2012 Memorial Partakers--12,604!

by Atlantis 124 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • punkofnice

    DATA-DOG - Yes I do care about people. I feel so sorry for those stuck in such a dangerous cult.

    Bloondie - Oooh, Denis, doobee dooo. Yes. They have stuck doggedly to the literal 144,000 idea despite the illogical nature of doing so. I just wonder 'if' and my mind goes in to overdrive.

    12,604 Hahahahahahahahahaha LEGEND!!!!

  • prologos

    blondi: thank you. you underline the word "companion" twice.

    Why do they (WT BtS) make this unfortunate choice of words?

    In my logos -orientated mind the the root thought in COMPANION is PANE, PAIN = BREAD in italien, french, it stands for

    the Friends that break, eat bread together. so: if they lived up to their terminalogy,

    They could clean this whole mess up by letting all partake. but that means

    to acknowledge that they have constructed a doctrinal house build in violation of the building code and

    people will get out with their valuables befor the tremors start.

    peace to the free

  • Finkelstein

    Since the WTS. has come forward saying that many of the anointed partaking today are mentally delusional, perhaps this spurred on the proclamation

    that it would be better to make the GB the FDSL, rather than people who are mentally challenged ?

    Cant have god's holy spirit channeled to people on earth who are recognized as having mental problems

    and who are a group of people growing in numbers.

    The WTS and its leading members have always been carefully concerned about their own apparent perceived identity

    in the public eyes, haven't they ?

  • shamus100

    Back when I was in and the number first started reversing, going back up that is, I questioned it. Of course the answer was that some of the anointed even fall away and lose faith, so they have to be replaced. Which makes no f'g sense whatsoever.

    Oh sure it does! It's called pre-destination. Of course jehovah witnesses skydaddy doesn't believe in it but jobie nitwits let sky-daddy do it all the time. If it doesn't make sense, just make it up. It just works! :D

  • Sulla

    I think Quendi has this spot-on. Huge problem: everybody thinks they're annointed now, that's supposed to make them important; what do we do? Simple, make it so they're not important any longer. Step 1: only the GB are FDS. Step 2: annointed isn't a literal number, so feel the spirit all you want!

    It is a genuine puzzle, to me anyhow, why the number of partakers has been increasing so dramatically. I mean, it's been going on for a long time, in real terms, since the number never went down below 8,000 or so when it clearly should have. But to see the number actually increase like this.. weird.

  • shamus100

    Oh the reason is the entire premise that it's the 'true' religion is a crock of shit, end of story. Window washers need to feel important, Sulla. Think of them. Think... of.... THEM....

    Or maybe this is just Satan trying to test us!!! OH BAAL, WHY HAVE YOU FORSOOKEN ME??? ;P

  • prologos

    Or, the increase is those that formerly baked their own wafers and popped their own korks and go at it AFTER the do is over, getting tired of the work and just eat and drink as the good stuff is handed to them at the ceremony.

    were not Franz and Dunlap terminated in part for after-hour eating and drinking of the emblems?


    Oh the reason is the entire premise that it's the 'true' religion is a crock of shit, end of story. Window washers need to feel important, Sulla. Think of them. Think... of.... THEM....

    Or maybe this is just Satan trying to test us!!! OH BAAL, WHY HAVE YOU FORSOOKEN ME??? ;P

    The WTBTS is corrupt. Wanting to be important or prominent has nothing to do with it for me.

  • tiki

    hahhaahahha - getting bigger and better all the time!!!! this is a riot, truly!

  • emperorslaundrist

    i wanted to be anointed
    i remember my reading of the NT when i realized that most of it didn't apply to me.
    Jesus was such a cool guy, i was eaten up with jealousy that these loonies get to go to heaven to be his bride, to have true wisdom and understanding, to talk to him whenever they wanted. "They get to be with Jesus" i thought over and over at the memorials.
    but Jesus never wanted me, it's ok tho he doesn't want plenty of nice people to be in his exclusive club. crazy thinking, eh?

    sooo, yes, crazy people like me who took the doctrine seriously would totally partake. Wanting to feel special is probably a big part of it, being a JW is to be totally irrelevant and replaceable.

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