If you believe in Gods laws why dont you go live in Saudi Arabia ?

by mP 145 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Giordano

    JAM : In Kentucky, a law requires the State’s Office of Homeland Security to post a plaque(s) recognizing the power of the Almighty God--and violating this law could result in 12 months in prison.

    This only applies to the head of the State's Homeland Security not private citizens. http://www.alternet.org/belief/year-jail-not-believing-god-how-kentucky-persecuting-atheists The person writing this article must have decided they wanted a jazzy headline instead of the truth which...... is bad enough.

    They got themselves a nut case believing state representative who is actually a Democrat. And here I thought the nut cases had all become Republicans.

    Well Raven I do believe......that Kentucky might be just the place for you. Obviously it's filled with good Christian belivers.

  • unstopableravens

    how can anyone being trolling athiest when this topic was addressed to believers?

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    Since so many believers insist that atheism is a "religion," here's another way for atheists to say "grace" before meals:

    "Skip the teeth and skip the gums. Look out stomach! Here it comes! Amen."

  • recovering

    Don't call me shirly your statistics regarding fire arm ownership per capita are incorrect. I have include a link that shows that people in the Us own almost 3 times the guns that Canada does per capita


  • jgnat

    Ditto what recovering said. I referenced that link as well. I specifically noted handguns because as a peaceful Canadian, I can't imagine what purpose they would serve other than to shoot another human being.

  • mP


    So believers why dont you go live in Saudi Arabia if yo u believe gods law is perfect or at the last useful ?


    Not all teachings are from GOD, i.e. the book of mormon.....what a joke lol..



    Who mentioned the book of Mormon. i specifically said BIBLE. Be honest and stay on topic instead of avoiding the big dragon in the room.

  • mP

    The Romans did not even have a criminal justice system. Justice for even violent crimes was left up to the individual citizen to mete revenge.

    Thats completely untrue. Ancient cultures had criminal systems. It was different from our own but yet it was the same. Even isolated cultures in the amazon have a criminal system many times these hearings are performed in front of some chief etc.

  • mP


    From what I saw most people in jail are not Christians they are just people in a Christian country.

    America is not a christian country. Go look at the constitution it does not contain a single quote from the BIble.

  • mP


    've heard that too , DCMS . I'm trying to get what his point is here , is he trying to say just because you believe in GOD you should live in saudi arabia ? Living under a true christian rule would be all about forgiving and praying for each other rather than having the legal tyranny we've turned into .


    No the topic is quite clear. It doesnt mention belief in God, it says "if you believe in Gods laws go live in Saudi Arabia".

    YOu might want to check what christians in Spain did to the jews and muslims in the 1400-1500s. Like most people you are completely ignorant that for most of its 2000 years christianity has never been good or kind.

  • mP


    And Austsalian cities are always in the top 5 most livable cities and we have almost no guns.

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