Where else to go.I sticking up for the WTS.

by joe134cd 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    I would rather
    There are good churches out there, I found one where I feel spiritually inspired. Sure every church has some problems, but how do they handle problems? Do the hide their problems and lie about their history? Do they shun those who ask questions or bring up problems? Do they claim to be the only route to salvation? Do they forbid you from visiting others churches? Do they tell you to shun family members? All these things the WTBTS does, that most churches do not. These are all signs of a high control religion and these things are destructive to their members.

    It is belief in the sacrifice of Jesus that will save you, not a publishing company. Read the bible, do your research, and find a church that supports you. That is far more important than whether they believe Jesus died on a cross or a stake (spoiler alert, they lied about that).

  • heathen

    most other religions all you have to do is believe in the trinity and you're good to go .The WTBTS runs an extreme control church , they want members to obey the publishing corporation without question even tho they lie all the time , let's just call a spade a spade there . If you present something as a, "truth", then change it later it was not a truth ,Their brainwashing goes to the point of cognizant dissonance . They need to admit they lie to sell members magazines and appear progressive and not dogmatic when in fact they even waffle back and forth several times on one issue . From what I see they claim a very pious possition as the FDS dogma shows thus claiming a channel of communication of dispensing the spiritual food at the proper time and that would involve holy spirit of which when asked we get a cute little word game from them, they claim no spirit inspiration but merely direction , IT'S THE SAME THING .. look up inspiration in websters ...geeze. The spirit cannot lie but exposes lies , interpretations belong to GOD .

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    Lets look at this a bit objectively. All religions claim to have God's blessing. If God came would he really pick one over the others? All religions fall horribly short and thus can't speak for mankind. Only mankind can speak for themselves. Consider the precendent - Christ came and never said any of the religions of his time had God's blessing, if he comes again what would he really say? 1st century is not that much different to ours. I figure he would do exactly the same again. No man made human religion has the right to place themselves between you and your Creator. Enjoy your life to the fullest and do't think for one minute that any religion has God's backing - check out the track record.

  • unstopableravens

    jgnat, women pastors we talked about that, your own links gave more than enough to show its not biblical, my point is alot of churches do not hold to the bible, many are seeker friendly, instead of talking about sin, hell, and repentance, they talk about tolerance of anyones lifestyle, and having your best life now, many dont talk about the need to be born again and surrending there lives to christ.

  • mrsjones5

    Nut didnt fall far from the tree...

  • jgnat

    So you thought you won that debate, did you, unstopable?

  • unstopableravens

    nope, i dont debate like its a basketball game, i just try to stick to the bible and not force the bible to conform to what i want it to say, i always like talking with you jgnat!

  • redvip2000

    It is because of this typical mindset that thousands upon thousands of active JWs continue to associate despite seeing the evident errors of the Watchtower society.

    The insistence that if you want to serve God and be a christian, you have no choice but to shop around for a group of humans who bought a building to meet, and call themselves a church.

    This need not be. Afterall, a religion (or denomination) is simply a man who thought his interpretation of the bible was better and got people to start following him. Under this scenario, how would any of these groups be completely correct? Clealy none is.

    The idea that in order to serve God, you must do it in a church, is as true as saying that breakfast has to be in a bowl.

    However, many like the idea of going to church. The issue then, knowing that none is totally accurate, is finding one that doesn't force you to conform to every single belief, but instead allows you to enjoy christian association while conceding that you may have your own understanding on many things.

    And this is why mainstream christian churches while flawed like all the others, are reasonably good to be a part of. They don't force you to believe anything, and allow you to have healthy association with other God fearing people.

  • Ding

    Not all churches have the same doctrines, so they're not all the same in that regard.

    Also, unlike the WTS and other cults, most churches don't claim to be God's only channel and DF you or shun you if you disagree with their leaders about something.

  • Heaven

    Where else to go?

    Plant a garden, preferrably a community permaculture garden where people who are poverty stricken live. It will be much more rewarding than spending time looking for a church that suits you.

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