Heartbreaking talk with my parents.

by cognisonance 96 Replies latest members private

  • exwhyzee

    What strikes me is that your parents sound so loving and seem to have given you a good childhood and raised their family by the JW handbook,yet both of their children were put out of the organization for one reason or another. They must be wondering how this could be...where they went wrong. They must wonder why the children of their "worldly neighbors" and or non JW family members are all still together as a family while they are alone with nothing to show in their old age, for their years of hard work doing things the right way...train up a boy in the lord and he will not turn aside from it. So what happened ?? What would the rest of the community think of them if they knew how they were treating you? What would they do if you wrote a letter to the local newspaper honestly admitting your past errors and how you have asked for your parents forgiveness only to have them tell you that God is going to one day soon, kill you and everyone else who isn't a JW. Doesn't it sound like they are throwing you under the bus to save themselves?

    Your Dad would probably spend an hour or two with a neighbor or former co-worker yet against every instinct he has, would turn his own son away without seeing him unless there was a family emergency. They do this at the word of a faceless organization who has no idea who they are or what they are doing.

    My Grandfather in Europe was raised as a Plymouth Bretheren ( like Amish) he was shunned for the rest of his life for not marrying in the Lord as the bible says. He and my Grandmother who was a Protestant raised their 6 children in the same small village without any of them ever speaking again. The Plymouth Bretheren thought they were the only true religion and were carrying out God's will. Even so, my Grandfather and his Parents are dust now and they wasted their time together here on this earth over pride and needing to be right or at least save themselves from the wrath of God. Your parents would think my Grandfathers family was wasting their time shunning their Son since what they belonged to was a false religion anyway, yet they don't realize they are doing the same thing.

    What your Mother said about how association with you would weaken their faith, is quite telling. It seems that on some level JW's know that their beliefs, even with the aid of their almighty God's spirit behind them, can't hold up under the glare of any kind of honest scrutiny. They realize they are only a few unscripted comments away from chucking the whole thing and it scares them. The only way for them to survive in the light of day is to surround themselves only with others who will feed the fantasy they hold.

    I would say to them. Mom..Dad...none of us knows that when we walk out the front door each day, that we'll make it back safely. Ask your parents if they could, for your sake, just trust that Jehovah's spirit is strong enough to protect them from the bad influence they seem to think you are capable of when you come visit them once in awhile.

  • etna

    So sorry, Hope things changr for you. Its a CULT CULT CULT CULT.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Wow. Well, I hope this makes them think and wish for you to be part of their lives. Sounds like you were very lucky in that loved you and paid special attention to you and gave you good memories.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Yes. Your story is heart-breaking. (((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))))

    It is obvious your parents love you, and you them. Tragic.

    You have gotten a lot of good advise.

    Next time you are with them, if I had loving parents, like you do, I would automatically hug and kiss them. A warm embrace from a loved one, is not easily forgotten.

    Just Lois

  • Jaidubdub

    This bought tears to my eyes. I am sorry for yr pain. This shunning business is soooo wrong. One of my siblings is d'fed. I am so thankful my mum doesn't go along with the shunning rule... Neither did I went I was active....

  • jambon1

    Firstly, well done. You conducted that beautifully.

    Secondly, the d/f law has and always will be my foremost objection to the religion. There are other things but this is just horrific. It's actually insane that people reason matters in this way. To lose all those amazing experiences that you share as a family is just utterly cruel & unecessary.

    Sometimes I look at my dad's face when all the family are together. When we're having a good time. When he sees his grandchildren palying or asking questions. He just sits there, soaking it in. Loving it.

    If he were a JW he wouldn't be part of any of that.

    Sick bastards.

  • Oubliette

    Dad: That’s not the same thing. We’re God’s organization, they are false religion.

    Funny, they say the same thing!

    - - - - - - - - - - -

    cognisonance, that is a heartbreaking experience. Sorry you're going through this.

    Sadly, it's a common tale among us here.

  • WingCommander

    "Dad: That’s not the same thing. We’re God’s organization, they are false religion."

    The mind-control is just astonishing. They can draw no parallel or coorelation at all because they are the "Truth", no matter what, and are automatically 100% right, even when they are 100% wrong. (think doctrine!, haha!)

    Your parents are truly in deep. I agree with other posters that reading this, you could easily see the real vs. cult personality going back and forth. Insane! Your parents are going to have their wake-up call as they truly age and need help and assistance with everyday life and basic needs. Who's going to help them? The Congregation? Pffffhttt!!! They'll be told, "be warm and well fed, and by the way, where's your time slip for this month?" Seriously, their wake-up call is only one personal family emergency or health crisis away, then they'll get a real taste of "brotherly love". That's what woke my late JW mother of 25 years right up! JW's don't lift a finger to help anyone but themselves.

    - Wing Commander

  • cognisonance
    you could easily see the real vs. cult personality going back and forth.

    Yes that was painfully obvious in person too (more so, seeing the loving faces on my parents when remembering found times, but the stern faces when religion came into the conversation was drastically noticable). I felt like I was talking to two different people, my parents and then the Governing Body Leaders. What probably didn't help is my dad said this at one point:

    Dad: We just got finished with our family worship hour, er, I mean family worship session.

    Two things:

    1. Comming right after an indoctrination session probably made the cult personality worse
    2. Notice my dad just had to correct himself about refering to it as a session, not an hour. I remember how the religion told people that this should be a night/session and not just an hour. The fact is this shows that he very much is deeply indoctronated having to even use the correct terms to describe what they just got finished doing, as if saying hour vs. session matter.
  • FlyingHighNow

    How old are your parents? I only have read the first page where you mention they are getting up in years.

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