Aust. Election in 1 week - A review of Kevin Rudd, PM

by fulltimestudent 197 Replies latest social current

  • fulltimestudent

    Here's someone having fun with him already.

  • mP


    Good to see your reasons are based on actual policies, rather than raw emotion.

    You've shown yourself to be a naive emotional arrogant jingoistic insulting fool who clearly does not understand (or chooses to ignore) international factors that relate to asylum seekers and refugees in favour of a superficial fallacious correlation.

    But i was right. You presented 2 arguments which are completely wrong. You kept on introducing new material simply to divert attention from your original statement.

    Not once did you explain why the end of the civil war in SL was so much worse than the actual civil war. The same goes for Afghanistan. How exactly is A getting worse ? Its a terrible place, but it is better than the old under the Taliban. Girls and women have more of a change than being prisoners like in the past.

    Well ?

  • transhuman68

    ... What a conga line of suck holes !

  • mP


    Do you mP, really want to argue that the pork-n-cheese were overlords of SriLanka for "hundreds of years?"

    You may wish to retract that statement before we proceed.


    P occupation from 1500-1650

    Then Dutch 1650 - 1810

    British 1810 - 1950

    AS we can see the British were only in power 1/3 of the time of european occupation.

    Watch the cricket next SL is in town notice the P names.

  • barry

    Jeffro you said 'I would prefer if the right to vote were IQ tested' correct?

    I would like to inform you the labor party voters have significantly more informal votes than do the conservative voters so as a conservative voter myself I would be comfortable with such a policy.

    You are totally wrong the labor voters have a lower IQ. Barry

  • mP

    Its a well known fact that Labor is well liked by the lower classes, the unemployed types. Go into any CentreLink and they almost all vote for Labour.

  • Jeffro


    Not once did you explain why the end of the civil war in SL was so much worse than the actual civil war

    Again you indicate that you don't understand the actual situation. If you're too ignorant, go find out for yourself. I owe you nothing, you arrogant insulting fool.

    Its a well known fact that Labor is well liked by the lower classes, the unemployed types

    More naive insulting BS. What a surprise.

  • Jeffro


    You are totally wrong the labor voters have a lower IQ

    Your poor grammar not withstanding, it seems you're claiming that people with a lower IQ are politically motivated to categorically vote a certain way. That is just as arrogant as the drivel spouting from mP.

    Unintelligent and uninformed voters are across the political spectrum. However, they are more likely to be misled by biased media, which they are more likely to accept on face value.

    In this case, that means unintelligent voters were more likely to support Abbott.

  • barry

    'biasted media' that's your opinion. Labor voters in large numbers haven't got the intelligence to make their vote count by filling in the voting paper correctly

  • Jeffro


    'biasted media' that's your opinion.

    No barry, unlike you, I can spell "biased" correctly. The bias of the Murdoch media has been very well established.

    Labor voters in large numbers haven't got the intelligence to make their vote count by filling in the voting paper correctly

    That's quite possibly the stupidest thing that has been said on this thread (and you've had a lot of competition from mP). Firstly, there's no possible basis for knowing the intended vote of informal votes, nor do you know the number of informal votes. Secondly, you're weakening Abbott's margin for winning the election by claiming that a greater number of votes were intended for Labor. Thirdly, many who intended to vote for the LNP inadvertently voted for the Liberal Democrats.

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