Where else to go.I sticking up for the WTS.

by joe134cd 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    Forgive me if I am addressing something other than what you are discussing, LV and Fernando... but think of the churches in Revelation as the church = body... of Christ. So the words were to the Body of Christ (the people) who were IN all those different physical places. And yes, the Body gathered together as they could. They were one church/one body... but just in different physical places. Later Peter also addresses those who are scattered about different places. Of course, I am reminded that the admonition 'do not forsake the gathering of ourselves' (the gathering of the body)... as meaning do not forsake the gathering of others TO the Body of Christ. Not just meeting together, though this is done as well.

    My Lord has also reminded me to share that gathering/meeting together... as the Body/church... is not the problem. The problem comes when people take their focus OFF Christ... so that one looks AWAY from HIM; hence away from the Truth... and teaches others to do the same, placing their gaze instead upon something else. They are then gathered in their own name, and not His. (though they might argue otherwise) Then those gathered together are looking at men, traditions, doctrines, images, buildings, rules, idols; all the same things that the previous system of worship had done, just dressed up under a new name. Those are all things people can see... rather than faith and Spirit. Those are things that are worshipping by sight... rather than in spirit and Truth. Those are things that make the church... into just a building.

    The Body does not point to itself or to anything or anyone... other than to Christ, as the Truth and the Life, and the one to whom you should turn.

    One lie might seem to be less harmful than another lie... but it is still a lie. If you are looking for the Truth - whether it is the answer that you want to hear or not - then Christ is the one to WHOM you must go. (as Fernando and Julia and others - forgive me for forgetting who else, have already so eloquently stated) Then HE can lead you to His Body, or to whomever/wherever He wants you to be. Seek Him and the Kingdom first... then the rest shall be given to you.

    Peace to all,


  • Fernando

    Thanks for sharing Tammy.

    Yes, I agree.

    When our family fellowships with believers (from all walks of life and from various previous pursuations) we try to pursue "unity in Christ" rather than "unity in doctrine". Whilst our gatherings are far from perfect we have never had squabbles over doctrine despite differing views.

    Greetings, blessings, peace and love to you and yours


  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Terry, "Does Jehovah Need A Fan Club?" ROFLMAO!!!

    JWs think they are the only ones who know the name of the Tetragrammaton and worship Jehovah exactly as Moses was able to. Their claim to be Christians is easily dismissed when you realize the true nature of the First Century Christians and their stellar conduct.

    Compare the ancient First and Second Century conduct to modern Jehovah's Witnesses from the Watchtower Organization and how do they resemble their "claimed" fore-fathers?

  • LV101

    Tammy --- What a pleasant surprize and was hoping I'd bump into one of your posts. Thank you for your insight and answer. Makes sense how I became involved with the W/Tower --- I wasn't led by Christ but by brainwashing.


  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Tammy I get chills when I read your posts, you always bring meat to the Christian Buffets, thank you for sharing!

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    Hey Joe, I see you have not been posting for very long, Welcome!! A lot of good thoughts here. I do not know you, dont know how much studying you have done how long you have been associated with Jehovahs witnesses. So all I can do is share what helped me and still continues to help. First it seems this scripture gets overlooked quite often.

    John 4: 20 Our forefathers worshiped in this mountain; but YOU people say that in Jerusalem is the place where persons ought to worship.” 21 Jesus said to her: “Believe me, woman, The hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will YOU people worship the Father. 22 YOU worship what YOU do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation originates with the Jews. 23 Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.”

    Please, Please notice carefully what Jesus told her, Not in this mountain or in that mountain. He was referring to a established means of worship. It was going to be done away with. As humans we find it a matter of pride to be woshiping at a big huge temple, and established "Mountain" . Heb 13: 13 NLB says"So let us go out to Him outside the camp and bare the disgrace he bore." Also note how Abraham was to also leave the established city and take up dwelling in tents. outside of the established means of comfort and security, It takes much faith and reliance on God and Christ to do this. It can be illustrated like this. If a ship is anchored at a dock, what purpose does the ship serve? NONE!! in order for the ship to be of any value it must be out to sea, and what is out at sea? danger. But with a good and experienced captain the ship can fulfill its purpose. You must be your own Captain. Study and studying will give you the skills necessary to be a succesful Christian. In my 40 plus years as a JW I have come to learn that not many JWs truly do any studying, or pondering on what they are learning from the bible. I did and that is why I am here where I am. The Jehovahs witnesses can no longer fulfill my spiritual needs, neither can they fill the spiritual needs of my family. It takes alot of trust and faith in God to worship outside of an established church. May God and Christ kindly give you what you are searching for. Peace my Brother

    Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever )

    ah is coming, who is called Christ.

  • tec

    Thank you Fernando, and LV. It is good to talk with you both also. I am sorry that I have not been around lately. I am working on something that is keeping me busy at the moment, even from my own forum. I did feel compelled to take a peek the last couple of days though ;)

    Makes sense how I became involved with the W/Tower --- I wasn't led by Christ but by brainwashing.

    Yes, I can relate to that.

    Remember too that the wts holds itself up as a light... and has just enough truth in it to appeal to those who are seeking the Truth. (pointing out the lies in others is one way to do that) Unlike the Truth though... who is the Light... and who sets people free; the wts is a false light and instead throws chains around those who come into it. (Though Christ has called many out of her, and so has set them free)

    Peace and love to both of you,


  • tec

    Tammy I get chills when I read your posts, you always bring meat to the Christian Buffets, thank you for sharing!

    Wow, well.. thank you, ArbolesdeArabia!

    I, however, only know what our Lord has taught me and allowed me to see and hear, so as TO share with you. I am grateful to be able to do so. I am also learning, as I am sharing.

    Peace and love to you,


  • LV101

    Good scripture/post, BrotherHawk. Been many yrs. since I read Ray Franz' books (maybe In Search of Spiritual Freedom) but he discusses one having to go outside the camp and leave religion behind. His disfellowshipped status led to freedom --- more ways than one.

    On the other hand the scripture Tammy stated about not forsaking the gathering (or gathering others to Christ as she indicated) still leaves me questioning. I think the community, support, friendship, Bible studies, etc., some religious insitutions offer is good. I know I personally didn't feel any of this at the w/tower.

  • tec

    There is fellowship here as well. Sharing and receiving and strengthening between those who belong to and/or are seeking Christ... be that in person or by another means of fellowship: on-line, over the phone, in letters, in spirit. Regardless, Christ is always with those who belong to Him, so those who belong to Him are never alone.

    The important thing to remember is to seek Christ first... and all else will be given.



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