...The WBT$ Theft of Kingdom Hall Bank Accounts and JW Elders...

by OUTLAW 162 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • apostate tizzy
    apostate tizzy

    If sufficient funds are not available for all resolved donations in a particular month, additional funds should not be solicited. The elders should determine what amounts from the congregation funds that are available at the end of the month will be applied toward the resolved monthly donation(s) and whether the shortfall should be made up in future months. However, it would be appropriate for the elders to remind the congregation of the resolved monthly commitments. If the congregation can no longer contribute the amount(s) they resolved on a regular basis, the elders may consider the situation at the next annual review of the resolution for Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide.

    Is it only me or, are the above highlighted statements a contradiction?

    So if sufficient funds are not available dont ask for additional funds, but tell the cong to meet the commitment.?????

    So how would you meet the commitment (when in a shortfall month) without asking for additional funds? just magic the money from thin air?

  • TTATTelder


    I think they are saying:

    Don't have a local needs part telling the dubs - "We were short last month so pony up the difference."

    But rather, remind them of their commitment going forward.

    The letter is attempting to ramp up financial pressure but still appear balanced.


  • AlphaMan

    This whole thing is insane. This modern-day Governing Body is out of control. So many doctrinal & organizational changes in a very short time. This is suppose be be an organization that the light gets brighter & brighter toward true religion worship. With all these changes so rapidly, it's like what they had 5 years ago was not even close to the truth. How can people still believe anything about this religion?

    One year ago if JW's came to your door and you told them you belonged to a religion where all the congregations were ordered to send all their money but $5,000 to the leaders.....the JW's would have told you that you are in a CULT!

    Please get out of this religion people.....it truly is not the truth as advertised. They have no power without people to follow them.

  • Teary Oberon
    Teary Oberon

    "Therefore, any resolution to send the money to another cause, is beyond the powers of the trustee , or ultra vires"

    Once again, that is what the congregation resolutions are for. If the congregation as a whole votes to override previous comittments for their own donations, then they have that right, even if the trustee on his own does not.

    People also seem to be forgetting that, on the positive side, many congregations will actually get financial relief due to the new arrangements, thanks to Watchtower taking on loan payments and major repair and renovation costs themselves.

    Before (and even going up to the present time) congregations would have to build up massive amounts of repair funds on their own. A local congregation in my area has built up over $25,000 in savings over a very long period of time just to overhaul their own AC system. They hopefully should not have to do that anymore. And even if there is a waiting time for repair requests, it would still probably even out because it also takes a really long time for a congregation to build up funds on its own.

  • frankiespeakin

    I suspect that with the Watctower Corpration dishing out of corporate funds for kingdom hall repair or remodel will be almost nonexistant(they don't want to part with the money) and that KH needing or getting request for funds to have expensive repairs will be first on the list to liquidate when the cash pay outs over childmolestion lawsuits starts getting heavy. Expect to see and hear of lots and lots of disgruntiled R and F forced to make due with taveling to other locations to meet and as the organization lower its number of required meeting to acommadate more KH sharing and what not. I'm sure the GB have some type of finacial advisers for this thing but the thing is will they take it while in their delusional state of power estacy.

    This whole Faithful & Discreet Slave malarkey has gone to their heads and really is fucking with them big time. They think they are faithful and discreet in what they do and it is leading them to one blunder after anther. Or to use some computer teckno jargon: 'Garbage in Garbage Out' they got bad programs and a heavy hand with maximum punishment of Disfellowshipping all from Jehovah their Corporation's Sock Puppets blessing and moody ways. Give them a panic button and they will press it.

    Another words they are in a dream world of their own making and they grasping at straws the same way a drowning man would.

  • westiebilly11

    all that money going into an interest making account no doubt........and tax relief too....

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Marking, marking. Unbelievable.

  • sir82

    all that money going into an interest making account no doubt

    you're kidding, right?

    "Interest bearing account"


    There is a Bethel department dedicated to investments - they send their guys to seminars, etc.

    The WTS invests heavily in stocks, mutual funds, and god knows what other shady / unshady investment vehicles out there.



    Good Morning JWN!..

    I`ve been reading All your Comments..Thank you for Your Posts..

    This is a Very Important Subject that Needs to be Addressed..

    "The WBT$ Theft Of JW Donated Money From Kingdom Hall Bank Accounts"

    Being "TOLD" to Hand over Money to the WBT$ is Not a Donation..

    It`s Theft..


    .................... You Are About To "WITNESS" .......................................From JW Kingdom Hall Bank Accounts..

    ...............................A WBT$ Approved.................................................................Around the World..



    ..................................................Will Active JW Elders Who Are On These ExJW Forums..

    .........................................................................Inform Their Fellow JW`s..

    ...............................................................They Are Being Robbed By The WBT$?!..


    ............................................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • suavojr

    Why is everyone so worked up?!!!???

    The R&F will DONATE, DONATE, DONATE FOR THE KING AND HIS KINGDOM! Just like any of the other thousands of other denominations that do same.

    God is just bad with money...poor thing

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