Any seniors looking for association?

by cultBgone 148 Replies latest social relationships

  • scary21

    I want to be in Gracie's gang too. This thread is so cool . I can relate. I never lost any JW friends because I never really had any, but moving every few years with my hubby has been stressful and lonely. It's not easy to make new friends when your older. ( 59) I Lived in IL for 5 years and not one friend, but before that I lived in Janesville WI, and made 2 friends, one I talk to all the time and she comes for visits.

    This last move was hell. I had to put my 16 yr. old kitty to sleep. He was in bad shape. He was always a pain in the ass from day one. He would get in the litter box but pee off the side. I still loved him and knew no one else would deal with him for 16 yrs lol. Then a few weeks after I got to my new house, my golden got sick ( cancer} Had to put her down I guess that was just too much for me because right after I started waking up every morning with cramps. They can't find a problem . had a ultra sound. So maybe IBS from stress ? I will be looking into some of your diet ideas.

    Hugs to all you wonderful women out there,


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I saw such a difference with the low carb diet! It turns out I am not a lazy eater. I need to cook lo carb meals b/c they aren't readily available at restaurants. I started out with one recipe that had four to six portions. My low carb cookbook was excellent. There are so diabetic cookbooks that use such varying standards.

    I'm going to ask about the Paleo Diet. Officially, I have IBS but it only flares up once in a while.

  • Violia

    I once lost 40# on a

    No White ( any form of white or really grain)

    No sugar

    I quit being bloated and had no fluid retention. The problem is the minute I went off of it I gained it all back.

    I am working on a No Wheat/White . I can eat some grains, just not those two.

    No sugar for sure and now No salt.

    I love fruit so it is a real problem for me. I would rather eat fruit than just about anything.

  • LisaRose

    Welcome to Gracies Gang Scary. I had a similar experience moving three years ago, it was pretty stressful. I wanted to move, but the older you get the harder it is, plus I had to wind down my business. I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitus right in the middle of the move. It's a chronic bladder pain issue, which means you have to deal with urologists, and they are all ass hats. Then I moved and had to deal with another ass hat. We couldn't find a house that we wanted that wasn't a short sale. So we moved into a furnished rental with our aged cat Cleo. She started urinating out of the box while we were trying to sell the house and at the rental. The only place we could find that took cats had a weird heating system, you had to go into the main house and manually turn the heat off and on.

    It all worked out in the end, three months in a house came on the market, we made a back up offer and it got approved in record time and we love the house and neighborhood. I am glad to be back in California, but I don't work, so it is hard to make friends sometimes. I have one good friend that I met randomly, she is the sweetest person, I am grateful to have her. We have a little pub only a two minute walk from our house, and they are very nice, we always get lots of hugs. The owners are two Philippina women, as are many of the staff, they are very lovely people and always make us feel welcome. My husband like a to eat out a lot, but has bad night vision, so we eat there a lot. They make a mean gin and tonic too. Everyone knows our name and what we drink. Our waitress last night said " Are you getting the special and two Uncle Vals and Tonic?" Yep, she exactly guessed what we were going to get, that's good service.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Oh, I am a fruit addict. My taste buds have changed over the years. Most cookies and cakes taste too sweet. There was a gourmet produce store in Greenwich Village. They bought best of market daily and passed on the cost to their customers. I could not afford much but the fruit was so superior to grocery store fruit. Next, the city decided to renovate a drug infested park by opening up a farmer's market. Heaven. The area was an unsafe, ugly eyesore. Now it is too high end.

    I have problems with fresh pears. Often they never ripen. When they do ripen, I seem to have about five minutes before the pears go bad. Does anyone have any ideas. I try to purchase local food rather than purchase expensive fruit from far away.

  • LisaRose

    I just got some very bad news. My brother has been struggling with cancer the past year, he is in the hospital, things are not looking good. There are multiple tumors, he is getting chemo and is on dialysis, he fell and hit his head, that caused a concussion and a seizure. Another brother is going on Thursday, hopefully we can take turns to help out, there are six siblings counting him. but we are spread out in Oregon, Idaho Arizona and California. I will be going down (souther cal) a week from Monday to spend some time and give his wife a break, she is getting overwhelmed. He is only 61, it's seems far too young to be this sick. It's very hard, I had been very worried, I saw him at Thanksgiving, he looked more like eighty than sixty.

  • scary21

    Wow, your sibs are all over the place. My husbands family is like that too. Bummer about your brother Lisa. You're right, 61 is too young to be that sick. Looks like some stress coming your way. I wish I had a bar walking distance from my house. Lucky you ....and no DUI's lol

    BOTR, about the pears, I love the red ones best ,but you are so right, they take like 10 or more days to ripen. My mom loves pears.When she came to visit we bought some. When she left 2 weeks later they still were not ready.


  • scary21

    CultBgone, I always think I will go to the show by myself but I never do. Shopping is what I do when I get bored.

    Never have a problem doing that by myself.


  • LisaRose

    BOTR, my taste buds have changed too. I got some ice cream last weekend, it seemed overwhelmingly sweet, I didn't enjoy it that much. When you are not eating a lot of sugar you start tasting the natural sweetness in food. Red bell peppers taste sweet to me now. I remember when I only ate strawberries if it was accompanied by whipped cream and short cake, now just the strawberries alone is a sweet treat to me.

    I have the same issue with pears, they never seem ripe to me. I buy one occasionally and try to get it as ripe as possible, which sometimes works otherwise I just get canned pears and pour off the syrup.

    Scary 21, it is nice being able to walk to a bar, but also a bit too tempting at times. My husband will ask if I want to go for a walk, but somehow our walk always ends up at the Powder Keg and involves a gin and tonic. He added up how much we spent there last year and was a bit shocked at how much that was, so we cut back a bit this year.

  • cultBgone

    LisaRose, so sorry to hear about your brother's illness. Must be extremely hard on his wife as well, so good that your siblings are providing support to them. (((hugs)))

    ScarySherry, I alone is always easy. Even on the rare occasion my adult child goes with me, we split up at the front door of the store and then have to text each other when we're ready to check out.

    BOTR, I've been told that the best way to ripen pears is to place them inside a brown paper bag and leave them for a few days...seems to work, I use small brown paper lunch bags from Whole Foods.

    Yesterday...spent entirely too many hours digging a new flower garden, now I need to drag the full 30 gallon trash can out of the yard as I was too tired to do it last evening. Although I really need to leave for work...guess I'll be out there again this evening. The plants look good, still have lots of work to do in the yard but it was a great day of digging in the dirt and giving them a new home. Hoping to have the backyard enjoyable for summertime entertaining!

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