Governing Body Member Gerrit Loesch Must Eventually Take The Witness Stand In Child Molestation Lawsuits

by frankiespeakin 142 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • leaving_quietly

    He said that he didn't work for the US Service Department. It is a side-step. He is probably claiming that he was still in Austria when he was connected to the service department - not in the US. It is a weasel tactic.

    As of September, 2014, he DOES work in and supervise the US Service Committee. Likely, he worked in that committee prior to September, but I have no record of that. Is he making a fine line distinction between the Service Committee and the US Service Department?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Gerrit Loesch is just some homeless guy that hangs out at Watchtower Corp. because they give him tablescraps and a cot. To blend in better, he wears a suit. Since he never got paid a salary, or since he never was a single decision maker, or for whatever reasons a lawyer wants to dig up, his statements are true on some technicality of what your definition of the word "is" is.

    The problems with his statements, no matter the technicality that makes them true, is that judges can think like lawyers (because they are lawyers) and can smell the technical bullcrap.

    "I did not commit that rape. I was sound asleep in bed at the time and I was out of town on the night in question. As a matter of fact, I was in the air on an airplane at the exact time she said. I have never met the defendant. Besides, she has always had a vendetta against me, probably out of jealousy. She consented anyway, and that is not the woman I forced into my hotel room that night because she was much taller."

  • SaritaJ

    Sarita J,

    The GB members are just independent contractors.


    After almost 30 years a JW,I am suddenly realizing that I don't know so much about this organization.Talk about new light.

  • leaving_quietly

    In 1971, they made a clear distinction between the Governing Body and other legal entities. From w01 1/15 p. 29:

    At that unforgettable annual meeting in 1971, a distinction was clearly drawn between the spirit-anointed members of the Governing Body and the directors of the Pennsylvania corporation. Still, members of the Governing Body continued to serve as directors and officers of the Society. Today, however, the question arises: Is there any Scriptural reason why the directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania must be members of the Governing Body?
    The answer is no. The Pennsylvania corporation is not the only legal entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses. There are others. One is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Incorporated. It facilitates our work in the United States. Jehovah’s blessing has clearly been upon that corporation, though its directors and officers have been mainly of the “other sheep.” The International Bible Students Association is used in Britain. Other legal entities are used to promote Kingdom interests in other lands. All of them harmoniously assist and have a role to play in getting the good news preached earth wide. No matter where they are located or who serve as directors or officers, these entities are theocratically guided and used by the Governing Body. Hence, such entities have assigned tasks to perform in furthering Kingdom interests.

    And from w90 1/15 p. 26:

    In modern times the Governing Body has been closely identified with the editorial staff of the Watch Tower Society and its board of directors. But the Governing Body differs from that legal corporation, as the speaker pointed out: “Since the corporation’s existence is purely legal, with a fixed geographic headquarters, it can be dissolved by Caesar, the State.” Not so the Governing Body, which is not a legal instrument but the members of which “are appointed through the holy spirit under the direction of Jehovah and Christ.” Thus, the Governing Body continues to function and to receive the unqualified support of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide.


    A good judge will never buy that crap.


  • leaving_quietly

    I don't disagree. I don't buy that crap. This reminds me of the mafia using shell corporations as layers of insulation.

  • frankiespeakin

    These guys on the Governing Body have a very serious disconnect with reality so that they will screw up royally if called to the stand, they only sound good when they are talking to fellow delusionalist and nobody is allowed to disagree with them. They have been clostered at the head quarters compound so long that they have no real touch with reality.

    The next time Gerrit Loesch or what ever GB they call to the stand ought to be very interesting because this thing isn't going away, anyway it will be interesting to see Zalkin's game plan in dealing with these delusional brain dead jokers who call themselves the Faithful and Discreet Slave. Hey maybe next time it could be the 2 most senior GBs and make them contradict themselves and each other as they try to dodge the questions and tie themselves up in knots.

    It's a shell game as to who actually runs the Watchtower Corporation, but it is clear to see that the Governing Body is considered the spiritually elite ruling class over spiritual matters which happen to include a vast slave labor force duped into service by the corporation's sock puppet Jehovah who will kill them if they don't "Listen and Obey" by being Disfellowshipped by a GB sponsored Judicial Commitee or at the very latest come armagedon.

    Zalkin has done his research he knows how this corporation is run and he can make the judge wise to all these details next time he calls these half witted boszos to the witness for jehovah stand where they can spout their bull shit to the courts and see how far it gets them before they too have to flee to some other country or go to prison.

    I bet Gerrit Loesch is probably considering an early retirement back in austria out of USA's jurisdictional reach. Perhaps they may even annouce his departure in the KM and wish him well as he leaves in good terms and valued silence. And a golden retirement serverance to live comfortably till he croaks. I'm sure the Governing Body accounting department can work something out for a fellow faithful and discreet slave and sweep him under the rug.

    Oh can the courts take away his pass port if they think these guys might flee the country?

    Come to think of it that would make some nice Yearbook experiences, on how God's earthly organization was able to out smart the Feds and smuggled different Governing Body members out of the country and away from Satan's Court System to some remote place getting ready for the Big A to start any day now.

  • flipper

    Perhaps since a LIVE GB member is refusing to own up to things and talk- why not exhume the bodies of Jaracz, Greenlees, and Chitty and see if there's any DNA evidence - or who knows- perhaps the " spirit of God " will enter into them and resurrect them to speak

  • Naoscillator

    Turns out the judge was immune to GB mind-tricks.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Gerret Loesch court document distancing himself from the policies of the WT corporation is a lie . Just a look at the Vow of obedience and poverty full time slaves of the WT corporation are required to sign.

    VOW OF OBEDIENCE AND POVERTY to the Order of special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah's Witnesses
    As an ordained minister, wholly dedicated to Jehovah God, I hereby express my solemn desire to be recognized as a member of the worldwide Order of special Full-Time servants of Jehovah's Witnesses ("the Order") I Vow as follows:
    1. While a member of the Order, to live the simple, non materialistic life-style that has traditionally existed for members of the Order.
    2. In the spirit of the inspired words of the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 6:8) and the prophetic expression of the Psalmist (Psalm Palms Calms 110:3) to volunteer my services to do whatever is assigned to me in the advancement of Kingdom interests wherever I am assigned by the Order.
    3. To be submissive to the theocratic arrangement for members of the Order (Hebrews Whatever 10: 9-11);
    4. To devote my best full-time efforts to my assignment;
    5. To abstain from secular employment without permission from the Order;
    6. To turn over to the local organization of the Order all income received from any work or personal efforts in excess of my necessary living expenses, unless released from this vow by the Order;
    7. To accept such provisions for members of the Order (be they meals, lodging, expense reimbursements, or others) as are made in the country where I serve, regardless of the level of my responsibility or value of my services;
    8. To be content and satisfied with the modest support that I receive from the Order as long as I am privileged to serve in the Order and not to expect any further remuneration should I choose to leave the Order or should the Order determine that I no longer qualify to serve in the Order ( Matthew let me stick it to ya 6;30-33; 1 Timothy Long Legs 6:6-8;  The Three Hebrew Stooges 13:5); 
    9. To abide by the principles set out in God's inspired Word, the bible, in publications of the Jehovah's Witnesses, and in policies dispensed by the Order, and to follow the directions of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses; and
    10. To accept readily any decision made by the Order regarding my membership status.

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