i wish more churches would preach truth like this

by unstopableravens 258 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unstopableravens

    Jgnat, who is the third

  • jgnat


  • unstopableravens

    I don't know everything michelle believes but I think we are very close to the same

  • cantleave

    It's like arguing who is the true Dr. Who? Tom Baker oe David Tenant.

  • jgnat

    unstopableravens, I asked you if you advocate to the Nicene Creed and you pointed me to a baptist convention from the 1600's that is far more extensive and incorporates the Nicene creed. I noted that you are ignorant, which you are. You don't know because you haven't looked in to it very deeply.

    I might be going out on a limb here, but I am pretty sure that Michelle advocates the Nicene Creed. She has gone so far to suggest that tec's highly individualistic faith is the antichrist, since it varies so far from orthodox Christianity.

    tec in her most sweet way, implies that anyone who does not follow her Christ is antiChrist.

    Rather a bit of a show for outsiders, don't you think?

  • unstopableravens

    Whatever michelle calls antichrist is on her, I don't know all she has to say, but ur comment was that three ppl had three different christ. And I believe from what I know of michelle we have the same,

  • jgnat

    BUT you are not EXACTLY the same. You have differences. Which is why creeds and statements of faith were developed in the first place. How do you tell if someone is of your "kind" or not?

    Without creeds or statements of faith, every one is their own religion.

  • tec

    Jgnat, I would have answered your question the same as you did. One is not a native american by their clothes or customs, etc... one is a native american by birth/blood. So one can wear inauthentic clothing and still be an authentic native american. There is nothing saying that a native american must dress and do the same as his/her ancestors in order to remain a native american.

    I don't see how that applies to a Christian though.

    You did acknolwedge that the clothing on the native american was inauthentic. So putting that into perspective... Unstop and I are discussing the clothing. But Truth does not change. Hell did not evolve and become a reality, adapting to the times ; ) The doctrine of hell however did evolve, and that is the inauthentic button/clothing being discussed. What is false does not come from the Truth... but rather from something other than the Truth.

    Make sense?



  • unstopableravens

    I'ts noy about kinds lol it doing busness with god not man. The small differances don't change anything.

  • tec

    tec in her most sweet way, implies that anyone who does not follow her Christ is antiChrist.

    Oh, no I do not. Never even thought it.

    One who is against Christ or who denies Christ... is anti-christ.

    But someone may simply not know Christ... may be listening to others over Christ... may be misled... and all without denying Him or being against Him.

    This is the problem with trying to read something into someone's words that is NOT there.

    Please do not make this false statement about me.



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