If you believe in Gods laws why dont you go live in Saudi Arabia ?

by mP 145 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Satanus

    Islamic laws are similar to ot laws. This is how i see the title applying. Both of them are claimed to be from god - nonchristian. Christian, nt laws are much fewer and much more peaceful. If they are from god directly depends on whether you view jesus as divine or not.


  • mP


    Christian, nt laws are much fewer and much more peaceful.


    This is another untruth. There are no new laws in the NT. Jesus love thy neighbour was quoting the OT in Lev 19 and this is perfectly compatible with his other praise about the Mosaic laws in places like Mat 5:17+. Jesus did not replace the Torah. There is no scripture that says he did, but many that say quite teh opposite. Even Peter and the other apostles had this very argument with Paul.

  • Satanus

    There were from 200 to 300 laws in the ot. It does seem that jesus and the disciples w him followed them. It also seems that after jesus' passing, almost all of them became detached from application to christians.


  • mP

    Actually there are 613 because apparently god wrote down a law for each day of the year and each bone int he human body. Im not making this up thats from Rabbis. you cant argue with logic like that.

  • mP


    Islamic laws are similar to ot laws.


    Originally Christians also prayed towards Jerusalem after copying the jews. The problem is most people arent aware just how simlar Islam and Christianity are. The differences we see today are simply cultural, where by the nonsense in the bible has been ignored while the muslims have remained more faithful to their text. Muslims often follow the Koran, problem is its a terrible systemt o get cuaght in.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Actually there are 613 because apparently god wrote down a law for each day of the year and each bone int he human body. Im not making this up thats from Rabbis. you cant argue with logic like that.

    There are only 206 bones in the human body. Rabbis need to study more human anatomy. Fail.

    Additionally, there are only 360 days a year in the lunar calendar or 365 days a year in the solar calendar. Rabbis need to study more astronomy. Fail again.

    Recovery- I didn't quote any gun statistics, therefore my alleged "statistics" cannot be incorrect.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Im not making this up thats from Rabbis

    How about some source material to back that statement up?

    Thankfully, "god" didn't make a law for every cell or neuron in the body- then we'd have trillions of laws to follow.

    Gotta love the "logic" of the rabbis ! What a silly basis for determining how many laws to bind humans with.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    apparently god wrote down a law for each day of the year and each bone int he human body.

    If this is the claimed basis for the Mosaic Law, then it is proof positive the Law's source was not god. Whoever fabricated those laws obviously had no knowledge of the human body or of astronomical timekeeping.

    Conclusion: either god is woefully ignorant, or god had nothing to do with the Law or the Bible in which it's contained.

    A person should really think their apologist arguments through before they post them.

  • jgnat

    mP from wiki:

    For the most part, crime was viewed as a private matter in Ancient Greece and Rome. Even with offenses as serious as murder, justice was the prerogative of the victim's family and private war or vendetta the means of protection against criminality.


  • Satanus

    The idea that all christians should study the bible, know their bible and argue about every jot and tiddle is relatively new. It came in w protestantism. W the catholic church, the church was the main issue. The bible was the job of the priest. I wonder if ignoring the jewish laws contained in it was part of that catholic shunting of the bible into the background.


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