2012 Memorial Partakers--12,604!

by Atlantis 124 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • moshe

    You, too, could hear the call from heaven, if you had the right equipment!

  • james_woods
    I honestly think the days of the wordwide report are numbered, period - never mind the memorial figures.
    They're now down to 1.9% world growth and the Society is starting to get into an intriguing game of limbo. How low can they go before they pull the plug?

    I think that the only thing keeping them publishing these awful numbers are a sense of tradition, and the simple fact that nobody has come up with a convincing reason to give for putting an end to publishing them.

  • BluesBrother

    So then, at least 1000 more dubs (allowing for inevitable deaths), and probably more, have decided that the heavenly calling was for them.

    Were they newbies, converted from charismatic churches ?

    Were they longstanding Witnesses who had harboured the hope of life on a paradise Earth but come to believe that something different was in their heart? What made them change and give up the idea of an arable life with family and friends under their "vine and fig tree"? I wonder how their thought process would have worked? It is said by the WTS that when reading the Bible it becomes clear. The words of Jesus have a special meaning and when he spoke of heavenly things, the "anointed" say "that is for me"

    If they are experienced and sincere then they must be really sure, for to partake wrongly would be a sin and an embarrassment if they stopped in future. I know of some older ones who despair of the simplicity of the current literature and hark back to the more complex style of the old books. They feel left out of the Ipad progress that is now being pushed forward by the WTS, perhaps they feel kinship with the leaders and anointed ones of the past, that they remember. Perhaps it is a way of expressing their perceived "spirituality "without appearing a dinosaur in the congregation?

    Or of course they might just be unbalanced

    NB Did I ever mention a Bro that I knew well? He was mentally challenged...but O K as long as he stayed on his meds. One year he surprisingly partook! "Come off it D....." we told him. He was not counted in the report and a few weeks later he confessed that he did not feel that way any more. I wonder current congs have the same pragmatic attitude?


    Wha Happened, NO I WAS NOT DF'D!! It could have easily gone that route had I not been encourage by many on this forum to calm down and lay low. I had to just shut up in the end. I was not ready to have my family life as I know it destroyed. I had many conversations with Raypublisher and decided to chill for a while.

    I was very careful to use WTBTS's own literature and to site every single reference in my letters to the BOE. The CO's response according to the BOE " He is not an apostate yet..but is dangerously close to becoming one.. BTW, remove all his " privileges ". The real crime was saying that the GB and the WT articles are not infallible and that I do not give unconditional trust to any human being. Using the " Superior Authorities " flip-flops as an example is probably what grabbed the CO's attention. No modern day, WT and AWAKE reading, devoted DUB would have a clue about anything pre-CD library at my age. This was a red flag for a 60 something CO who probably has doubts of his own. 11th hour workers are viewed with contempt.

    I am still in. I am not in the best standing. It will only deteriorate with time because I will not recant.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    1.9% world growth is getting awfully close to no growth at all, and this is including all the poorer countries where they are baptizing by the dozen.

    Be prepared for another change on how a publisher is counted.

    Publishers who haven't turned in time all year but attend meetings. Counted as they are not df'd

    Publishers in a coma. Counted as they are not df'd.

    Publishers who DA'd themselves. Counted as it wasn't approved by the GB. Sorry u are still in.

    Let's see what the crazy guys from NY come up with this year

  • Finkelstein

    The implied insinuation that some of the anointed are mentally off, shows the arrogance and discretionary lack of respect for people who

    they themselves have lure toward their organization.

    Would this kind of insinuation come forward years ago prior to the noted increase ? hardly

  • wasblind

    OOOHHHH!! Hamster Bait, you are probably right! As years pass, and some die off, and others leave, they will sneak some changes in. The even less educated foreign speaking converts will never bat an eye when 1914 is dissolved. They already have no clue of anything pre-1914.______DATA DOG

    Ain't gonna fly DATA DOG

    Not as long as there's a May 15 , 1984 WT to be found

    seem like the only ones bein' detroyed were the ones

    goin' D2D passin' out the very things they now have to refute

    Ain't that a mess !!!! And they still used the Reasoning from the Scriptures book that backs up that very magazine


  • NeverKnew

    So, I sent a JW a text message letting him know that I'm going to be asking some questions about the new 2012 yearbook numbers. Included in my questions will be the number of partakers rising. The response I got was:

    "Eight souls were saved in Noah's time. The increase or decrease of the organization is irrelevant to me. That's up to Jehovah..."

    Wth do I do with that?

    Does this translate to, "I didn't know that there was a correlation between partakers and Armageddon and I don't remember a meeting that explained the WT's stance."

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Wth do I do with that?

    Print it on a roll of toilette paper and put it to good use

  • 00DAD

    wha happened? - Presenting articles from the WT makes u an apostate?

    No, thinking and asking questions does!

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