“New light” Watchtower magazine leaked from organization weeks ahead of general release

by cedars 211 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sd-7

    Wow. Okay, I guess I'll have to pour myself a tall glass of something and dissect this one later. Quite a lengthy discussion, cedars, but impressive. I skimmed a lot of it, particularly intrigued by the insider stuff about Rutherford. What's funny is that even looking at his picture in the Proclaimers book as a teenager, I had this thought, "He looks kinda evil...like he would be a jerk or something." Even the JW recounting of the transition, in my mind, was deeply troubling back when I read it.

    But...I don't know. I have a feeling this issue is going to spawn like, soooooooo many new threads. Ha ha ha...isn't it funny? The Society seems to have us as its most avid followers, in a sick sort of way. Maybe I should stop reading their stuff and move on, but...it's like a car wreck, man! I can't stop staring at it!


  • sd-7

    that slave has been closely associated with the Governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses

    Come on, guys. Don't you know bullsh-- words when you read them? "Closely associated with" is Watchtowerese for "the same as". Let's fix this sentence:

    "...that slave has been the same as the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses."



  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Sd-7, I agree, that's what I thought it meant.

  • cedars

    Thanks again everyone!

    I've decided to make a small update to my article under the heading "A selection that has already been made"

    One of the paragraphs about the "evil slave" now reads as follows...

    Meanwhile, the Governing Body neatly sidesteps Christ's warning about the "evil slave." An unnamed "scholar" makes a brief cameo, and is quoted as saying: "for all practical purposes [the evil slave warning] is a hypothetical condition." (bold and brackets mine) The writer thus dismisses the entire portion of scripture, declaring further on in the box that the Governing Body "has continued to keep on the watch and to provide nourishing spiritual food."

    I feel it's important to note that the word "hypothetical" is used to describe the part of the scripture about the evil slave. It's shocking that they can pull an unnamed scholar out of the woodwork when it suits them to dismiss a scripture as irrelevant, but everything else must be taken literally.


  • gingerbread

    Konceptual and The Quiet One : I wouldn't have believed it either if I hadn't heard it with my own ears. A couple of years ago I wouldn't have heard it (like most in the audience I suspect) because I would of been nodding off or thinking about getting out of the parking lot asap. It's amazing - if you are still "in" - what you will hear and read if you pay attention (scrutinizing) to the spoutings from the platform, website and printed page.

    I've thought more about this new "idea" of the F&DS. I remember always that the Governing Body represented the larger F&DS "class." Now it seems that the GB or F&DS has decided that they represent Jesus - for all humanity - but most importantly to maximize their authority over Jehovah's Witnesses - young and old.

  • suavojr

    BU2B I sent you a PM

  • label licker
    label licker


    you have compiled what seventy men in watchtowers writing department could never do. This has awakened more of my braincells that I never knew I had. The wheels are turning like when I was first learning the bible. Which by the way leads me into this question if you don't mind answering it


    My hat goes off to you and others for displaying such loyalty to the real truth! Helping those that are hungering for truth and helping them trying to find it. I've never had at the same time such mixed emotions of relief, happiness, such sadness, loss of friends and family, finding new friends ect,,, It's quite the roller coaster ride but it was well worth gaining back my selfworth, freewill and sanity.

    Thank you a whole bunch

  • Farkel


    Pithy you are not.


  • Gorbatchov

    Thanks Cedars for this information. JWD readers are best informed!

    It's unbelievable and shocking to see how the Watchtower Society changes historical untruths into other untruths.

    How can someone changes the past with only "Ideas" instead of facts.

    The leadership / CO's of the Watchtower movement have disqualified themselves.

    They are realy false. It's a fake religion.

    It's a fake religion, i'm still a part of it, sometimes, nd this hurts, my family is generaton after generation (5th) a JW. We can not walk away without consequenses.

    So, leadership, listen: know that many JW's are still in the audience, but we hate you and hate your ideas and don't support your fake religion and lies anymore. This all will stop sometime. Prepare for that.

    A sick and frutstrated Gorby

  • cedars


    Pithy you are not.

    Lol! Unfortunately, neither are the Watchtower! I was commenting on four study articles rather than just one, and with so much riding on it I figured I might as well roll my sleeves up and write a comprehensive analysis rather than just a handful of highlights. I could have perhaps spread it over three or four articles but I thought it would be better to get it all out at once. That way, people can have all the information available and just read what they want in their own time.

    label licker

    I'm so glad the articles were helpful to your awakening. Feedback like yours makes the whole thing worthwhile!


    Like many Witnesses I had A LOT of cognitive dissonance. I figured out at the age of 19/20 that something wasn't right, and that certain prophecies didn't make sense. However, I submitted to the Society's "wait on Jehovah" reasoning and allowed emotional issues and family expectations to cloud my judgment. It was only a completely unexpected chain of events that broke me free, which I'm writing about in my book.


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