Jwfacts, Why Do You Equate Miracles With Magic?

by Recovery 398 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sizemik
    This is a logical fallacy known as "false analogy". It is defined as: "an argument based upon an assumed similarity between two things, people, or situations when in fact the two things being compared are not similar in the manner invoked."

    I disagree . . . the example given validates the analogy.

    Egyptions . . . priests

    Moses . . . priest

    Egyptians . . . turn staffs into snakes

    Moses . . . turns staff into snake

    Added to that the entire scenario is played out in the same place, at the same time. How similar does it have to be?

    The only difference lies in the belief that the Egyptians used "magic" and Moses used "God's power" When worshippers of the "true god" perform magic it's a "miracle by the power of God" . . . when anybody else does it's "magic"

    To find the logical fallacy requires a well constructed confirmation bias.

  • Recovery

    If you make such an elementary blunder on such a basic Bible topic, can everything on your website truly be regarded as jwFACTS? Why are you better at criticizing WT articles than you are at defending your own writings?

  • Finkelstein

    The fact is Recovery, the bible is full of mystical and magical story telling which is in itself is an expression of imaginative fantasy.

    Its a referential display of the imagination of ancient people who lived a very long time ago.

  • sizemik
    If jwfacts is so blatantly deceptive and misleading when it comes to something as basic as magic/miracles, it makes me call into question everything on their website.

    Google . . . Loaded question, sweeping conclusion, converse fallacy and irrelevant conclusion.

    Heck . . . and I thought you knew what a logical fallacy was?

  • Recovery

    Notice that it says the two things are not similar in the manner INVOKED. Miracles are invoked from God. Magic is invoked from Satan/multiple sources.

    Hopefully this will make people do a little more research before they cut and paste and believe anything willy nilly just because someone who is considered intelligent says so.

    Is jwfacta humble enough to admit he was in error? Will mrsjones5 ever say something that contributes to an argument? Will NewChapter and Finklestein ever believe in Gods word again? Will Outlaw ever tell a funny joke? The world may never know.

  • Recovery

    Well of course I committed a logical fallacy. After reading so much of jwfacts website they are almost second nature to me now. Besides my username doesnt say "recoveryFACTS" and I will readily admit I am wrong when it has been aptly demonstrated. I dont think Paul Grundy has that type of humility though. Maybe that is why he is no longer one of JWs.

  • cedars

    Recovery - jwfacts freely supplies his email address on this website. If you were asking the question for genuine reasons, you could have done so directly. The fact that you wish to make your "research" of JW beliefs so public smacks of attention seeking. Sorry, but it does.


  • sizemik
    It is the source of that supernatural event that places it in the category of either magic or miracle. . . . Recovery

    So if a person believes that source to be one and the same . . . there is no difference for them . . . capice?

    Once you get your head around that . . . you will realise you are simply preaching your own religious superstitions and that Jwfacts is simply stating the jwfacts. The validity of your logical fallacy accusation relies on an invisible deity being established fact. Surely even you can see how fucked up that is.

    Your argument decends even below semantics . . . a new low for intelligent debate.

  • Recovery

    You seem to have trouble making distinctions, as you did with the definition of a false analogy. We are not discussing individual viewpoints. We are discussing the men and women of the Bible and what was thought about magic and miracles. Jwfacts is he who said that numerous Bible characters used magic tricks. However this is false and completely out of harmony with what the Bible teaches on this subject. That is the issue here. Is that too complicated for you? Why dont you have anything of real merit to add to the discussion.

  • Recovery

    Your last statement laced with profanity and over the top adjectives leads me to believe you have an issue wit the supposition of the existence of an almighty God. Does that mean you are an atheist? Does that mean you truly have nothing of merit to add to the discussion besides debate club lessons about logical fallacies?

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