Kingdom Consolidation and Sales are coming – Reliable Source

by thedepressedsoul 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Scully

    Clearly they are looking for ways to liquidate property and bring money in to the coffers.

    Consolidating Congregations™ and forcing the sale of Kingdom Halls™ that are outdated or in poor repair not bringing in enough money is a way to get rid of the dead wood and dump the penny pinchers on to wealthier KHs.

    It's expensive to maintain a pedophile defense fund these days. 

  • Finkelstein

    The calcuaklting fraud we been playing toward the public is starting to catch up to us, we better cash in while we can.  $$$    


  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    When this shit starts hitting the fan expect this discussion forum and the many others to get real busy. This if it is really true shows how desperate they really are which should be expected after all these years of mismanagement by these clueless CEOs(past and present) who are hoping for Armageddon to come and they get glorified/ or a promotion by that big guy in the sky.

    Well it looks like they a resorting to plan B instead of waiting on Jehovah to miraculously provide the money for all these lawsuits or some how untangle their mess they got into following his 2 witness rule instructions. 

  • joe134cd
    Broke back watchtower= There is little doubt in my mind that financial troubles looming. I dear say what has probably accelerated this is the threat of possible abuse law suites. I remember back in the day when they purposely built the new bethel to big for its purpose in this country in order to make way for future expansion.  Just recently that same bethel was sold and consolidated with one overseas. Basically just under  $US44million left this countries shores with out any questions been raised, or justification of where the money was going. It just makes me sick of how they are taking advantage of people's good nature to flip property.  I personally know of a KH that with in the space of 7 years had 2 refurbishments to it.  The second refurbishment was a total strip out. After this it was soon noticed that the Hall was inadequate for purpose. It was then quickly sold and a new one built. I was so blinded at the time, I just couldn't see it. Now I just think what a fool 
  • JWdaughter
    I think they are going to slightly consolidate(lose the nastiest buildings and see how much folks will put up with-test the waters), build up more than they need to (cost is no object we want to be convenient toeveryone so that no one has to suffer to get to the meetings!!) and make everyone happy with pretty new buildings then seriously consolidate(a created crisis or imagined persecution-basements may become involved), getting rid of many of the fine, new buildings at a profit as they were built with donated labor. Elsewhere on this board we heard of how they are going to build buildings that had more street appeal (commercially viable in good areas!) It really all makes sense from a business standpoint, since they are, after all, a business to make money.
  • jwfacts

    Now that they are no longer pulling a profit from their publishing company, they are looking to real-estate as their lifeblood. What better way to grow capital than to get a 8 million people spending all their spare time doing volunteer building work, and donating to the cost of upgrades.


  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    Boy it looks like the GB due to bad business management(spurning Higher Education), and wishful thinking have gotten into quite a financial mess and now plan to milk the Rank and File for what ever they can get, let them drive their uneducated asses to 'tin buck two' going to the Kingdom Hall as long as they are gullible enough will get them for every penny we can squeeze out of them seems to be the new Governing Body's mode of operation, for these blood suckers of humanity.
  • Blackfalcon98
    Very good thread. Sadly, the R &F will eat this up as Jah's organization on the move. It was once noted how excited uber dubs get about being given the "privilege" of working slaving on these various projects.....This isn't even much about religion, only activity to promote an organization. An organization that does nothing for the people who form the organization.
  • Kanon

    Well seeing how low real-estate is in the states right now, I always said if you had a nice chunk of money to buy some up and hold it till prices started to climb again you would become filthy rich. 

    So collect all the money from Congregations world wide.

    Liquidate property that will not have maximum yield in the future.

    Take all the money and buy up all the cheap prime real-estate you can.

    Shuffle congregations to these new property's to cover the running costs. 

    Wait till the US market gets better and prices go up.


  • respectful_observer
    Just to recap, they are currently looking at every Kingdom Hall and if it’s is outdated, not visible and in a bad location expect to see it for sale in the next year or two. 

    I'm going to speculate and say that added to this group will be any older hall that sits on land that is now very desirable and valuable.  Those kinds of properties are cash cows and will likely net the WTS $1,000,000+ each.  

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