Who has experienced a REAL demonic incident?

by Monsieur 418 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truthseeker

    I'll add my 2 cents here.

    I have seen one - what I would call a materialized demon - the shape of a human but completely black and featureless. This was at night, the hall light was on and I was not asleep. I was only a teen when this happened and it freaked me out. It glided out the room and became a shadow on the wall.

    I have also seen and experienced other supernatural phenomena. It is real. There is something out there.

    Call it what you will.

    The problem with "proof" is that the person and those accompanying him/her are the only witnesses to such things. They generally cannot prove their experience to others nor can they replicate it. The burden of proof is very high and that is why it is very difficult to convince an atheist that there is a spirit world.

    I personally do believe in the spirit world - the inhabitants have feelings much like we do.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    It's funny how these demons NEVER bother people who don't believe in them...

  • GromitSK

    I'm not sure that's true ST, there seem to be plenty of stories of hauntings etc reported by people who claim to have been non-believers up to that point.

    i suppose it depends what one considers to be a 'a demon'.

  • Ucantnome

    still thinking I know someone who has a very strange problem in their house they have had the police in to investigate. For various reasons I won't relate what the problem is. There was an almost identical situation when my parents first became Witnesses and some in the congregation then had problems.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    were these 'strange problems' blue Ucantnome? did they have little white hats?

    Can you expand just a little bit so we have some idea what you are talking about Ucantnome? Or should I just say....oh! thats different then. Of course it was demons....you know someone with a strange problem in their house, and your parents knew people that something similar happened to...I don't know how I EVER doubted...LOL

    *did they rule out the plumbing, rats, termites, water table movement, soil type, drought, flooding, medication, anemia, lack of sleep, too much caffeine, people playing a prank?* Just asking....

  • Witness My Fury
  • still thinking
    still thinking

    GromitSK...who are these non believers? And what didn't they believe in? Ghosts? Demons or God. Were they atheists?

    If it depends on 'what one considers a demon or not' how do you determine if it WAS a demon or not? Is there a benchmark for what constitutes a demon experience. So anything not like that is clearly something else.

    If you see one....how can you tell it isn't just a hallucination? How do you know?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Good grief! No chance of sneaking in (or out) late at night with THAT door.

    Is it a demon trap?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Just so you know...(not that anyone cares but I'll tell you anyway)...it's night time here...so I thought I'd check in on what the demons are up to before I go to bed, because we all KNOW they are more scary at night...

    Goodnight ghost hunters. I'm hoping to read some scary tales tomorrow...

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Weird noises in houses?

    Yes I've heard a fair few and in my days as a frightened of the dark / unknown, demon fearing indoctrinated muppet I feared the worst and had to fight my brain to try and think of a rational explanation before the fear overwhelmed me.

    They can be for many reasons and I was actually looking for the creaky door video that sounds like it is saying a few words, but didn't find it quick enough so ended up with the one above.


    Vermin, birds, wildlife in or on the roof, in the walls, stuck in the chimney, under the floor, you name it is can get in where you don't think it can. I've had something scratching away in various points inside the kitchen wall in a previous house, probably a bat or bird fell down in the cavity wall. If you've had mice in the loft then they like to make a lot of muffled bumps in the night.

    Heat stress. Materials expand and contract at different rates and depending on the weather etc can make some weird noises like bangs and groans.

    Load stress. Buildings can shift and settle. Changes in weather, water level, the ground drying out locally maybe due to felling a large tree, subsidence etc etc can all cause havoc with a buildings stress levels and can cause cracking etc. yes you may even hear it.

    Drains. Same goes for drains they can make some nice guttural noises too.

    So unless you are hearing morse code or getting 2 knocks for YES on demand, or intelligible conversation audible to a group of sane people who are not straining to make static sound like its saying "leave us alone" then just put it down to weird but normal noises eh.

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