Should We Worship Jesus?

by Perry 229 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    What would the answers to these questions mean to you? If nothing, then your question is insincere and insulting. - Neverknew

    Not insincere at all. Its just easier for believers to dismiss my questions as insincere so they don't have to address them. They are genuine questions that should make you think about the implications of your assertions.

    Nowhere does the bible claim that Jesus' body is bloodless.

    Yes Jesus bled on the cross but where does it say that all of his blood was drained from his body?

    Yes he gave his life and the life is in the blood. But according to you he got his life back when he was raised from the dead, so why didn't he get his blood back?

    Yes the bible says "flesh and blood cannot inherit....." but that is simply a metaphor, it is what is called idiom. Do some research on the Greek.

    So where does this ridiculous idea come from that Jesus has a bloodless human body?

    A bloodless body has no need of a heart or lungs, no digestive system, no anus, no bladder or penis. These are the inescapable conclusions of claiming he has a bloodless body.

    Jesus the man was fully human was he not? He ate, defecated, farted and burped like any other human did he not?

    After his resurrection did he not eat to prove he was human? Didn't he show off his wounds to prove he still had exactly the same body that went into the tomb?

    So between Jesus' resurrection and his ascension he ate, defecated, farted and burped like any other human did he not?

    Contrary to Pterist's assertion nowhere does the bible support the claim that Jesus was " LATER TRANSFIGURED as A NEW CREATION, at his assension" - why all the upper-case?

    Jesus simply ascended into the clouds. So if Jesus went to heaven with the same body that came out the tomb then Jesus still eats, defecates, farts and burps in heaven.

    If Jesus body was changed on the way to heaven i t would be nothing more than a deception, something that is 100% non-human in a human shape but to call it human is meaningless.

    A bloodless body is as far from human as it is possible to be for the reasons I have explained above.

    So please don't hide from simple challenges by dismissing the person who asks them.

    Pterist - I'm going to just ignore your childish insults. Try to focus.

  • unstopableravens

    cofty: the term flesh in blood means sinful humans. if you want me to expand ona that later i can. jesus was not imperfect. and even if it was literal ,as i mentioned and other mentioned at luke 24:36-39 he said he is flesh and bone. i do not believe he has blood now,reason a none glorified human bodys life is in the blood,a glorifeid body does not.

  • cofty

    the term flesh in blood means sinful humans

    Exactly! Its an example of idiom, not to be taken literally. If I say Pterist has a "chip on his/her shoulder" I don't mean it literally.

    Just becasue Jesus referred to his flesh and bone doesn't mean he didn't have blood. That is reading into the text soemthing that isn't there.

    "The life is in the blood" is a metaphor. As an ex-JW who has studied the whole blood isuse you should know that.

    You haven't addressed any of the implications of your assertion that I explained above.

  • unstopableravens

    cofty : i have answered you about ten times bro! the bible says what he is like we dont know but we know we will be like him. so you and me both agree that when you read into the text you cant be sure! me personally i believe jesus is in physical body the one that died on the cross and it was glorified.your asking something that cant have a sure answer,i dont know id jesus fart lol maybe thats the fog we get in the mornings i dont know.

  • cofty

    the bible says what he is like we dont know

    But that doesn't stop you making fanciful assertions about bloodless human bodies.

  • unstopableravens

    john 5 :26

  • cofty

    And how does that address anything I have asked? Please don't resort to proof-texting.

  • unstopableravens

    well we need blood to live ,all im saying is seems that jesus does not need blood maybe he does still have blood,but i dont think,hence thats why i keep saying we will know in the future. why dont you asks lars if he has blood if he farts and about an ercetion? im sure christ is online he just posted a topic recently.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Quick question.... is God a spirit?

  • unstopableravens

    quick answer: the father is

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