Jwfacts, Why Do You Equate Miracles With Magic?

by Recovery 398 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    Would Almighty God contradict himself and lie on numerous occassions?

    Don't even get me started!

  • wannabefree

    Did jwfacts claim that he was God's channel of communication to all mankind? Has he claimed to be God's prophet among the nations? Does he require the unquestioning allegiance of all that have dedicated themselves to his organization? Does he insist you accept what he said yesterday, today, and will say tomorrow as the truth? I don't know, perhaps I missed that part on his website.

  • Recovery

    To those who are lurking, please go here: http://thesaurus.com/browse/miracle?page=1&qsrc=121 . It is a thesarus that lists all the synonyms and words of similar nature for the word "miracle". These are the type of synonyms you get for miracle: marvel, phenomenon, portent, rarity, spectacle, paradox, wonder, shock, unexpected, unforeseen.." Notice out of more than 400 synonyms you never see the word magic or sorcery.

    Now if you use the same website and you search the thesarus for the word "magic" (http://thesaurus.com/browse/magic?s=t) you never see the word miracle as a synonym. Also, see the type of synonyms that are listed in relation to magic: "psychic, black arts, occult, witchcraft, wizardry, Satanism, demon worship, voo doo, magic spell,.."

    There is an obvious distinction between the two. As if Jehovah's words weren't enough, now we have man telling us there is a big distinction as well. Anyone who refuses to see the difference is just purposely ignoring the evidence.

  • mrsjones5

    Pot meet kettle

  • jwfacts

    Jwfacts says: ""'There is nothing wrong with practicing magic."

    Any reason for the misquote? Maybe you need to start again reading from the beginning, so that you know what you are talking about before making any more ludicrous statements.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    Who should we believe ladies and gentleman?

    It isn't a battle between Jwfacts and Jehovah.

    Even if you succeed in making jwfacts look bad, you still have the problem of a hundred odd years of Jehovah not showing up to perform the Magic/Miracle of killing the non-Jehovah worshiping population of the earth.

    Busy in the privy, is He?

  • Recovery

    Well that is essentially what you said by attempting to justify magic by saying those in the Bible used magic tricks. Now are you going to address my arguments or are you going to continue to sidestep the obvious fallacies in this reasoning?

  • Tylinbrando

    Recovery, it seems you are straining the gnat while swallowing a camel, no? The Sparlock Video is a massive failure, to the point that hundreds of JW parents that I personally know have discreetly discarded the DVD out of sheer embarrassment. Here is an exercise for you. Ask the children in your KH if they have seen the video and what they think about it. Ask them if they have thrown out any of their toys after watching Caleb toss Sparlock. Ask their parents. Nobody is even paying attention to the video! Talk about crickets chirping.

    Actually, I take that back. I don't think you should ever approach any of the children in your KH. I sense some deep seated anger in your posts about the trouble WBTS is having with pedophiles, and you show a marked disdain for the children who have been victimized.

  • mrsjones5

    Me think someone is here only to fight and not to learn.

    Just another apologist with a different name.

  • Finkelstein

    Recovery, in case you didn't notice the bible is full of contradictions and not just about practicing magic.

    One could say there is a semblance of similarity between the two words and their meanings but what you should

    be directing your attention upon is the topic of how the WTS. refers to a child playing their imagination and how the WTS. says this

    is inappropriate thing for a child to do and that is what the article is really trying to bring out .

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