Balaam, did you hear of the young Circuit Overseer in Arcadia, Ca with a women in every congregation? Single man claimed he had conquered thirty-six sisters, some of his fornication created "New World Society" members. This CO decades ago tried to convince the sisters to have abortions. Why do JWs think their guys are any different than "ancient Isreal?", because the Watchtower lies and say's we "live in a spiritual paradise with the best people in the World" with no evidence to prove their point.
Five years ago in Thousand Oaks area, a "substitute circuit overseer" with the brighest future fell to fleshly temptations.
May I ask a question, why do you make the presumption this brother in England has any more insight than Ray Franz or Sam Dunlap, Billy-the-Ex-Bethelite, Cedars, "James Wood", "blondie", "Terry", Dogpatch", "Grumpy", "Ray Publisher", "Balaam", SolomonGrundy", and "Juan Viejo"?
We know what goes on in the Organization, we have "men of fame" and "women of fame" on JWN who know the inner "workings" of the Organization. It reminds me of the Jews telling Jesus Christ "We want a sign!" even though Jesus spoke the truth, performed mircales and gave the poor comfort. JWN has delivered more deep hidden information in the most timely manner but it's not enough, you think there's some deeper meaning out there, than JWN members have brought forward. JMHO.