Heartbreaking talk with my parents.

by cognisonance 96 Replies latest members private

  • jwfacts

    Oh, that was just heartbreaking. They are so blinded that they could not even acknowledge the parallel with the Amish. I saw that movie and it would be great if JWs would watch it, as a subtle way to get through their defences.

  • cognisonance

    Hi everyone. I appologize I haven't been able to respond much to your very kind and helpful words. I'm still here reading amongst doing other things (it's a busy day). A few quick comments:

    • Again, wow! The amount of empathy shown here is amazing and is very much appreciated. I hear about how many of you are practically bawling your eyes out reading this either out of sympathy, or direct empathy relating to situations you've been in or see yourselves having to be in one day. Thanks so much for the support!
    • I will stay in contact with my parents from time to time. Thanks for all the suggestions on that front.
    • As regards my bother, yes, I hope to reach out to him too. Hopefully I'll find him one day soon.
    • I'm also sorry for all of you that have had to go thru similar painful situations or otherwise have been hurt by the shunning policy. I wish the best to everyone here!
  • cognisonance
    Oh, that was just heartbreaking. They are so blinded that they could not even acknowledge the parallel with the Amish. I saw that movie and it would be great if JWs would watch it, as a subtle way to get through their defences.

    I thought about mailing them a copy earlier, but now that I've told them about the movie, I don't know if they would watch it. Maybe it's worth a try one day. But I also fear that doing that would make them think I am bitter towards them. I'm not, I feel sorry for them knowing they are just victims of mind control and are in pain.

  • Ding
    Dad: Jehovah doesn't want anyone to believe in him because they feel like they are being forced.

    What is shunning all about then?

  • moshe

    Thank you for sharing-- a very sad tale that breaks my heart.

    If you had brought along a reporter from the newspaper, I am sure they would have been shocked. JWs just don't see how evil they are. Based on community morals in place today, JWs should be diagnosed as psychopaths and the public needs to give them the cold shoulder..

  • LisaRose

    That was heartbreaking. I admire you for making such an effort to let your parents know you love them, even though they are going to shun you. I think most of us did not handle it so well. Maybe something you said will resonate with them and at some later time they may change from their harsh stance, who knows? At least you made the effort and showed them that you care.

  • talesin


    Your poem struck my heart .... last year, my eldest uncle died .. he was NEVER a JW. He was 86.

    Before he died, he told me .. "Prove your mother wrong. You are so much more than she and that damn religion say."

    Love your poem, that's all .. it's an emo thing, it meant a lot to me.



  • cognisonance

    Your poem struck my heart .... last year, my eldest uncle died .. he was NEVER a JW. He was 86.

    Before he died, he told me .. "Prove your mother wrong. You are so much more than she and that damn religion say."

    Love your poem, that's all .. it's an emo thing, it meant a lot to me.

    I'm happy to hear that my own personal story helps others emotionally as well. You and everyone else that has said something similar in this thread are welcome.

  • ABibleStudent

    That was a very heartwrenching story cognisonance! I'm glad that you posted it so that visitors can understand how powerful the WTBTS's BITE control is.

    Have you thought about collecting other people's experiences about being shunned and writing a book? More books or movies about shunning might help to educate people about dangerous cults.

    Or, have you thought about asking politicians to investigate dangerous cults like the WTBTS by writing about your personal experiences. IMHO most politicians would find it incredible that parents would shun their children (or will not report child abuse/molestation to law enforcement) because religious leaders tell them that is what God would want.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • LostGeneration

    Man oh man, you had balls to calmly and clearly lay it out for them like that.

    I was literally screaming a my computer screen reading their responses. The mind control is astounding. I am sad like the others here, but I think I'm more pissed off. Fuck-ing CULT.

    The good thing is you planted some seeds. I really, really hope they think long and hard in the weeks ahead about that day.

    Still SMH that they wouldn't give you a hug....did I mention fucking cult?

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