In general, the people on this forum have a poor outlook spiritually speaking.

by Stand for Pure Worship 120 Replies latest jw friends

  • DeWandelaar

    The Troll woke up... and is very hungry

  • Ucantnome

    'Wrong motives,' 'Incorrect view,' 'Thinking from a selfish viewpoint.'

    That's what you think is it SFPW

    Leaving the organization that a person was raised in from infancy isn't easy. At least it wasn't easy for me. There was a lot of prayer and talking over several years, many times i found myself unable to sleep and prayed. There was also fear. Fear for my kids and wife, what am i doing taking them away from God's organization. There was fear that i maybe disfellowshipped and what that would do to my family. I'm a relatively shy person but i had to overcome my fears to set foot in the congregation being accused of apostasy and having an elder speak against me from the platform so badly he had to go home from what i was told. Miraculously i wasn't in attendance that night. After everything was considered including a letter to the society from which i recieved no reply. Then thinking some months later that maybe they had replied to the body of elders so i phoned them and badgered them for six months to come to me and help answer my questions. The elders finally came no prayer was said and no answers were forth coming.

    I left school at 16 and pioneered due to the nonsense about 1975. When i raised this with the elders they said it was nothing to do with the Watchtower.

    'I know this gives ammunition to the self-victims of 1975, but really the only thing the WT has been guilty of was following JEsus words at Mat24:42. You can't fault them for that.'

    My parents grew up like normal kids, finished school, my father trained and got a good job, married and had kids. Then they accepted the Good News preached by Jehovah's Witnesses. They heard how the Tribulation, WWI had stopped, been cut short and any time Armageddon would start. The generation that was of an age to understand the events of 1914 would not pass away. WOW! how urgent it was to get this preaching done.

    Many of my parents generation, that were not of that generation that was tied to the words of Jesus by the ones calling claiming to be his brothers, are dead. They will hopefully have a resurrection like eveyone else that never stepped foot in a kingdom hall and that never denied their children birthdays, christmas, or any other celebration that might seem as if they were celebrating a birthday or that denied life saving blood or a normal child, teenage, upbringing or an education so that their children might at least do as well as them and not have to in their fifties do manual back breaking labour, and who sometimes when they were too ill to attend the loving congregation didn't have to be questioned by lovingly appointed men as to where they were although we have phones and cars so these could have found out but were made to feel guilty that all though ill and seeing a doctor some how they should have crawled to the hall to hear another meeting.

    My parents lived relatively normal lives who have had a decent early retirement. Something that thanks to their religious beliefs I won't.

    But maybe your right maybe it is just me being selfish i should be rejoicing that that those at the top have a nice place to live paid for i assume from donations from the hard working.

  • westiebilly11

    from what I've seen and read on this forum I would say that most people here have a healthy ( and honest..) spiritual outlook...from my own personal experience I could ask/raise questions and doubts only when I was having my Bible studies before I was baptised in 1984...but...from that moment on any questioning or doubting was shutdown by those who said we should wait on Jehovah....but I could never understand how when it came to following his 'Chariot'..he seemed to change horses midstream...doctrines have come and gone...prophecies have been dissected and false presumptions made that I can no longer see Jehovah's hand holding the organization. In fact, it was only when I took back my duty to myself to base my life on real truth and not the ramblings of elderly men in need of a cup of cocoa, that I have rebalanced and refocussed my outlook. Raymond Franz's books are a real eyeopener.....yes..there are genuinely nice people in the congregations, yes..they are sincere and mean you no harm,..but....I have learnt that we are responsible for what we choose to believe.....the idealism of a young mind can sometimes come with blinkers...

  • emeth

    With all respect Stand for Pure Worship if you continue to the discussion you have here on this forum you have a poor spiritual outlook too.

  • Ucantnome

    and i raised my kids to be christians without the organization. They have a good education as well one with a science degree the other just finishing a phd.

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Problemaddict and yaddayaddayadda, NICELY put. SFPW, im sure your intentions are pure, but as the talk said the other night, it IS right to change our religion if we discover there are unscriptural teachings in it. I can't believe I type these words sometimes cos I once thought and spoke EXACTLY the same as you, but there are just too many about turns and inconsistencies for it to be gods organisation . Any honest appraisal of jwfacts or honest comparison of our own literature over the decades will bring you to that conclusion. I didn't want to end up that way. I haven't CHOSEN to believe this. The FACTS led me here. I don't mean to deride the good the org does, it helps a lot of people in very real ways, but I don't believe their claim to be the only channel god is using to dispense spiritual food. He wouldn't appoint a f&ds then not actually explain who they were, OR allow that Slave to teach wrong things for decades.

  • designs

    John Lennon wrote 'Imaginate'

  • AbaDaddy

    "Really you should have been thinking about how best your individual efforts would serve in the best interest of the organization which Jehovah is using to accomplish His will."

    It all sounds a bit group-selectionist (a controversial view in evolutionary theory); this would only work if some intelligence was managing it also. Well, that and facism, and communism, erm...:-)

  • poppers

    Is it any wonder people use "Borg" when referring to indoctrinated JWs? When reading the OP that's the image that came to my mind so clearly.

  • konceptual99

    SFPW - I will bet you any thing you like that you and I will both die in this system.

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