idiot,


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