Global Cooling

by Jomavrick 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • bohm

    while this is purely anecdoctal, it seems to me that over the past few years the general ignorance and denialism has gone up on this forum, while the sceptisism amongst scientists have gone down.

  • *lost*

    Poppers - ooooh pretty. Real snow. I haven't seen the likes of it since I was a little one.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Behold the scholarship of a global-warming sceptic.”


    It’s presumptive to think of me as a “global-warming skeptic” because I ask a fool to say exactly to what he compares humans as “the most dominant input” our climate responds to. Presumption is fallacy.

    And, Besty,

    I’m still waiting for YOUR answer to my question. You said:

    “The climate responds to the most dominant input - today that is us.”

    So what other inputs are you comparing this to, exactly?

    Is it really so hard for you to keyboard an item or two?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • free2beme

    Honestly, like most things in life. If you strip away the politics, the money lovers ripping you off and the control of information. You kind of find there is some truth to listen too. However, when you get to that level and see the truth. It is like finding a lizard running threw the yard, when you were warned it was Godzilla attacking Japan.

  • cantleave

    However, when you get to that level and see the truth. It is like finding a lizard running threw the yard, when you were warned it was Godzilla attacking Japan.

    So what do you think the truth is? Am I correct in thinking that you are saying the science is making a mountain out of a molehill?

  • bohm

    Ms, okay you are not a climate sceptic and the sun is clearly a larger driver than human activity.

  • Jomavrick

    Bohm, I read a number of scientific journals including Mad Magazine and Robb Report (oops - sorry). I just read and think - for myself.

    I noticed the technique of calling people who don't share others view as Climate Skeptics and Deniars. Cute technique. Since the sun has a far greater inpact on the earths climate that humans will ever have, why not focus on controlling sun spots and solar flares. Im sure if we impose enough carbon credit taxes we can save the planet, if we hurry,,,,,

  • bohm

    Joma: come on, cant you see the fallacy in that thinking?

  • cantleave

    why not focus on controlling sun spots and solar flares. Im sure if we impose enough carbon credit taxes we can save the planet,

    What an assinine comment!

  • problemaddict

    Oh my. This thread is already a classic. people posting phtoos fo snow outside of their home to support the idea that massive global climate change is happening, is real, and is a just hilarious. It shows a profound ignorance of what the arguement even is.

    As it stands, the 5% (I am being generous), of climate change deniers that claim some kind of scienticic knowledge, are already usually connected to a particular political motivation, or even worse.....are born again Christians that say the earth will stand to time indefinite until Gods we can do what we want.

    The bigges thing we could do for our environment, is change the way we farm and fertilize the land. If we used more sustainable farming practices, then no matter how many cows we grow and feel genetically modified corn too, and no matter how many Hummers we see on the freeway, the earth at large would be able to soak in so many more tons of carbon that it wouldn't matter nearly as much.

    Carbon credits are just one idea. Soemthing to make poluting companies more accountable. You got any better ideas? BEstys chart should help many of you quite a bit. We are on an outlier trend up, that we haven't seen in hundreds of thousands of years. Oh well, I guess the sun just got stronger or something.

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