Missionaries to vacate all missionary homes

by seenitall 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • label licker
    label licker

    The gb's food chain is becoming slim pickings. Next up the chain is co's and do's. They are also totally useless. And who will finally destroy the gb? APOSTATES! High five everyone

  • ZuluTime

    In my country, missonaries live in homes that are subsidized by wealthy JWs who offer their properties for a small cost. I find it hard to believe that the WT would take away that arrangement, The missionAries here have cars and air conditioned homes....I'm living in a third world country where most people live under $5 US per day....

    I will just have to wait and see what happens.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    It's obvious the wt is cutting corners left, right and centre to save money. Turn the missionaries out: sell the houses. Lump retired co and do onto local cong rather than feed them yourself: save money, use the sheeples. I don't see how the local congs will b able to support these missionaries et al because traditionally missionaries serve in poorer places.

    Gosh, I actually feel sorry for them. They were told all their lives that Jehovah would miraculously provide for them, then the wt sells them down the river. They were good little jws who set 'spiritual' goals rather than "pursue the things of the world" like an education, career or even a place to live. The bad little jws who made money and invested it for their retirement are alright for disobeying the wt, but the ones who trusted in these twats are being skinned, then told to hand over a second skin too!

  • snare&racket

    I remember an old couple in Mill Hill (uk bethel), I mean really old.... as in shuffled gait and no communication.... and on my day one tour, we bumped into both of them, the female was binding old books up in a tiny room on her own in the offices. Her fingers ruined, as she bound old light all day. The old mandown in shipping applying stamps to envelopes all day, I mean all day.... He also made the cups of tea. He was so unhappy, he nevr spoke either. I worked next to him as I was in mailing. I imagine him with his snare & racket signs 60 years ago expecting the end, even in the 1980's doubtless he was working hard awaiting the end.... Yet his end was a retirement to a factory.

    When i asked what on earth the deal was.... I was told they were long time UK servants of watchtower without a home or savings, they wrote to bethel and asked to stay, they were granted special privilege to live there. But they were allowed to live in bethel on the basis thatt hey worked just as everyone else did. I kid you not. It makes me sad to think of them working those long awful hours in a factory, when all they will have wanted to do was rest.

    If they were in their 80's which they must have at least been, if not older, what a shameful thing. They can label it a godly work and a spiritual paradise all they want, but 8am until 5pm it is factory work, nothing more.

    I was young dumb and there of my own free will, they were clearly unhappy and not.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    seenitall, thank you for this thread.

    This is interesting 'inside' scoop!

    What can you tell us about the upcoming AGM? We already know there is a 'new' Bible.

    But what is the really 'BIG' news that is rumored to be mentioned? Can you help out a number of inquring minds here because inquiring minds want to know? Please!!!!!

  • designs

    snare&racket- That sounds like it could be a scene out of a Charles Dickens novel.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Was thinking the same: the old institution of the Workhouse. The wt has no heart.

  • joe134cd

    Yup confirmed. Realestate to be stripped and missionaries getting their arses kicked to the kerb. It's all true.


    The WBT$ Considers the Future..


    WBT$ JW Missionaries..

    .........................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Real estate being liquidated so rapidly is a sure sign of a prophet on the run. It happened with the Mormon fundamentalists when Warren Jeffs went on the lam and they built that huge isolated compound in the middle of nowhere. And the wt is building a compound in the middle of nowhere and fighting legal battles for pedos everywhere. It's every man for himself now.

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