I was *not* outed and compromised by JWN!!

by blindnomore 223 Replies latest members private

    AAWA seems to take EVERY opportunity to try to make themselves look better by trying to make others look bad...ST

    AAWA lost their PR Person..Barb Anderson..

    Thats a Big Hit..

    Cedars can make a Wicked Video,the Guy is Talented..

    He`s not a PR Person..

    Cedars is Creative..But..He Piss`s a lot of people Off..

    AAWA needs a new PR Person..

    They need to find that person "Quickly"..


    ............................ photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    It's not just Cedars OUTLAW...it seems to be the AAWA culture. I know the leadership can set the bar...but honestly. I've never seen so much passing the blame. It's an odd set up.

    It's not just Cedars OUTLAW...it seems to be the AAWA culture.

    AAWA made some Rookie Mistakes..AAWA needs to Make Some Changes..

    Acquireing a "Real PR Person" would be a Good Move.

    Keeping Cedars as "Creative Talent for Videos" would also be a Good Move..

    ...................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • besty


    you state:

    Some of you went so far as outing 1300+ members list of Secret group of AAWA to the public site such as JWN , it is one thing to add someone to FB without consent it is another thing to outing the entire secret FB group to the public which is maybe a CRIME!

    I believe you may be referring to my post here where I named 3 individuals who had added almost 800 people to a group in a matter of hours. Or perhaps you are referring to someone else entirely - your use of 'some of you' is vague.

    In any event I presume you have evidence to back up your claim that 1300+ members list was made public on JWN, and that you will be happy to share the evidence in the same thread you made the claim.

    Otherwise I'd like you to retract that claim.

  • brinjen

    I gotta say I'm finding it ironic at how much the AAWA's defenders are still denying what happened when AAWA themselves are actually starting to face up to it...

    " We are also mindful of several individuals who suffered distress on April 3 when they were added to our group against their will. We should have handled matters differently. We therefore offer our most sincere and unreserved apologies to all of these ones, and any others who were in any way harmed through being added to our Facebook group without their consent.

    We are very grateful for the tremendous support given by so many to our mission. It is our hope that the Ex-JW community will continue supporting our cause – especially as we begin to spread our wings and embark on some exciting initiatives that are looming on the horizon."


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I agree OUTLAW, the video was awesome!

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Brinjen-- Are you going to reply to bestys question? I also wondered when I read your post, how I managed to miss a list of 1300+ people being outed on Jwn..

  • brinjen

    I don't think Besty was asking that question to me... think that might be Blindnomore. Never saw 1300+ people outed here either.

    I did want to make the point that the AAWA are starting to face their actions. They've admitted people were added to their FB page without their consent, they've also admitted they handled the reaction the wrong way. It's a start.

  • *lost*

    Yes. It may have taken about 22 days, but, they ''gratefully'' listened and gave their full attention to the matter.

    While your at it, you might want to re-read their '' Eventful Journey''

    How long does it take to up-load a video unto you tube.

    JWN community still getting bashed for disagreeing with ''other'' aspects of their organisation and being generous with the facts concerning the outed faders.

    No mention of their own staff member being involved in anything untoward of course, naturally enough.

    Despite their ''apology'' certain jwn posters demanded the identity of the person responsible be made public knowledge ( more spiel about this ''fake'' page/group. and the force adding without anything to do with AAWA or it's staff.

    It was expressed by members on jwn that because that person had breached the privacy of others - then their privacy should be breached also.

    On behalf of AAWA he made it clear on JWN they are against such practices as an organisation.

    then JWN demanded they take down the 1,300 + '' member secret group '' because the privacy of said members was in doubt ( risk of being outed).

    But they ''checked '' that and as it's ''secret'' there is no risk.

    Risks of joining forums and putting your privacy at risk, like JWN ( hmmm what's this post called )

    line becomes blurred as to who exactly and where re; the force add's , blame does not lie with AAWA.

    Apology on behalf of AAWA workers or friends of AAWA workers responsible for force add ons. Hmm i thought they previously said that didn't happen.

    Deeply saddened to learn 1 or 2 from JWN members got outed.

    However, ''one is only truly ourted if one's identity falls into the wrong hands''. ( hmm so, it's not their fault it's yours, you silly people ) You should of been faster leaving the group - that you didn't even know you had been added to.

    Oh wait, it does say the panic and distress caused is the responsibilty of the person who added you, and they should apologise. (so you should sort it out yourself, if you know who it was )

    not a single person has contacted them re; being outed

    JWN gets bashed again ( it's our fault ) but they are on our side, essentially.

    John Cedars - president. Of course it doesn't mention he is an acttive JW and that is not his real identity.

    Make of it what you will.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    *lost* I think thats as good as it's going to get.

    At least the fb page is gone now....finally.

    When they first came on the scene I thought it was great. I loved the video....liked the name and their mission.

    It wasn't until the fb issue and lack of response to such a big issue that I started to question what they were really about. This was peoples privacy we were talking about. That's when I realized they were not what they portrayed themselves to be.

    I was disappointed. But hey. I'm just one person.

    Hopefully they will go on to do good things. And have learnt from this.

    But, I am no longer interested in having anything to do with them as an organisation. I am very picky about honesty and accountabilty. They as an orgnaisation do not deliver on this, it's like pulling hens teeth to get them to see how their actions/lack of action affected others. So they are not for me.

    It took a battle to get them to see how they harmed people. I don't want to battle everything they do. I really can't be bothered with a group that works this way.

    But I do hope that they succeed in what they are trying to achieve, and I hope they don't hurt more people along the way.

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