Should We Worship Jesus?

by Perry 229 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    I did check the verses and they were of course familiar.

    I was asking you to explore a bit. I know you don't have all the answers but that doesn't mean you can't push the boundaries of what you can know.

    It has been asserted that the resurrected Jesus ate food. So a glorified body has a digestive system including an anus so they can defecate and they would need to fart and pee.

    But you have also asserted that the resurrected Jesus has no blood which makes all of that impossible.

    It means he does not need a heart or lungs or an anus or a penis and yet you insist he is a man.

    The problem is you believers want to make bold assertions but when somebody asks you to look at the implications of your assertions you want to retreat back to the safety of mysteries. Sometimes like Pterist you want to mix that up with a bit of pseudoscience to make it sound more credible. Pterist even reverted to the christian persecution complex by falsely claiming I was making personal attacks - a claim he will neither support nor apologise for.

    Does this sort of behaviour remind you of anything? How did we respond as JWs when people asked a few logical questions about the "paradise" and living forever?

  • unstopableravens

    cofty: pay attentionlol i can not speak for any other believer christain muslim etc.. all i can speak for is myself. i can only tell you what the bible says anything beyond that is speculation, sense you know those verse than you should also know my you can

  • Knowsnothing

    Lol Cofty, I know you are going to hate me for this one, but I'm giving them a get out of jail free card. Jesus has anincorruptible/corruptible - spiritual/physical body. Nothing to see here folks, nothing to see.

    P.S. When Jesus asked Thomas to poke his wounds, wouldn't that essentially be Jesus admitting he did have corruption on his body? I wouldn't call a physical body with wounds incorruptible.

  • Pterist

    Personal put downs:

    Just admit you are making stuff up

    You only make yourself look silly

    The You makes it personal .. Shalom
  • cofty

    i can only tell you what the bible says

    But for the reasons I explained above when you think through what the bible says you are led to some outrageous conclusions that are only excusable in a pre-scientific world.

    Taking refuge in "its a mystery" is just a refusal to think.

  • cofty
    Jesus has anincorruptible/corruptible - spiritual/physical body. - Knowsnothing

    I have not the slightest clue what you are trying to say.

    Pterist you claimed I made personal attacks and now you offer two examples.

    1 - Just admit you are making stuff up

    When asked how cells could exist without respiration you rambled something vague about quantum theory. This is making stuff up. If its not then please explain it succinctly in your own words.

    This in no way way a personal attack.

    2 - You only make yourself look silly

    When stumped for a sensible answer to simple question you retorted with the old canard "don't be angry with god". My reply "you only make yourself look silly" was a dispassionate and accurate statement not a personal attack.

  • Knowsnothing
    I have not the slightest clue what you are trying to say. - Cofty

    Yes, Cofty. That is the genius of belief. That ever so subtle slight of hand, without being one in the mind of the believer.

    Anyways, back to apologist mode. Why couldn't Jesus' body be just the ultimate preservation, like plastination, except allowing movement? As for Jesus eating fish and subsequently metabolizing them, who says they had to be metabolized? He's freaking magic, Cofty, magic! As for neurology and thought process, just subject your inquiries through the same line of thought, namely, Jesus is magic!

    Here is the point, Cofty. Do you believe Jesus can make a round square or a four corner circle? Once you realize this is possible for Jesus, then you can believe in him. You can truly believe in the impossible. Try it. It's refreshing.

  • cofty

    At last an answer that doesn't pretend to make sense!

    I can go to sleep happy now thank you. night night.

  • Pterist

    Cofty ****When asked how cells could exist without respiration you rambled something vague about quantum theory. This is making stuff up. If its not then please explain it succinctly in your own words*****

    Science is not my subject, however, when one reads the exciting discoveries in science, it all seems to go back to that the GLUE of the universe is Gods eternal Spirit....My reference to Christ bloodless body being resurrected in Gods Power to fulfill scripture and our only hope to escape our mortality and death, is that Power.

    Example .....not made someone else on cell activity.

    One of the key words in the Colossians passage above ("...and in Christ all things hold together") is the Greek word sunistemiwhich means "to stand-together," "to be compacted together," "to cohere," "to be constituted with." This passage can be applied to the structure of the atom, for example. The nucleus of every atom is held together by what physicists call "weak" and "strong" forces. (Physicists today are familiar with four basic forces in the natural world: gravity, electrical forces, a "strong," and a "weak" nuclear force which act at very short ranges. The first two forces decrease in strength inversely with the square of the distance between two objects. Recently two additional close-range, weak gravitational forces have been suggested. These are thought to be quantum mechanical corrections to Newton's Law of Gravitation.)

    You are being silly. .. was a dispassionate and accurate statement not a personal attack.....OK , turn the other cheek, no biggy !


  • unstopableravens

    cofty i glad you got an answer to ur question. i guess a goofy question get a goofy answer.

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