A farce elder here

by His Excellency 138 Replies latest jw experiences

  • His Excellency
    His Excellency

    stuckinarut2- I am not scrambling for supporters on this forum. It is obvious the watchtower had severely damaged you, and you obviously dont deserve anyone's sympathy. Refrain from being judgemental and take your anger to the trash

  • stuckinarut2

    Enjoy your power trip while you can HE

    I'm with cofty and many others....out of this thread. Why join with such foul tactics...

    I doubt you will have too many more contribute to this thread.

    I'm happy to share in discussions with you on other threads if it arises...but as for this one...I'm out of here


    stuckinarut2- I am not scrambling for supporters on this forum. It is obvious the watchtower had severely damaged you,

    and you obviously dont deserve anyone's sympathy. Refrain from being judgemental and take your anger to the trash.....His Excellency

    Your Importance in the WBT$ doesn`t Translate into the Real World..

    ..............................Certainly not on this Forum..


    ...................................Your A Nobody Here..


    ........................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    'How many people have you personally helped'

    'How many have you personally made see'

    'I made a solemn promise to my self not to convey the idea that the watchtower organisation is a kind place to be'
    -- You sound as though you have made your life into a personal crusade, as though your life's only goal is to force as many as possible to see the Watchtower as a cold place to be, but why do you feel the need to take this upon yourself? If you force them towards becoming bitter and angry people like yourself, how have you benefitted them exactly? And if the Watchtower org is a cold, harsh and terrible place for everyone to be (which it is not for all), then will they not see that for themselves? The information is out there and available. And if they are living a braindead, comfortable, cozy little life and not willing to think about things, what right do you have to treat them harshly.. to deliberately try to force them towards an outcome that may be worse for them.. but that YOU have decided is better for them?..
    What is your real goal? To help others to live a happier and more contented life? Or to risk damaging their self esteem and family lives permanently, so that you can feel better that one more person is free, 'thanks to you' with your efforts and manipulations?
    (also, could you please at least have the manners to reply to my previous post? Thanks)


    Do what you gotta do Bro. Remember, Picard damaged the Borg from within. I would suggest forming some kind of exit strategy. I am playing it cool until I switch jobs and get settled. Patience my friend, just be careful.


  • sd-7

    Wait, so is this like, somebody who realizes slavery is wrong and then proceeds to be the most sadistic overseer on the plantation in the hopes that it will drive as many slaves as possible to try to escape? And then be the hangman waiting for when they're caught?

    Wow. Well, it could work, but it really does enter a pretty morally dark gray area. How many people will suffer and remain on the inside with their suffering because of it?

    Look, I'm the last person who can make a judgment on this guy. Look what I did to my wife, the woman I supposedly loved. If I'd been a decent guy, I'd have let her go and moved on with life instead of involving her in my departure from the JWs. Instead, I hurt her, and I have to live with that.

    When people find out TTATT, they're faced with some hard moral choices. Maybe we shouldn't be so quick to hate this guy. He's going to be an indecent man in an indecent world. It was men like him that helped me see something was wrong. And they'll hate him for it, as I hated men like that. But maybe, maybe, they'll start to understand that it's not just him, not just one elder, but the entity as a whole that's just like it, that props up and rewards people like him.

    I couldn't and wouldn't support that sort of thing. But I think I do understand his point.


  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Data dog, you have a pm you know..

  • LisaRose

    I guess you thought that as exJWs we would be fine with your hypocrisy and lies, but just because we left the religion does not mean we gave up the principles of honesty and integrity. It might make you feel better to think you are accomplishing some good, but I doubt if any of the people you railroaded out of the religion think so. You have the choice of staying so as to keep your family, you took that away from them. You might want to check with them and find out if they think it was worth it to loose all their family and friends to find out what a hypocritical organization this is, somehow I doubt they would agree.

    You ought to be ashamed.

  • sd-7

    You might want to check with them and find out if they think it was worth it to loose all their family and friends to find out what a hypocritical organization this is, somehow I doubt they would agree.

    Well, it was going to happen anyway. Pretty much most of my family consists of jerks anyway, but I didn't need a JC to figure that out. Losing family and friends is par for the course for people who get expelled.

    Besides, you really think this guy is the lucky one in all this? I don't. Nobody wins in this, it's the nature of it all.

    I'm not defending his approach, but I think I am trying to understand his point of view. I don't much like it, but...strangely, I feel like I understand it.


  • crmsicl

    I don't believe you. Jgnat called you out as a plagiarist when you told your story a year ago and she provided proof.

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