The Outing of Faders, and the Epilogue of Sic Semper Tyrannis

by zed is dead 298 Replies latest members private

  • OnTheWayOut

    Marvin, for someone who wants to "understand" things thoroughly before saying more, you don't understand at all what happened. Yes, your recent comment is along the lines of what happened, but you are just getting up to speed on that.

    Really, you should have read more "bodies of work" on this subject before you ever defended Cedars. Now that you know what happened, can you see how simple it would have been for Cedars to contact the right person within 24 hours and take down the FB site, then he could restart without the auto-added people?

  • JeffT

    I've mostly stayed out of this, but decided I needed to say something, I guess its my 12-step training kicking in.

    A fundamental part of any recovery program is determing what we did wrong and making amends for it. "Amends" means much more than apologizing. A simplified example: if I steal $100 from you, I can say I'm sorry until the cows come home and it doesn't mean anything until I pay back the money.

    I don't know what amends to the people outed by this fiasco would look like. I do know that I haven't seen anything that looks like amends going on. A good start would be contacting the victims of AAWA's sloppy internet managment and asking what can be done for them. BTW, Cedars, this mess IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CLEAN UP. A President of a company is responsible for what that company and its employees do, full stop.

    Sometimes we can't make full amends, although we should make every effort to do so. If we can't make true amends, we can make it clear in the way we conduct ourselves that we are not now living the life we used to live. I suspect that those outed by AAWA do not feel that anybody learned anything. I can only imagine what that feels like to someone attempting to escape a cult, only to get crapped on by a bunch of people claiming to want to help them.

    I hope AAWA will get its act together and fixes its problems; until you make amends for the harm you've done you will never be a resource to aid those harmed by the Watchtower.

  • UnConfused

    Marvin has trolled like this many times. Jumps in and after pages of debate admits he hasn't read all the details. Troll.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    I want to thank those who offered answer to my question about being added to “apostate” Facebook groups. It helps.

    I don’t understand the other replies.


    Have I offended you somehow? The episode you speak of was not attempted apologia by me—for anyone or anything.

    Like Zeb, I don’t like to see people needlessly harmed. When I see a person or group being maligned within a community where I’m active, my usual practice is to engage the issue. My aim is not simple defense. My effort is to insist that any derogatory accusations are sustainable, that is rather than being invention or simple gossip. Accusations made publicly deserve to be challenged publicly so that 1) any deserved discredit is underscored and 2) any embellishment within accusations is likewise revealed. This leaves whatever discredit is due with rock solid support, which is how it should be.

    A primary method I use is the asking of pointed questions, meaning specific questions of details asserted as fact. This annoys some people, and they show it. I can’t help that. Whether a person wants to answer publicly for things they say publicly is for them to decide.

    And, speaking of answering questions, in hindsight I can see how easy it should have been to undo the Facebook site. What I don’t know is how capable Cedars was at the time to have undone the Facebook site. My take of an outsider looking on was that despite being president Cedars did not have command authority, meaning volunteers did not have to jump when he said jump. My own experience is that the group was, at the time, very eclectic and these members felt liberty to act in ways they believed appropriate whether others thought it appropriate or not. I don’t know all the ins and outs, or the details of everything Cedars was dealing with at the time. What I never saw was anyone inside that group who was attempting to inflict personal harm on any individual. From my position at the time, it looked like Cedars was diligent behind the scenes trying to stomp out fires to the left, right, above and below. The fire at issue here got out of hand.

    I’ll add something else to this context. On more than one occasion I’ve been outed. I know what that feels like. Being placed onto a Facebook group is not akin to the outing known to me. To me being outed is to be targeted and affirmed by some positive tangible method. My passive addition to “apostate” Facebook groups does not feel like my other experiences of being outed. Perhaps my previous experience left me calloused to the event. Perhaps I don’t understand the threat. Perhaps the experiences are different to me because one is not the same threat as the other. Or, perhaps there is some other reason (or reasons) why the experiences are so different to me. But the experiences are different to me nevertheless. Of course, I’m not in a position to question what anyone else feels, or what their experience was/is. That said, one thing that has not escape my notice is an apparent repeated failure to give innocuous information when asked for in order to help verify some of the more poignant claims made. Many questions I asked when engaging this whole subject were reviled as irrelevant and without bother to give reason for the alleged irrelevancy. When the same participant doing that then demand that I should accept their accusations made of other participants I have reason for pause. When/if the same participants reduces themselves to nothing more than ad hominem toward me my reason for pause only grows.

    There are lots of ways to harm people. Outing them is one way. When accusations are made publicly they deserve the same level of scrutiny. This is because public accusation is a means of harming people.

