This is my first post

by Make Lemonade 126 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    "I am a lawyer by day and an elder at night"

    Sounds quite reasonable to me, just the sort of thing I could imagine Jesus saying – a tax collector by day, a Christian at night, but if you can only manage it on a Sunday, that’s OK too. As AlphaMan said, JWs know no limit to their hypocrisy.

    BTY, I too remember 1975 very well imdeed, telling everyone the world will be ending soon. In the spring of 1975 I even debated whether or not to tax my car for a year or for six months, because as a pioneer, I was always short of money.

  • LV101

    Welcome Make Lemonade and for being a warrior against evil.

  • Make Lemonade
    Make Lemonade

    My first "attempted" shunning was yesterday.

    I was in line at the Post Office. One of three people waiting. A sister who knows me very well was one of the two other people in line. From my viewpoint, she was ignoring me, yet there is the benefit of the doubt. So I took my turn in line and finished what I came to do. The sister finished just after I did. It gave me enough time to go to the exit door and open it for her. She tried the entrance door, but for some reason could not manage to get out.

    Her actions looked to me like a nervous trapped mouse. She decided to go out the exit door that I was still holding open. So far, she did not make eye contact or say anything to me. After she went out the door, and we walked a few steps I said, "hi _____, how are you?" She stopped and looked right at me and said, "Oh I did not notice it was you, I am fine". So I smiled back at her and said, "Good". Then I saw that she was headed toward her van.

    Inside, I could see "the car group". In my mind I thought, "great more trapped mice". Without hesitation, I went to the front of the van and looked thru the windshield. In the passenger seat was another sister who I know very well. She was wearing sunglasses, so I could not look into her eyes. I could see the frown on her face.

    Looking at that frown, I started waving and saying, "How are you?" Only after I saw the frown turn to a slight smile did I stop waving, and said "bye".

    To me the waving, greeting, opening the door, etc. shows that I am not controlled by their injustice to me. After all, I was D.F.'d for "giving testimony in opposition to the WT" and speaking "abusively about the glorious ones". Those are not valid charges. For me to submit to the shunning, would be to act like a beat dog that is in submission to the "glorious ones". What a joke that would be! Sharing this with you all makes me feel liberated and free of guilt.

    This dates me, but seems so appropriate: "Works for me!"

  • KateWild

    Thanks Make Lemonade,

    I too was DF'd, unjustly, for disclosing DV in our family. I too greeted two JWs this week. One walked straight passed me, the other was polite but did not enter into a conversation and hurried to finish what she was doing in order to get away from me.

    I agree we shoul not adhere to this policy of shunning, and if we greet JWs politely, what more can men in the cong do to us?

    Well done, thanks.

    Kate xx

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Well done Kate!

    Well done Make Lemonade!

  • jgnat

    Trapped mice. Love it. hell-OOO trapped mice, how are YOU today?

    Waving Emoticon

  • Make Lemonade
    Make Lemonade

    KateWild, cha ching, jgnat:

    Thank you all. You put a big smile on my face. Now all day at work I will be thinking how positive this experience really is. For us to view all our experiences from a more "normal" perspective is great. Believe me, it will be hard to get the image of the smiley face waving a flag out of my head.

    So funny and appropriate.

  • FadeToBlack

    That lemonade is going to taste mighty fine one day soon. Good for you.

  • MissFit

    Hi ML. How are you doing? Just checking in to see any updates. I really admire you for sticking to your principles.

  • Make Lemonade
    Make Lemonade

    Hello MissFit: Thank you for asking. Thank you for the encouragement. Sorry it took 2 days to get back to you. Yesterday we got up extra early to travel to work. We had to be on time. To do that we also had breakfast and lunch pre-prepared. That all went very well for us yesterday. Now comes this morning. Since I forgot to turn off the alarm my wife and I woke up extra early again this morning. My wife still was going to work at her job. It was easy to put breakfast and lunch together for her. Well, then my wife had time to make a "honey do" list for me. I objected mildly to the list that was getting longer. However, I am in the middle of getting many of her requests done.

    So far I have watered "her" plants. She wanted me to make "my pork chops", instead of putting them in the slow cooker. She is right about the pork chops being better baked. Anybody could do it. Instead of broiled you can use olive oil to coat them and then cover them with crushed bread crumbs. I use a rolling pin to crush the bread crumbs. Add Italian seasoning, Then bake for 30 to 45 miniutes at 350 to 400 degrees. You have to experiment with your stove. Mine takes 45 miniutes at 375 at least. I check them with a thermometer to make sure. They are very rich and moist. Those are in the oven now.

    I will be making at least one more comment today. My wife put it on my to do list. We had time to look on together this morning. She wanted me to say something in response to your questions. If I have watered her plants, made the pork chops, gone shopping, and made the comment she wants I will be pretty much done with most of the "honey do" list.

    What I wanted to convey in this first response is we are working at being normal. It is not always easy. Plenty of sad things to weigh us down. This morning and yesterday are a response to not being "squezed into the Watchtowers mold for apostates". Life is to be enjoyed even if you have to work at it.

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