Kingdom Consolidation and Sales are coming – Reliable Source

by thedepressedsoul 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gayle

    I just checked "Yellow Pages" for Arizona. Kingdom Hall listings ( It didn't show double entries for multiple congs.). Showed 142 Kingdom Halls and one Assembly Hall. According to there's about 200 congs. in Arizona (for English & Spanish - about (very approximately), 10 or more for 'small' group congs. of other langs.) So that would be about 1.4 congs. per KH.

    I checked all other U.S. states, through "Yellow Pages" and got 8,255 listings of KHs. I think could be close. That would put 1.7 congs per KH.

  • brandnew

    Pops gave up 5 acres, they said it was to build a kh..with the promise if it didnt happen, the 5 acres would be given back. The congregation is being dissolved, and the 5 acres is up for sale.


  • Driving Force
    Driving Force

    In Germany not far from where I live there is a congregation that bought their own hall 30 years ago. Now what they did was save and take a mortgage from a bank. The building they purchased was adapted for their use on the upper floor and the ground floor was rented by a company. The rent they receive paid the mortgage, after the mortgage was paid back the money they were receiving was more than sufficient to cover all the cost of the building, so it was costing the publisher absolutely nothing.

    Then the bOrg comes along robs the congregation account, and takes over the deed to the building and sells off the building, the congregation are precisely where they were 30 years ago.

    That is brotherly love JW style, sorry GB style.

  • brandnew
    Pops has called his lawyer....☺☺☺☺
  • Magnum
    brandnew, is Pops an active JW?
  • cognac

    Holy crap Brandnew... Magnum- yeah, he's a JW. Brandnew takes him to the meetings all the time.

    That must be going over like a lead balloon...

  • pepperheart
    how trust worthy the borg are
  • rebelfighter

    Brandnew, Magnum, Cognac

    Have you checked to see if your KH been transferred to the Watchtower? I remember in prior threads this was supposed to be done many months ago. Also, do you know how to check the county accessed value of the KH? That is if all of you are in the US.

  • brandnew

    Hey everyone.....sorry its been a lil crazy.....yes pops has been a uber for 43 YEARS...... He had me take the for sale sign down, and we contacted his lawyer. Bad news is that the "PROMISE" to give the land back if it was not going to be used as a new hall....was verbal.

    Pops is livid. These watchtower fucks .,talked a 79 year old man , with alzheimers out of 5 acres of land.....not to mention ALOT of money. All of this happened before i showed up....about a year ago. Just wow 😑

  • cognac

    Holy sh*t, Brandnew. I'd think with his medical records you could fight it?

    Holy crap is that bad...

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