    In any event, my sense is you are somehow offended by me. I don’t understand that. If you are offended by me I regret it. I don’t know how it happened or what caused it. Regardless, I value your input to this community.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • UnConfused

    Marvin has said about 10 times in this thread "I don't understand your replies".

    Either you aren't very smart or you aren't very honest Marvin.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    The JC met and printouts of the FB group's mission were shown to me. I asked for the screenshots that I was a member and was declined. I had two witnesses of this already, so this was unnecessary. I was asked if I self-identified as an apostate, but I did not. I did admit to looking into the organization's past and studying, but at this point I was cut short. I was disfellowshipped a week later. No appeal was filed.”

    That presentation sounds contrived to me.

    John Doe JW was disfellowshipped by a JC for what?

    - John Doe JW did not self-identify as an apostate.

    - Being listed as a member on a FB group evidences nothing nefarious. Particularly this is true given John Doe JW never joined the group.

    - John Doe JW admits researching and studying Watchtower’s past. This is no crime punishable by expulsion under Watchtower policies.

    - John Doe JW had a few ex-JW friends. This is no crime punishable by expulsion under Watchtower policies.

    So what was John Doe JW disfellowshipped for? Joining a group that he never joined?

    To be sure, it is unfathomable that a judicial committee was formed based on alleged membership is a web-based group and no witness and no elder bothered having and displaying material evidence to that end as either digital or hardcopy. It’s unbelievable based on my experience as a JW and training by Watchtower on its policies.

    Assuming the disfellowshipping occurred, I have to presume more was involved than is shared above because I don’t see anything above that would have a JW disfellowshipped.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • OnTheWayOut

    I had a comment for Marvin, but UnConfused summed it up greatly. I will assume the former, UC. Besides, Marvin has not said that he has read my "body of works" so I would rather wait until then to say any more to him so that he can better understand me.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Besides, Marvin has not said that he has read my "body of works" so I would rather wait until then to say any more to him so that he can better understand me.”

    Why do you keep alluding to my inquiry of whether zed has some body of work I can review to better understand him or her? What does that have to do with you? I’ve had far more exposure to you than zed with consequence that I have not felt compelled to make inquiry to understand you better.

    On the other hand, much of your commentary directed toward me in this discussion leaves me confused about why you respond as you have.

    You responding toward me with obtuse remarks is rude.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • UnConfused

    Marvin: " It’s unbelievable based on my experience as a JW and training by Watchtower on its policies."

    Really? Following their policies that if someone takes a blood transfusion that they have "by there own actions disassociated"? OR the same if someone joins the military?

    If this man was already on their radar and it was reported to them that he was a member of an apostate FB group and they question him and he admits to looking into the WT's past and studying you can't see some overactive elders "protecting the flock?" Good point Marvin, no body of elders would act so foolishly to a brother.

    Oh wait I get it! You are saying that Zed or the man whom he wrote about is lying! That's right, because they don't have the body of work that Cedars does which you approve of.

    Everyone go home, nothing to see here. Marvin cracked the case, Zed or someone is making the whole thing up.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    I have to go to work shortly, but would like to comment on "bodies of work."

    Marvin does not understand me. That is perfectly fine, in fact I like it that way.

    He said that maybe he would understand me better if we had a real life discussion. I have no desire to have that discussion based on HIS body of work.

    He was the chief obfuscator on behalf of defending the management of the organization behind the Facebook fiasco - WHILE IT WAS STILL OUTING PEOPLE.

    This was of course after the President of that group left JWN in a tantrum, because of Simon and others trying to sincerely help him see the potential dangers of actions his group had taken, and how to immediately rectify it by shutting down the offensive site.

    Someone gave me a very accurate synopsis of Marvin's body of work at that time. For Marvin's simple wired brain, it is a "Cliff's Notes" of his participation in these topics.

    " Marvin's been in bed with the AAWA since the beginning. Dick Kelley was most definitely the third party Marvin was speaking of when he said he didn't contact Cedars directly. So we have the two remaining incorporating officers in contact with him. I was wondering why he was so into debunking the pseudonym controversy. As it turns out he was merely parroting Dick, who as the incorporator and legal/accounting officer would stand the most to lose should it ever go to court. Since Dick's a huge fan of Marvin's 'work' and gave him a special shout-out in his AAWA introductory post, Marvin felt he had to repay the favour. Marvin also stands to gain should the AAWA start distributing his material. Don't buy the 'interested third party who's trying to settle the dispute' nonsense that Marvin keeps spewing."

    How is that for a "body of work?" You are not a giant that I want to stand on the shoulders of!


    P.S. Marvin also "friended" Julia Barrick Douglas on Facebook, after being informed of her outing SST and others.

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