An open response to Cedars PM yesterday . . .

by zed is dead 98 Replies latest members adult

  • talesin

    sbf -- agreed.

    Cedars, I will be very honest and sincere. Why don't you just stop the glory-seeking? I have a suspicion that there were conflicts at AAWA between you and the other "Big Dog", the charismatic Bo. Whatever - do we care? For the most part, I think not. Stop trying to be a "STAR" ... we don't need stars.

    It's okay to just be 'one of us'. No one expects greatness --- do what you do well. Write stuff, examine the old JW doctrines, and write about them, exposing the wrongs. Don't worry about being important and looked-up-to.

    Take it easy ............. we don't need heroes. You can't compete with past posters .... make your own stamp, as have I and many others, by being sincere. Show a bit of humility.

    I'm sorry for all of us, that this has been such a fiasco.

    It's not all your fault. WTF is up with people heroizing ... let it go, folks! No one can be put on a pedestal - they are bound to fall, and it's unfair to Cedars to exalt him.

    There are so many valuable posters here, and Cedars is one of them. ONE OF THEM - ONE OF *US*. That's all.




  • humbled

    Not since yangmask's thread on "breaking the custom of mastubation" have I laughed this hard.

  • mrsjones5

    Yeah I thought Yangmiester's thread was awesome. Too bad it got deleted.

  • free @ last
    free @ last

    Damn. I was just searching for it.

  • talesin

    Yeah I thought Yangmister's thread was awesome. Too bad it got deleted.

    Sheesh ... I thought the days of deleting masturbation threads was over.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    I wasn't around to witness the construction of your golden calf, "CCZC". If it wasn't a tax-exempt charity, has it paid taxes on the money it collected?

    If you end up in the Atlanta Penitentiary, ask for the room they gave Rutherford. I hear the ventilation is EXCELLENT.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    You crack me up!


  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    "TQO, That was a quote, not drunken jibberish. And it applies. zed"-- Zed.. It wasn't just that line on its own, that was an example of your flow of posting tonight, and specifically a post containing what seems to be a completely unnecessary quote (having looked it up, it likely means the crux of the matter.. Not sure what that added to the discussion, but whatever). In case you missed my earlier point, I'll ask once more, who is this 'crusade against Cedars' helping? Many people, including yourself, admit that he has a lot to add to the community here at Jwn.. Good night.

  • Simon

    We're not doing this crap.

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